Day 274 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - When You Reach This Level...

Photo by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash

Lesson 274: When You Reach This Level...

When you reach this level of consciousness, you understand that we are dreaming the dream, and the dream arrives to us as “real”. This means you may begin to create your dream, should you choose. In fact, you already have.
— Sara Wiseman

So, the life we are leading is what we have dreamed, though this doesn’t mean it stops and is ever evolving. I think it’s important to note that. We are the creators of our own lives. If we are not living the dream, then we can change it and shape our lives towards that.

Right now, I believe I am living my dreams. I think I haven’t finished living it and there is so much more to achieve, but I am definitely living my current dream. I may change how things pan out for my end game, and this is why I mentioned that it can evolve over time. You might have one idea in mind, but then it shapes itself and takes you down another path, and then your dream may change again. I think for me I’m living my life as a witch, I am spiritual, I am working on my business towards tarot reading for others and I will need to further read and research in order to write my own books. I am on my way to all these things and I do need focus. I can tell you that my dreams were very much different when I was younger. I wanted a family at 27 and a partner who wanted that too. I didn’t have a partner at that age who wanted those things so my dream changed and there was some acceptance of this other person’s needs. When we broke up, I needed to change in myself and learn to accept myself. I had different dreams for myself and that involved advancing my career. That was my focus so I did that. I changed companies and jobs, I tried food blogging for some time, there were moments I thought I could become a YouTube star on my own channel and I thought I should study music. I guess my point is, there are always moments when you will change your mind and your dream may slightly change, but it doesn’t stop you from living parts of that dream.

All I know is that I am the only person that can achieve what I set out for myself. My dreams are my own and I am the only person who can achieve them. Doesn’t matter if things go to plan because dreams can be warped into something else or something new.

Day 274 - A Year to Clear - Our Sixth Sense

Photo by Brian Beckwith on Unsplash

Lesson 274: Our Sixth Sense

I believe the Sixth Sense should be the first.
— Sonia Choquette

New week equals a new these and this week is “Tuning Into Guidance”. I feel like this is a continuation of last week’s “Knowing” and following through on our instincts and what might be referred to out sixth sense. I think this week may just be about tuning into your own instincts and tapping more into what you already know. What might actually block us is all the mental or physical clutter in our lives, which stops us from accessing that knowing we all have inside of us. Will be good to see what lessons come out of the week. I think I listen to my intuition most of the time and I think I use it more than my other senses to be honest. I mean, it would have been a different story 2 years ago, but now, I just look at the world differently, so my actions follow suit. Will see if what comes about this week is what I already know.