Your Oracle Message - Richness - Marine Life

Richness - Marine Life

Sorry I didn't post last week! Life for hectic and then this week whizzed by. Feel like time has does up.

What I'm immediately drawn to with this card is the marine life in the picture. It indicates to me abundance with the word richness.

When we're going through a tough time, we don't necessarily see the good things that are around us. We may not see all that brings us joy or appreciate those who love and support us. We may take for granted all that helps us in our daily life. I feel like this card is a reminder that our lives are enriched in so many ways. Practicing gratitude allows us to appreciate the abundance in our lives because if we look at our world as lacking, then we're always going to feel like we're without. We may not feel content and not full.

Sometimes we need that reminder to take a step back, look at our lives and see what abundance we have around us. Practicing gratitude can relieve anxiety and stress, as well as place good energy out there and see it returned back to us.

This card may also serve you by letting you know that you may need to go to a body of water to connect with nature and appreciate the marine life. It may bring you a sense of peace and calmness, if that's you are seeking. Connect with the water and find the answers you need.

Your Oracle Message - Transformation - Pressure

Transformation - Pressure

From the first card pulled this year, it indicated change for 2023. With major developments coming up for us this year, it's part of our journey of transformation. You may be setting goals, pursuing your passion, writing out your dreams and seeing what work is needed for you to achieve these. I feel like the message of transformation is coinciding with our evolution as we focus on our goals and dreams.

It's okay to be selfish when it comes to your pursuit in life. When you're setting your intentions and manifesting what you want for yourself, I believe your life will be come joyous, sweet and happy.

With these goals and dreams, is there a possibility that you could be placing too much pressure on yourself? Are we taking on too much? Or are you feeling like your goals are unachievable? It might be wise to come up with a plan to take the feeling of overwhelm away.

If you make a plan, it allows you to make them into smaller tasks. If they're in bite size pieces, all the smaller tasks add to your progress towards your bigger picture. You can set yourself up to action your smaller tasks against a timeline and it will take the pressure off, as you're still working towards your dream, but at a steady pace. If you're looking at the overall picture with no plan, you'll feel like you don't know where to start and may not take action at all! Write it in a notebook or use an app to help track your progress, so you know that you're always achieving something towards your goals.

Your Oracle Message - Comfort - Hearth

Are you need of a message today?

They say home is where the heart is, so the question is - where is your home?

You may immediately think about your physical house, but does your house reflect who you are? Have you created space that is calming and peaceful for you? When you walk through the doors, are you immediately feeling a sense of comfort? It may be something to think about - creating the right environment within your home so that you feel safe, harmonious and comforted. It should be embodying who you are.

Home can mean different things to different people. Are you surrounding yourself with people that you feel connected to? They should be people who make you feel comforted but also have a place in your heart.

A new home could be calling out to you in a new city or country. Have you been thinking about a move somewhere new but you feel connected to it with your heart? It could be the time for you to seek out a new residence because it's what your heart is yearning for.

Home cane be finding the right career and surrounding yourself with people who are on this path. Home can mean finding a new pet and creating your own unique family. Home can be in your partner and how valued they are to you. Home can mean working on yourself and what's true in your heart. Home can mean finding your tribe and seeking like-minded individuals to your own values.

Find your home... Whatever that may be and see that you are in the correct space, environment or energy to be as authentic to yourself that you can be.

Your Oracle Message - Attraction - Magnetism

Attraction - Magnetism

The feeling I got immediately from this card is what you want to attract in your life. Are you putting out into the world the type of energy you want to attract back? Are you spreading kindness, happiness and love in order to see that returned to you?

Are you trying to manifest something in your life? You're working towards your goals, saying your affirmations and visualing what you want to achieve. It's the law of attraction - what are you outtinf out there in order to receive.

The other message I get is attracting the right kind of people into you life. Are you looking for a romantic partner, a business partner or new friends? Are you asking for a person to come I to your life with certain qualities? If you're laying out your intentions, the universe will hear you.

There is a child/person sitting on a bed looking at the stars. It's kind of like wishing upon a star right? Wish for what you want, create your reality and see the opportunities and people come to you.

Your Oracle Message - Wildness - Electricity

Are you need of a message today?

Wildness - Electricity

The feeling I get from this card is that we need to be free to express ourselves in any way that we need to. You may a leader that likes to do public speaking, you could be a dancer who expressed through movement, maybe you're a writer that likes conjuring stories... Whatever it may be, by exploring this part of you, it allows you to expand to your true self.

The spark we sometimes seek in life is something we need to find by reflecting within. Can you think of an activity that would light a spark in your life? What is something that will make you feel exhilarated? You'll find that it may be something that is a natural extension of you and may naturally flow.

The vibes from the card are definitely be wild and free. We do have adult responsibilities, though it's about making time to find that one thing that brings you joy in life. When we pursue our passions, that's what brings a spark of electricity within ourselves. When we're positive and feel good in ourselves, we can spread that same energy out to others.

Your Oracle Message - Movement - Speed

Are you need of a message today?

Movement - Speed

I get the feeling that whatever you want to work on, you need to move it along in some way, shape or form.

You might be putting it off, maybe you're procrastinating, maybe you feel like the task is too daunting, but you really need to dedicate some time towards your projects or goals. It could just be a small amount - even just 15 minutes per day. Setting aside a portion of your day to work on your goals is all that's needed to get it moving along.

The card is calling for some traction! If you're procrastinating, or you're avoiding, then you're not putting any time and it will sit there doing nothing. As a result you may find resentment towards yourself because we haven't moved along a project that we want to achieve.

The universe is trying to say "get up off your ass". We all got to do what we need to do to achieve our goals. This card has come up today for all of us to get the ball rolling.

Your Oracle Message - Change - Wind

Are you need of a message today?

I've decided to do these weekly so that there's time to digest and process the message 😊

Change - Wind

This is a beautiful card for the start of 2023. The universe has been hinting to us that we need to instigate change, free ourselves of the past and move forward towards our goals and dreams, so that we are becoming our authentic selves.

It's a new year so this can mean a clean slate for some. We can set new goals and write them down so we can start manifesting what we want. Massive change is coming through and it may feel like a whirlwind. I get the sense it may be challenging for some people, because some don't like change as we get in routines and like sticking to them or change can strike emotions and be difficult to process.

Without change we may be stuck in old ways and patterns. It may be challenging as we may have to face things of the past that are buried so deep and it can take such strength to face it. It's going to be a big year and in the card I get the feeling of a massive shake up of what's currently occuring in your life. You'll be learning new things and there'll be a shake up of what you think you know.

We need this change to not remain stagnant or complacent. Life is about making an enjoyable time for ourselves, living our truth and making sure we're not taking it too seriously. Embrace the change, go with the flow, don't overthink and see what opportunities come your way.

Your Oracle Message - Cleansing Storms

Are you need of a message today?

Cleansing - Storms

This card follows on from the previous card where I spoke of being bound and breaking free from old thoughts/patterns and distractions. It's about letting go of that which may be holding you back and in saying that, it's a form of cleansing.

In order for us to reach our truest potential, living our most authentic life, a higher power has indicated that we need to get rid of all which doesn't serve us - people, objects, distractions etc. We need to look at our environment and who is in it. Could be consuming some bad content? Could we be eating the wrong foods? Are we in the right workplace? Whatever it may be, a form of cleansing needs to occur.

If something isn't serving us in the best possible way, the message is that it's time to move on from it. We need to let go, start a new chapter and take the next steps towards change. It's time to listen as a higher power is indicating to us that our immediate environment may not have the right energy or vibration and may not be the right space for us - which I feel is indicated by the storm.

We are coming into a new year, so we can go in paving our way into our own path. The time is now!

Happy new year as we cross from the eve into 2023!