Your Oracle Message - Change - Wind

Are you need of a message today?

I've decided to do these weekly so that there's time to digest and process the message 😊

Change - Wind

This is a beautiful card for the start of 2023. The universe has been hinting to us that we need to instigate change, free ourselves of the past and move forward towards our goals and dreams, so that we are becoming our authentic selves.

It's a new year so this can mean a clean slate for some. We can set new goals and write them down so we can start manifesting what we want. Massive change is coming through and it may feel like a whirlwind. I get the sense it may be challenging for some people, because some don't like change as we get in routines and like sticking to them or change can strike emotions and be difficult to process.

Without change we may be stuck in old ways and patterns. It may be challenging as we may have to face things of the past that are buried so deep and it can take such strength to face it. It's going to be a big year and in the card I get the feeling of a massive shake up of what's currently occuring in your life. You'll be learning new things and there'll be a shake up of what you think you know.

We need this change to not remain stagnant or complacent. Life is about making an enjoyable time for ourselves, living our truth and making sure we're not taking it too seriously. Embrace the change, go with the flow, don't overthink and see what opportunities come your way.