Day 294 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Those Who Are Embarrassed...

Photo by Josh Boot on Unsplash

Photo by Josh Boot on Unsplash

Lesson 294: Those Who Are Embarrassed...

Those who are embarrassed or don’t like the terms guides, angels, entities, can use the idea of their higher selves, or Divine self, or another idea that is less personal, less characteristic. The guides don’t care what we call them.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to think about higher beings and the Divine. Some people call those good entities angels, guides, God, the Divine, the Universe etc. Do you believe in these beings? If you don’t use those names, then what do you call them?

I believe in the Divine but I also refer to it as the Universe or Universal Power. I think there is a collective power but not controlled by just one God. I have always thought when I was younger that there is a group of beings – Gods and Goddesses that used their power to create this world and other worlds in other realms and dimensions. I know I have guides in the form of spirits that comprise of ancestors, animals, humans that may have lived on this earth and higher beings. I also have angels that have come to me also.

In terms of whom and what have come to me through my mind’s eye include- the Hindu God Shiva, Odin, angel Ezekiel, Gaia, Lilith, my grandma, my grandpa, a celtic ancestor, the Horned God, fairies, an eagle, stag, dragons, fox, an Atlantean named Gamma, Jesus, Apollo, Horus, Isis and so many more. I think whatever comes when you need that inspiration and guidance at the time.

So there’s a bit about what I have encountered on my spiritual journey. What do you believe in?

Day 283 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - We Are Continually Guided...

Photo by Yoann Boyer on Unsplash

Photo by Yoann Boyer on Unsplash

Lesson 283: We Are Continually Guided...

… spiritual beings, guides, loved ones crossed over or even your higher self. What’s important is what you believe it is. It is all the Divine. Today we are to think about how we are guided. Do you believe it is an angel? Do you believe it is your higher self? Whatever you believe, do you think either theory is right? And does it matter?

I have said before that I believe in beings on another plane, dimension or other side that communicate with me. Who they are sometimes powerful beings like angels. Other times it’s my deceased grandparents. How do I know they are real? I can’t prove it in physical terms, but there is a knowing within me that confirms that they are real. When I ask for guidance or ask questions, I’m not the one answering those questions, so what or who else can it be? As I don’t believe in one almighty God, I feel with all the knowledge I have gained in the past year, it is a Universal power that guides as and it is the Divine. I don’t necessary believe we need to place labels on this, even though we try to humanise everything.

I just think there is a power greater than us that speaks to us all the time. Sometimes it comes in forms of angels, spirit animals, loved ones crossed over… but they are all from the same source. Are they just manifestations from my higher self? Possibly. Are they just humanised versions of answers I already know? Yeah, maybe. I guess we don’t really know until we aren’t bound by our physical bodies and our soul travels elsewhere. I mean we could try astral projection but how can we confirm that’s real too? I think we only know for sure where these beings are from when we cross over ourselves.

Day 280 - A Year to Clear - Check In WEEK 40 - Tuning Into Guidance

Photo by Dardan on Unsplash

Photo by Dardan on Unsplash

Lesson 280: Check In WEEK 40 - Tuning Into Guidance

The week was about getting in touch with the inner self. Some inner knowing and allowing that to come through. We are to complete the following statements:

  • Some of the signals that my body gives me to indicate that I'm on track are______

  • The best time of the day for me to tune in and trust my knowing is______

  • What I know for sure______(and why I know it) is______


My answers:

  • Some of the signals that my body gives me to indicate that I'm on track are being alert, feeling good and not sluggish, and bringing forth my inner knowing.

  • The best time of the day for me to tune in and trust my knowing is first thing in the morning or at night when no one can bother me

  • What I know for sure is that I am in control of my life (and why I know it) is because I make my own decisions and it’s also my life and not anyone else’s.