Day 324 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - You Become Conscious When...

Photo by Robin Benad on Unsplash

Photo by Robin Benad on Unsplash

Lesson 324: You Become Conscious When...

You become conscious when you reach heart of connection. You become transcendent when you reach heart of love. This is where the saints, the masters, the ascended live.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to imagine a cup in our minds and this cup is full of love. How much do you see the cup full? Practise this during carrying points of the day and see what messages you receive.

When I looked at my cup, my love looked like a pink shimmery liquid in a tea cup. I could see that it was about 85% full. It’s near the top but not quite. My message was that I am nearly at the point of moving into this transcendent state but I have some more learning to go. I’m nearly there but not quite. The next image was the liquid splashing outwards. I felt like this was something I was to achieve. When I fully reach a heart full of love, then I will be splashing it everywhere for everyone else. I think that’s exciting! To be able to love with a pure heart is something I have always wanted to achieve when I started my spiritual journey. It seems like I’m almost close and will achieve this. I will continue to work on self in order to get there.

What messages did you receive and how full is your cup of love?

Day 324 - A Year to Clear - Express Gratitude for Your Home

Photo by Soroush Karimi on Unsplash

Lesson 324: Express Gratitude for Your Home

Today we are to express gratitude towards our homes. What works really well for your home. Did you ever write or do a blessing in your home when you moved in? We can appreciate so much for what’s right in front of us.

I am grateful that I have a roof over my head for starters. Without my home, I wouldn’t know what it’s like to have independence. I live by myself and made my home my own. My home is a reminder of me taking steps to be my own home owner all by myself. It’s nice to know what I can achieve on my own and it tests my strength. I love the high ceilings of my home. I love that it’s in a heritage building. I love its charm. I like that it looks a bit odd to. I am grateful that it stands for me to have cats in. I blessed my house with sage and warded it also for protection. I like that I practise my spirituality in there and the home allows it. I love the space to dance. I am grateful that it exists.

What are you grateful for in your home?