Day 324 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - You Become Conscious When...

Photo by Robin Benad on Unsplash

Photo by Robin Benad on Unsplash

Lesson 324: You Become Conscious When...

You become conscious when you reach heart of connection. You become transcendent when you reach heart of love. This is where the saints, the masters, the ascended live.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to imagine a cup in our minds and this cup is full of love. How much do you see the cup full? Practise this during carrying points of the day and see what messages you receive.

When I looked at my cup, my love looked like a pink shimmery liquid in a tea cup. I could see that it was about 85% full. It’s near the top but not quite. My message was that I am nearly at the point of moving into this transcendent state but I have some more learning to go. I’m nearly there but not quite. The next image was the liquid splashing outwards. I felt like this was something I was to achieve. When I fully reach a heart full of love, then I will be splashing it everywhere for everyone else. I think that’s exciting! To be able to love with a pure heart is something I have always wanted to achieve when I started my spiritual journey. It seems like I’m almost close and will achieve this. I will continue to work on self in order to get there.

What messages did you receive and how full is your cup of love?

Day 312 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Our Dreams Are a State of Consciousness...

Lesson 312: Our Dreams Are a State of Consciousness...

Our dreams are a state of consciousness beyond the consciousness that we are able to hold in waking life. In other words, we are more conscious, we are more in the realm of soul, when we are in our dreams then when we are awake.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to think about what our dreams are telling us about our souls. What messages are you drawing from your dreams. If you aren’t sure, close your eyes now and be informed.

I get the indication that I’m being told to stop worrying about my job situation and just life in general. I think if I can stick with a positive attitude and have good intentions in my life, then it will work out. There’s nothing that I can do but be my best self. It’s about bringing about the inner self through to the outer self.

I think there is so much work to be done for my spiritual path and I am being shown to continue in my studying so that I become as knowledgeable as I can be. The answers that I seek are within the books that I am going to read.

I feel like there is a kind soul that I need to reach and this is why I do this course and another one on clearing. I think whatever emotions I’ve developed based on the situations I’ve experienced in my life were supposed to happen to build me into the person I am today. It’s about opening my heart more so that I can shine the light out for others to learn from. All in due time. There is no rush in knowing everything right now.

Day 292 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Other Entities...

Photo by Chris Brignola on Unsplash

Lesson 292: The Other Entities...

The other entities that cross path in our layers and levels of consciousness don’t have the human experience. They see all past, all future, all as energetic. They see contraction and expansion of energy, beyond particular experience.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to think about what an entity such as an ascended master, an angel, a guide etc would view the human experience. What would their thoughts be? Do you think they could handle being a human? Are there things that they would want to change?

I actually had a moment of guidance from some higher beings the other day. They were telling me that we tend to shroud this world with darkness upon darkness rather than shedding the light on situations. It’s something that sort of plagues the human experience but not for everyone. There are being here awakened and trying to spread the light and it’s about everyone being touched by this light. We don’t have to be negative but it’s like this vicious cycle that spreads throughout society. For example as a woman, there is so much standards when it comes to beauty – you aren’t skinny enough, you aren’t beautiful if you don’t wear this dress, if you don’t have a thigh gap, then you’re not sexy, if you don’t have a curvy booty than you’re not a real woman etc. Some may be over exaggerations but that’s an example of the negativity our society creates through unrealistic expectations we place on each other. Why can’t all women just be considered beautiful? Why do we have to comment on them at all?

Another message that was prevalent through my channelling was to do away with ego. Think about all the ego in the world. If we didn’t have this, what would the world be like? I think human ego is what tears us down. It’s our weakness. It stops us from having compassion. We are judgmental because we have ego. We don’t necessarily form connection because of ego. Those in power exercise ego that also controls us. I think any of those entities would want us to do away with ego because it doesn’t actually serve us. We should be doing much more to be kind and helpful towards one another. I think there can be such destructive behaviour with our ego and when we do away with it, it’s like the blinders will be off.

I think the human experience is a challenge that we place on ourselves. Whether or not an entity wants to understand or accept it, is a whole other question. I think they would want to spread light so people can awaken to themselves.

Day 277 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Consciousness, the Understanding of...

Photo by israel palacio on Unsplash

Lesson 277: Consciousness, the Understanding of...

Consciousness, the understanding of yourself as one with One, brings a deep understanding of other people, situations, the past, the present, energy. We often call this psychic understanding, or intuition.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to psychically read everyone that we meet today to see what it informs us. I didn’t read today’s lesson to know what the task for the day was. I will attempt to see what psychic understanding I used today without realising.

I had a walk in the morning with a mate. I can’t say I was really using intuition as we were just talking about our previous day and highlights. There was a topic of discussion that came up about suicide rate in men is higher though that doesn’t seem to be in the forefront of the news or men are made to feel like they can’t talk about their feelings. I certainly feel that the modern world is turning that notion around – more men can talk about their emotions these days without being called weak etc. My friend was saying that men are still found to be less of a man by expressing themselves and then because they can’t talk about their feelings and emotions it leads to suicide. It led into a viewpoint of all the talk out there is about equality and focus on women. Well… I am a woman and I think women still need to fight for equality. So, in terms of this discussion, I was saying that equality is important in all fronts because discrimination happens on all accounts even towards those men that express their emotions and feelings. Anyway, I understood my friends point though it didn’t come across well. I just think all these issues are important and we’re slowly progressing in society. So back to intuition… felt like I was challenged with my understanding in that moment. I got his point but still felt like I needed to defend myself as a woman.

The majority of the day was at work. I didn’t really use any psychic connection as I was busy at work that I couldn’t really focus on much else.

The end of the day was spent with a friend having dinner. We caught up on our lives. He repeated to me that he just wants to know his purpose in life. My suggestion was to meditate on it. I think you gain so many answers when you clear your mind and focus on a question that needs answering. At the moment he didn’t have a job, so I was trying to come up with different jobs he could do for work until he found out what he really wanted to do. I think anything to keep a roof over your head and feed yourself is a priority. If you have that stability then it allows you to focus on what you really want after that. I did offer to look at jobs within my work place if that would help. I tried to actually see what might be in his future but it was as if that wasn’t my place to pry. I didn’t get any messages apart from that he needs to figure it out. I wasn’t about to check what spirit had to say to give him a message. It’s one of those moments of “things will come in time”.

I don’t like to psychically read people all the time. I don’t think it’s my right either. I think if people allow me in, then that’s when it’s okay. I wouldn’t do this in normal life. I get that the lesson is about connection and deeply rooted understanding of one another and the environment we create around us. I just don’t think it’s a right to read everyone in this way. What do you think?

Day 274 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - When You Reach This Level...

Photo by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash

Lesson 274: When You Reach This Level...

When you reach this level of consciousness, you understand that we are dreaming the dream, and the dream arrives to us as “real”. This means you may begin to create your dream, should you choose. In fact, you already have.
— Sara Wiseman

So, the life we are leading is what we have dreamed, though this doesn’t mean it stops and is ever evolving. I think it’s important to note that. We are the creators of our own lives. If we are not living the dream, then we can change it and shape our lives towards that.

Right now, I believe I am living my dreams. I think I haven’t finished living it and there is so much more to achieve, but I am definitely living my current dream. I may change how things pan out for my end game, and this is why I mentioned that it can evolve over time. You might have one idea in mind, but then it shapes itself and takes you down another path, and then your dream may change again. I think for me I’m living my life as a witch, I am spiritual, I am working on my business towards tarot reading for others and I will need to further read and research in order to write my own books. I am on my way to all these things and I do need focus. I can tell you that my dreams were very much different when I was younger. I wanted a family at 27 and a partner who wanted that too. I didn’t have a partner at that age who wanted those things so my dream changed and there was some acceptance of this other person’s needs. When we broke up, I needed to change in myself and learn to accept myself. I had different dreams for myself and that involved advancing my career. That was my focus so I did that. I changed companies and jobs, I tried food blogging for some time, there were moments I thought I could become a YouTube star on my own channel and I thought I should study music. I guess my point is, there are always moments when you will change your mind and your dream may slightly change, but it doesn’t stop you from living parts of that dream.

All I know is that I am the only person that can achieve what I set out for myself. My dreams are my own and I am the only person who can achieve them. Doesn’t matter if things go to plan because dreams can be warped into something else or something new.