Day 280 - A Year to Clear - Check In WEEK 40 - Tuning Into Guidance

Photo by Dardan on Unsplash

Photo by Dardan on Unsplash

Lesson 280: Check In WEEK 40 - Tuning Into Guidance

The week was about getting in touch with the inner self. Some inner knowing and allowing that to come through. We are to complete the following statements:

  • Some of the signals that my body gives me to indicate that I'm on track are______

  • The best time of the day for me to tune in and trust my knowing is______

  • What I know for sure______(and why I know it) is______


My answers:

  • Some of the signals that my body gives me to indicate that I'm on track are being alert, feeling good and not sluggish, and bringing forth my inner knowing.

  • The best time of the day for me to tune in and trust my knowing is first thing in the morning or at night when no one can bother me

  • What I know for sure is that I am in control of my life (and why I know it) is because I make my own decisions and it’s also my life and not anyone else’s.

Day 279 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - When You Are One...

Photo by Nong Vang on Unsplash

Photo by Nong Vang on Unsplash

Lesson 279: When You Are One...

When you are One, and you understand everyone else is also One, it’s pretty easy to think intuitively. You’re not separate—so you have access to the same information, which is collective soul.
— Sara Wiseman

 Today we are to think about intuitive moments that have come up in our lives. Have you had more because you’re opening up spiritually? Have they occurred in most parts of your life?

I can’t really remember life before this spiritual awakening I’ve had. I just know that it wasn’t my true self and I don’t really think about those past memories. I feel like I’m really building myself in the now.

Because I live with intuition now, I feel like I have more intuitive moments than not. Sometimes there is a just a knowing that I should or shouldn’t do something. Like this weekend I had dinner plans with some friends but during the week, I had this feeling that I wouldn’t be going. Turns out a friend had to cancel and we had to reschedule. Didn’t know she was going to be sick but I just knew I wouldn’t be going. Just all these small things you do, actually are your intuition helping you. Even days when you are walking down the street and you decide to take a different route because you have a bad feeling. That’s intuition helping you along the way.

I do remember the times when I didn’t trust my intuition and then it screws me over. Just recently, I asked people who I had done intuitive readings for to leave some testimonials to help me get started on my business. There was this one lady who I thought I better not message her, but then I saw her leave good feedback in a Facebook group, so it should be okay to ask her right? I decided to message her and then she was totally rude back. I should have trusted my initial thoughts on messaging her. Just another lesson to be learned… again.. Trust your intuition!

I think my intuition has really helped me in gauging people with good intentions or not. It has always proven that when I have a bad feeling about someone, the truth always is revealed. It hasn’t failed me when it comes to establishing connection with others. I know when I’m not going to get along with someone and have learned to trust that feeling over time.

I think as I’ve developed spiritually, I am more intuitive. I never used to be. I think it’s something that expands if you are open and accepting of it. It’s also about trusting yourself.

Day 278 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Intuition is Merely a Matter of...

Photo by Tim Foster on Unsplash

Photo by Tim Foster on Unsplash

Lesson 278: Intuition is Merely a Matter of...

Intuition is merely a matter of locking into the hum, of locking into collective soul of One. Each person has this ability, once they have reached, and once they are in heart of connection.
— Sara Wiseman

Today is to think about yourself and if you believe you’re intuitive. Do you also believe that everyone can be? If not, why not? What do you think may block someone? Does intuition change how you look at your own thought and fate? Is it written or can it be changed?

I would like to think that I’m very intuitive as I am a medium and tarot and oracle card reader. When I do readings, it’s an element of intuition as well as channelling from another place (what that other place is, isn’t really quite definitive haha!). I’ve been told that anyone can be just like me if they are open to it. When I was younger, I always thought that people had these gifts and only certain people were blessed. I was wrong. Anyone can open themselves up and expand their intuition. It’s a matter of wanting to, really.

Does intuition change how I think about thoughts and destiny? Not really. I still have my own thoughts. Just because some things I can see potential future, doesn’t mean it can’t be changed. I think that’s where free will comes into play. Everyone still has a choice to go with what’s predicted or have the power to change it. Sure, some thoughts come through that aren’t my own though I can distinguish what isn’t. That kind of sounds crazy to someone that doesn’t truly believe in psychic ability and that’s fine, but I am usually channelling when those other thoughts come through.

I do believe that some things are written and that is based on the friends we meet along the way. I think that we all have connected souls, whether it’s in this life time or another plane, or dimension. We always meet the same people over and over in different form. That’s just my feelings on it and I can’t obviously show proof. Sometimes you meet people that feel like you’ve known them your whole life and that’s unexplainable right? But, what if it wasn’t?

I think a good place to start when it comes to expanding intuition is simply via meditation. Once you master the mindfulness of meditation, then you can expand your consciousness and work with chakras. I would love if everyone wanted to experience this because if we can expand ourselves, then it allows for enhanced connection with others.

Day 277 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Consciousness, the Understanding of...

Photo by israel palacio on Unsplash

Lesson 277: Consciousness, the Understanding of...

Consciousness, the understanding of yourself as one with One, brings a deep understanding of other people, situations, the past, the present, energy. We often call this psychic understanding, or intuition.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to psychically read everyone that we meet today to see what it informs us. I didn’t read today’s lesson to know what the task for the day was. I will attempt to see what psychic understanding I used today without realising.

I had a walk in the morning with a mate. I can’t say I was really using intuition as we were just talking about our previous day and highlights. There was a topic of discussion that came up about suicide rate in men is higher though that doesn’t seem to be in the forefront of the news or men are made to feel like they can’t talk about their feelings. I certainly feel that the modern world is turning that notion around – more men can talk about their emotions these days without being called weak etc. My friend was saying that men are still found to be less of a man by expressing themselves and then because they can’t talk about their feelings and emotions it leads to suicide. It led into a viewpoint of all the talk out there is about equality and focus on women. Well… I am a woman and I think women still need to fight for equality. So, in terms of this discussion, I was saying that equality is important in all fronts because discrimination happens on all accounts even towards those men that express their emotions and feelings. Anyway, I understood my friends point though it didn’t come across well. I just think all these issues are important and we’re slowly progressing in society. So back to intuition… felt like I was challenged with my understanding in that moment. I got his point but still felt like I needed to defend myself as a woman.

The majority of the day was at work. I didn’t really use any psychic connection as I was busy at work that I couldn’t really focus on much else.

The end of the day was spent with a friend having dinner. We caught up on our lives. He repeated to me that he just wants to know his purpose in life. My suggestion was to meditate on it. I think you gain so many answers when you clear your mind and focus on a question that needs answering. At the moment he didn’t have a job, so I was trying to come up with different jobs he could do for work until he found out what he really wanted to do. I think anything to keep a roof over your head and feed yourself is a priority. If you have that stability then it allows you to focus on what you really want after that. I did offer to look at jobs within my work place if that would help. I tried to actually see what might be in his future but it was as if that wasn’t my place to pry. I didn’t get any messages apart from that he needs to figure it out. I wasn’t about to check what spirit had to say to give him a message. It’s one of those moments of “things will come in time”.

I don’t like to psychically read people all the time. I don’t think it’s my right either. I think if people allow me in, then that’s when it’s okay. I wouldn’t do this in normal life. I get that the lesson is about connection and deeply rooted understanding of one another and the environment we create around us. I just don’t think it’s a right to read everyone in this way. What do you think?

Day 269 - A Year to Clear - When in Doubt, Wait it Out

Photo by Pawel Tadejko on Unsplash

Lesson 269: When in Doubt, Wait it Out

Have you ever been stuck in a situation where you just didn’t know how to resolve it? Did you start cycling in your mind various scenarios and outcomes though not really making a strong decision on any answer? Today’s lesson is about just letting go trying to control an outcome when you really don’t know what to do in the situation. If your instincts aren’t strong in either the yes or no column, are you able to walk away from the situation for some time and maybe look at it with fresh eyes at a later stage?

At the moment, I am going through a personal situation – something I can’t talk about in case of peeping eyes, whereby I am lost on what to do. A lot of the advice from friends is just to walk away from the situation, but there is this guilty feeling I have by simply walking away. I feel bad because I feel like I owe in this situation, when really I shouldn’t be made to feel this way. I think I actually just need a break from that particular environment and just not think about it for a few days or weeks even. I think for my own mental health, it’s best not to speculate and  I need to occupy my mind with other things. Like this lesson is teaching, until you know for sure what to do, leave it until you do know. That’s what I am going to do. No need to ponder on it, just release it from my mind and do something else to occupy it. I’ll wait and see how I feel about it next week.