Day 312 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Our Dreams Are a State of Consciousness...

Lesson 312: Our Dreams Are a State of Consciousness...

Our dreams are a state of consciousness beyond the consciousness that we are able to hold in waking life. In other words, we are more conscious, we are more in the realm of soul, when we are in our dreams then when we are awake.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to think about what our dreams are telling us about our souls. What messages are you drawing from your dreams. If you aren’t sure, close your eyes now and be informed.

I get the indication that I’m being told to stop worrying about my job situation and just life in general. I think if I can stick with a positive attitude and have good intentions in my life, then it will work out. There’s nothing that I can do but be my best self. It’s about bringing about the inner self through to the outer self.

I think there is so much work to be done for my spiritual path and I am being shown to continue in my studying so that I become as knowledgeable as I can be. The answers that I seek are within the books that I am going to read.

I feel like there is a kind soul that I need to reach and this is why I do this course and another one on clearing. I think whatever emotions I’ve developed based on the situations I’ve experienced in my life were supposed to happen to build me into the person I am today. It’s about opening my heart more so that I can shine the light out for others to learn from. All in due time. There is no rush in knowing everything right now.

Day 222 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Your Soul Wants This Lifetime...

Lesson 222: Your Soul Wants This Lifetime...

Our soul is here on earth to experience. No matter where we are in life, the soul is expanding to feel every moment. We are exactly where we need to be. Today we are to take a deep breath in and breathe out of the mouth to understand that where we are today is perfect.

I definitely think it’s difficult to see we are exactly where we need to be in life if we’ve experienced so many challenges. Sometimes we’re hit some hard curve balls in one year and then the next year is quiet and calm. I know what it’s like to be depressed. I know what it’s like to feel overwhelmingly joy also. I can say that I am living my best life. I think it’s the best point in my life so far. Even though I have my ups and downs in the past year, I know it will work out if I work hard towards my goals. I think I need to focus on that as most of my problems are just normal human problems that will easily solve themselves or work themselves out.

I feel that my spiritual journey came into my life when it was the right time. There were previous opportunities for it to arise, though I felt like if I had discovered what I know now earlier in my life, I don’t think I would have had the life experience to take it on. I think as my mind expands, I’m better equipped to bring about more knowledge from my inner self and that I learn from others. I feel that I just got to keep continuing on my path and I’ll always be exactly where I need to be. It’s really an acceptance of whatever comes is meant for me.

Can you accept that where you are right now, is perfect just the way it is?

Day 149 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Body is a Container

Photo by Dmitry Zelinskiy on Unsplash

Lesson 149: The Body is a Container...

The body is a container for the soul; yet it also is an energetic Universe. Without support: nutrition, exercise, sleep, touch, love, the body cannot thrive as its own Universe.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to note how we treat our bodies. Do you take care of your body and do you notice if it is telling you to do something in particular today? Are there times when you obsess about your body and maybe mistreat it? Ask yourself if this is required?

I probably need some work on my body in terms of keeping it fit and healthy. I admit I struggling committing to an exercise regime and good eating plans. I don’t obsess about my body like I used to. I think I’m the largest I have ever been, and yet, I accept my body more now than I ever have. Sure, I have extra weight and curves where I don’t really want them, but I know if I want to change it, I should do regular exercise and eat better to get rid of it. I mean, I have body confidence issues from a young age, though I feel I can look in the mirror and be okay with myself now. Wouldn’t have been able to do that at a young age.

I try and be good in recognising any aches and pains and following that up. I have a back issue, shoulder issue and vertigo which I am currently trying to address with an osteopath. I have mild IBS which I have had diagnosed and know the treatment, though I love food too much to try and follow a strict diet. I think all those times I ignored the pain in my body, has escalated into issues now which include polyp growths in my bowels and gall bladder. This is why I don’t neglect myself now. Even regularly going to the dentist and flossing my teeth was hard to establish, but after a root canal that led to me having to lose a tooth, it was a wakeup call to look after myself better.

I am aware of what I need to do but I sometimes fail. What do you recognise that you do to your body?