Your Oracle Message - Richness - Marine Life

Richness - Marine Life

Sorry I didn't post last week! Life for hectic and then this week whizzed by. Feel like time has does up.

What I'm immediately drawn to with this card is the marine life in the picture. It indicates to me abundance with the word richness.

When we're going through a tough time, we don't necessarily see the good things that are around us. We may not see all that brings us joy or appreciate those who love and support us. We may take for granted all that helps us in our daily life. I feel like this card is a reminder that our lives are enriched in so many ways. Practicing gratitude allows us to appreciate the abundance in our lives because if we look at our world as lacking, then we're always going to feel like we're without. We may not feel content and not full.

Sometimes we need that reminder to take a step back, look at our lives and see what abundance we have around us. Practicing gratitude can relieve anxiety and stress, as well as place good energy out there and see it returned back to us.

This card may also serve you by letting you know that you may need to go to a body of water to connect with nature and appreciate the marine life. It may bring you a sense of peace and calmness, if that's you are seeking. Connect with the water and find the answers you need.