Your Oracle Message - Transformation - Pressure

Transformation - Pressure

From the first card pulled this year, it indicated change for 2023. With major developments coming up for us this year, it's part of our journey of transformation. You may be setting goals, pursuing your passion, writing out your dreams and seeing what work is needed for you to achieve these. I feel like the message of transformation is coinciding with our evolution as we focus on our goals and dreams.

It's okay to be selfish when it comes to your pursuit in life. When you're setting your intentions and manifesting what you want for yourself, I believe your life will be come joyous, sweet and happy.

With these goals and dreams, is there a possibility that you could be placing too much pressure on yourself? Are we taking on too much? Or are you feeling like your goals are unachievable? It might be wise to come up with a plan to take the feeling of overwhelm away.

If you make a plan, it allows you to make them into smaller tasks. If they're in bite size pieces, all the smaller tasks add to your progress towards your bigger picture. You can set yourself up to action your smaller tasks against a timeline and it will take the pressure off, as you're still working towards your dream, but at a steady pace. If you're looking at the overall picture with no plan, you'll feel like you don't know where to start and may not take action at all! Write it in a notebook or use an app to help track your progress, so you know that you're always achieving something towards your goals.

Your Oracle Message - Transformation

Are you in need of a message today?

Transformation - Be Open to Change

In life, we may not realise subtle changes we need to make to improve our lives. You may be set in your ways, maybe you're a traditionalist, or you've been taught by teachers, family and friends to act in certain ways.

What if, that of which you've been taught might not serve you well? The universe is asking - can you be open to change?

As we grow older we come to discover what our needs, wants and desires are and that might not actually fit into what we've been taught. So, over time we might need to venture out, gain some knowledge and experience to figure out what's best for us. It will make you think about what you want out of life and think about what would make us our best selves.

When we embark on our personal journey, we might not like things anymore, or things don't fit into our morals and values as we develop these over time. We start to align ourselves to the right people or align ourselves to our passions and interests that really ignite a fire within.

It's about finding experiences that will bring out the best in us and to seek that, we need to be open to change so that we can transform. We have the opportunity to grow into who we think we should be so that we live as our truest authentic self.