Day 202 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Understand That Not Everyone...

Photo by Davide Cantelli on Unsplash

Lesson 202: Understand That Not Everyone...

Understand that not everyone in this lifetime seeks; not everyone will find. Understand, that most are still sleeping; this is always as it has been. At a given time, there are only a few who are illuminated.
— Sara Wiseman

Not everyone will be guided by the Divine light. In fact, you will know some people in your life that are not interested in discovering their spiritual side and do not want to be awakened. It’s one of those things that you need to accept and allow their path to be their own. I think over time, those people do get curious and want to expand on the topic, and there will be a moment to have a nice healthy discussion about spirituality. You may find you slowly light people’s paths and allow them to explore your beliefs as a starting point. Today, we are to shine our light to assist those around you to become illuminated for we are illuminated. Take the moment to help another seek from the Divine.

When I was at work, a girl came in wanting to find a tarot deck. She had been on the search and hadn’t found one she connected with. We started talking and I talked about different places I had been to learn spirituality in different ways. She was quite young so I thought by freely talking about my own path, she might feel comfortable in exploring some of the things I was talking about. I think that’s the hardest challenge I faced – not knowing where to go to really answer the questions I had. Anything I can do to illuminate someone else’s path is a win for me. If I can be open and honest about what I’ve done, it may spark something in someone else. I think not really knowing if you can find people like yourself can be difficult and at times it can be a solitary path. It’s good to find people that believe in the same things you do. Because this girl hadn’t learned tarot, I said we had tarot classes every fortnight for $20 and you get to learn with a good group of people. I could see the cogs turning in her head as she considered it. I just wanted to show her that there are safe environments where learning was possible with people just like her. She ended up buying oracle cards and a crystal and left after this.

Even though this girl didn’t take me up on my offer, I like to talk to others of my own experience. The other day I helped a lady by giving her my medium teacher’s number because her and her husband started seeing spirits. I offered assistance in this way because they were afraid but I wanted them to know that there was a reason spirits were presenting themselves and it’s a path they can explore. I think fear really took over but if you have the right guidance, it becomes less intense and scary. I think when we all help each other in this way, it opens possibilities for others. I try and do that every time I’m working in the witch shop to stop uncertainty in others. It’s a welcome environment and I’m proud of who I am and I want that in others too.

Is there something you can do to help illuminate someone else’s path?

Day 166 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - There Are Many Other Ways...

Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

Lesson 166: There Are Many Other Ways...

There are many other ways to discuss the ineffable; choose whatever story, metaphor, parable, science, example is right for you. There is no incorrect path to the Divine.
— Sara Wiseman

The one thing that people should know is that to connect with the Divine is your own personal path and there is no right or wrong in doing it. Today I am to tell myself a story about my consciousness expanding and this can be difficult as it can be indescribable. I can go in and trust the Divine to provide me the story I need to tell.

The day I was awakened, everything I thought I knew was thrown out the window. Like everyone else, we all want to find a purpose in life or know what the greater meaning of life actually is. When I had reached a certain point where I didn’t know the point in living, the Universe showed me that there was. It was at that point where I understood that there was something bigger than me. I didn’t have to know exactly what higher power out there was, all I knew is that the Universe answered my cry and there I was awakened to a better purpose. I knew at that point, I needed to explore a spiritual path. Didn’t know exactly what that was but I figured it would present itself when it did. I didn’t know what I was doing and that was irrelevant because as it turns out, I would meet the people I would learn from when I was supposed to. I’ve opened myself to the possibilities. I have faced my truths and tested to my limits, walking away strong. I learn and grow because I understand what life is about. I walk the walk and I am a vessel that will teach others.

Day 132 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - If You Like To Be...

Photo by Shashank Rana on Unsplash

Photo by Shashank Rana on Unsplash

Lesson 132: If You Like To Be Active...

What can you do to raise the vibration today? Not just for yourself but those around you, or even, the world. If you like being active, you can go around spreading good deeds and raising awareness. If you like to be quiet and calm, you can do meditation. When we are awakened we all find our spiritual path that is true to ourselves and speaks to our heart.

Today I choose to raise the vibration by sending some light to everyone. If someone feels low, I hope they see some positive way out of the situation. If someone feels like they are in a dire situation, that it starts to turn around for them. When someone loses confidence in themselves, they manage to see a positive within themselves. That people who are in the dark, find the light. I know what it’s like to feel lost and not see the light. So, I can only wish for those that might be losing some hope in the world, or even themselves, see that tiny shimmer of light to steer their lives into a good direction.

How do you want to lift up the world?

Day 5 - A Year to Clear - New You

new you galaxy

Lesson 5: New You

This week's lesson focuses on the "New You", but in actuality, it has always been inside you. This version of yourself seems new to you but actually isn't. Behind all the layers, there is the truest version of yourself. You may envision your "New You" as a playful and curious child or an old lady reminiscing about her successful life. So the question is asked "What does your "new you" look and feel like?"

I see myself as a discoverer - a person amazed by wonder. When I learn, it excites me. Even though I'm doing it now, I feel like there is so much more potential. My "new" me is more carefree and not bogged down by trivial matters. She is free-spirited and really indulges in life, is full of laughter and has all the time in the world for everyone. She loves every being and everything the universe has to offer. I always envision her running around in a field on a mountain that overlooks more of nature's gifts. She is always surrounded by good people who appreciate her journey. 

This is the person I strive for. This is the person I'm going to be. There is nothing stopping me from being this person.

Day 4 - A Year to Clear - What is Clutter?

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Lesson 4: What is Clutter?

When I think of clutter, I think of myself hoarding all these unnecessary items that I tend to not use or keep for some memory. I always think of physical clutter and what we create in our homes as being the clutter that plagues me. This lesson included a video that outlined that when the body is out of balance mentally such as bad thoughts, loss and tragedy, and fear, this becomes the invisible clutter. Both visible and invisible clutter stops us from becoming our best and true selves. The video went through why we get overwhelmed and how we can slowly, but surely, overcome this.

We live in such a fast paced environment, that it's no wonder we sometimes crash and burn and lose passion for things we love and become lost. We tend to get stressed and don't realise the impact on our lives and our self. When we do have a build of stress, it can make us overwhelmed which is caused by the fight or flight mode that goes off in our brain, which is a reaction to fearful thoughts, uncomfortable situations, attachment and when we're emotionally charged. The problem is, it's hard to switch off. We unconsciously can't stop it from cycling through over and over. This feeling then leads to procrastination and avoidance.

There is a way to break through overwhelm with 3 consistent steps Stephanie Bennett Vogt mentions:
1 - We need to slow down
2 - We need to focus on tasks that don't trigger a reaction in our brain
3 - We need to be consistent in our effort daily
Stephanie used an example of a messy desk with paper everywhere, rubbish piling up and everything unorganised. The most impulsive thing we tend to do is avoid it altogether or try to tackle in one go, but she advises to take a gentle approach to get over this problem. Her method is Reduce and Repeat. The way to reduce the area is to spend focus and time on the task, but then to have awareness to in repeating the task every day until it's complete. SO, if all you can do is move one paper clip per day, do that but repeatedly and consistently. It's all about small steps, one breath at a time with all the awareness you can put together, and you keep repeating this, until it feels good.

Don't let the overwhelm talk you out of it when you think you have so much to clear! Being consistent and aware is the key. Stephanie mentions when you take a slow approach, it creates new neural pathways in the brain that triggers good habits and makes you feel good. This will have a flow on effect onto other aspects of your life. You can do Repeat every day for 1 minute. Stephanie asks you to focus on one thing that causes you frustration or stress, close your eyes, note how it makes you feel, take deep breaths - to me it is like meditating on it. After a week, you might find you slow down and simplify so it may not cause you stress anymore. The exercise is to do this now and answer the following:

  • After doing the closed-eye exercise I noticed______
  • Surprising ways that clutter shows up in my life are______

    My outcomes:
  • After doing the closed-eyed exercise I noticed, I still have quite a few belongings that I want to sort as part of a recent declutter of my house.
  • Surprising ways that clutter shows up in my life are people buying me things I don't need or me rearranging my house and realising there is more and more items to get rid of.