Day 280 - A Year to Clear - Check In WEEK 40 - Tuning Into Guidance

Photo by Dardan on Unsplash

Photo by Dardan on Unsplash

Lesson 280: Check In WEEK 40 - Tuning Into Guidance

The week was about getting in touch with the inner self. Some inner knowing and allowing that to come through. We are to complete the following statements:

  • Some of the signals that my body gives me to indicate that I'm on track are______

  • The best time of the day for me to tune in and trust my knowing is______

  • What I know for sure______(and why I know it) is______


My answers:

  • Some of the signals that my body gives me to indicate that I'm on track are being alert, feeling good and not sluggish, and bringing forth my inner knowing.

  • The best time of the day for me to tune in and trust my knowing is first thing in the morning or at night when no one can bother me

  • What I know for sure is that I am in control of my life (and why I know it) is because I make my own decisions and it’s also my life and not anyone else’s.