Your Oracle Message - Cleansing Storms

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Cleansing - Storms

This card follows on from the previous card where I spoke of being bound and breaking free from old thoughts/patterns and distractions. It's about letting go of that which may be holding you back and in saying that, it's a form of cleansing.

In order for us to reach our truest potential, living our most authentic life, a higher power has indicated that we need to get rid of all which doesn't serve us - people, objects, distractions etc. We need to look at our environment and who is in it. Could be consuming some bad content? Could we be eating the wrong foods? Are we in the right workplace? Whatever it may be, a form of cleansing needs to occur.

If something isn't serving us in the best possible way, the message is that it's time to move on from it. We need to let go, start a new chapter and take the next steps towards change. It's time to listen as a higher power is indicating to us that our immediate environment may not have the right energy or vibration and may not be the right space for us - which I feel is indicated by the storm.

We are coming into a new year, so we can go in paving our way into our own path. The time is now!

Happy new year as we cross from the eve into 2023!

Your Oracle Message - Trust

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Trust - All is as it should be

When I look at this card, I feel like it's a warm hug from the universe. Whatever you believe in, there is a higher power looking out for you. This card is reminder to have faith and trust in that higher power.

Everything that's happened in your life up until this point will all make sense, or it might not make sense right away, but it eventually will. You'll understand why you've gone through certain experiences, as it's all a growing and learning journey. It's definitely an individual journey too. This may be a time for you to open up to your spiritual side.

I can understand when you might not want to trust in a higher power, especially when you feel like things have gone wrong in your life or some not so positive events have occurred. Just know that when you are ready to accept things as they are, facing those past situations, you will come up on top as you move forward from it. There is always light at the end of the tunnel and something the universe will hold on for you towards your bright future.

It does take effort on our part to think about what we want to achieve in life. It requires internal reflection and when we do that internal self exploration, we can set our intention to manifest our reality. It's about having trust in that higher power cheering you on and by having faith in it, it's always going to have your back. As long as you're acting from the kindness of your heart to those around you, sending good energy out into the world, practicing gratitude and working towards your goals, the universe is always there supporting you. It's always going to send you messages and opportunities your way to help create a bright future for you.

We all have personal struggles and we may have to go through it to grow and learn. This card is a reassurance that everything will be okay. The universe always creates a space that is loving, warm, safe and secure. If you place your faith and trust in it, see it come back to you in some way, shape or form.

Your Oracle Message - Connection

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Connection - We Are All Connected

Connection - We are all connected

Connection can come in all shapes and forms. It can be that with a higher power - God, the Universe, the Creator or Source... Whatever you may call it. It can be that with our surroundings - nature, plants, trees, the sky. It can be with one another - how we can help one another, how we can be kind in our day to day, how we can have gratitude towards one another. It can also be the connection we have to ourselves - do you get the time to spend with yourself and really connect to who you are as a person or who you want to be?

Interconnectivity of everything flowing through energy and vibrations. We can all influence one another with our energy. If someone is happy and hyped up about something, do you also buzz with positive energy? The same goes for when someone might be negative and angry, can you feel that uncomfortable energy when around them?

I feel like this card is about thinking of our energy and how that can convey to others. We have the power to create the energy we want to emit to those around us. Now, we aren't always happy, and if you are having a bad day, can you pause and think about how you may be acting, what you're saying in the moment, what's your attitude, and taking a moment away from the situation to bring about some peace and calm to yourself. By doing that you might not say or do something that could upset someone.

We can influence others with our energy and think about how we are around others. We're all interconnected and imagine what the world would be like if we were all loving and kind to one another. If we work on yourself and are loving and kind to yourself, it makes it easier to emit that to others.

Your Oracle Message - Your Path

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Your Path - Have Courage to Follow Your Own Path

What a really important message!

This may call for some self reflection, self exploration and just taking some time for yourself to truly dig deep and find what our needs, wants and desires are. Are there passions, hobbies, dreams or goals you have? And can you integrate that into your life?

We all get busy with our adult responsibilities, that sometimes we don't find the time for ourselves. This might be a moment to pause and think about what might light a fire within you, but it's also about pursuing the goals and dreams you want to achieve during your time on earth.

Sometimes we are living on other people's terms. We are taught by teachers, family and friends who teach us what they know. They guide us in a certain direction, but as you grow older, you may find you don't align to what they've taught. We might be shaped around what others have taught us and you might start learning something that aligns more to who you are - whether it's a religion, spiritual path or thinking about how the world operates.

By following your own path you pave your own way. Can you think about the steps it'll take to achieve what you want out of life? We can have clear intentions, manifest what we want and work hard towards our goals. If you're not following your goals and dreams, can you ask yourself what's stopping you? Are you really fulfilling what it is you want to do in life? If you're not, can you change that?

Have the courage to take even the smallest step towards a life you want.

Your Oracle Message - Transformation

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Transformation - Be Open to Change

In life, we may not realise subtle changes we need to make to improve our lives. You may be set in your ways, maybe you're a traditionalist, or you've been taught by teachers, family and friends to act in certain ways.

What if, that of which you've been taught might not serve you well? The universe is asking - can you be open to change?

As we grow older we come to discover what our needs, wants and desires are and that might not actually fit into what we've been taught. So, over time we might need to venture out, gain some knowledge and experience to figure out what's best for us. It will make you think about what you want out of life and think about what would make us our best selves.

When we embark on our personal journey, we might not like things anymore, or things don't fit into our morals and values as we develop these over time. We start to align ourselves to the right people or align ourselves to our passions and interests that really ignite a fire within.

It's about finding experiences that will bring out the best in us and to seek that, we need to be open to change so that we can transform. We have the opportunity to grow into who we think we should be so that we live as our truest authentic self.

Your Oracle Message - Serenity

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Serenity - Be Calm

This card has come up in today's reading as it's a gentle reminder for us to find something that brings about peace.

It's going to be different for everyone. Some like to go into nature and soak the peaceful energy. Some like to use meditation to quiet the mind, slow things down and be in the present. Whilst others may find serenity in doing an activity they enjoy, like a hobby or passion, as it may make you feel content and calm. There's no rule book in how you achieve serenity, but it's about finding it.

You might be going through a stressful time right now, which we all know can happen with our adult responsibilities, and sometimes we just don't have the time to spend with ourselves. This may be the opportunity for you to find that time and find an activity that will quiet your mind. By being present, it will allow you to stop stressing and worrying about things happening in your life as they might be weighing on you.

If you can find a calming activity, you may find that you'll be reset, having more focus and clarity. Pause for a moment and think about what you can do to bring about calm.

Your Oracle Message - Letting Go

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Letting Go - Emotional Release

Is there a situation or trauma from the past that has a hold over you? Does it weighs heavy on your shoulders? Or more so your heart?

Sometimes we are burdened from the emotions that a past situation had created. It can plague our mind and body. Even though it may shape us into the people we are, doesn't mean it should continue controlling us. It's okay to remember that situation, but we do need to work through the thoughts, feelings and emotions that may continue to have a hold on us.

If you're wanting to heal from this situation, this may be the time to face it in order to free us from the binding emotions. You may need to do some self exploration, self reflection or even seek help from a spiritual teacher, therapist or some find solace in religion. Your journey to heal should be taken at your own pace and when you let go, feel the emotional release that comes with it.

You may feel like a phoenix reborn and have fresh perspective when you are able to move forward from this past situation. It will feel expansive and you're going to evolve with strength.

Your Oracle Message - Rhythm

Are you in need of a message today?

Rhythm - Tune in to the natural rhythm of life

Are you aware of the messages the universe is sending to you?

If you're trying to tune in, are you aware of the opportunities coming your way? Are you aware of what's going on in your environment? Are you able to take notice if you haven't before? It can come in the form of messages in music, a TV show you watch, maybe it's something you read in a newspaper or book, maybe you're seeing repeated numbers or even it's advice from someone you know, but you haven't really been paying attention or being open to receive.

They say the universe works in mysterious ways. Could there be repeated patterns that you're not aware of? If you start to pay attention, what answers could be within your reach? These answers could set you on the right path in whatever you're trying to achieve in life.

Sometimes we are working against the natural flow of events the universe is trying to convey. We can work against our intuition and instincts when there are signs the universe is sending for us to embrace change.

Be aware of your surroundings, dreams and time spent in meditation. Pay attention and see the opportunities around you. The universe is trying to subtly let you know, there are ways to have a steady flow on your path if you work with it. Don't stand in the way of natural events occurring that will set you in the right direction.