Day 5 - A Year to Clear - New You

new you galaxy

Lesson 5: New You

This week's lesson focuses on the "New You", but in actuality, it has always been inside you. This version of yourself seems new to you but actually isn't. Behind all the layers, there is the truest version of yourself. You may envision your "New You" as a playful and curious child or an old lady reminiscing about her successful life. So the question is asked "What does your "new you" look and feel like?"

I see myself as a discoverer - a person amazed by wonder. When I learn, it excites me. Even though I'm doing it now, I feel like there is so much more potential. My "new" me is more carefree and not bogged down by trivial matters. She is free-spirited and really indulges in life, is full of laughter and has all the time in the world for everyone. She loves every being and everything the universe has to offer. I always envision her running around in a field on a mountain that overlooks more of nature's gifts. She is always surrounded by good people who appreciate her journey. 

This is the person I strive for. This is the person I'm going to be. There is nothing stopping me from being this person.

Day 1 - A Year to Clear - Welcome!

Lesson 1: Welcome!

Today's lesson was quite introductory to say how everything will work with some FAQ. There will be 52 themes for each week of the year and obviously 7 days to cover each topic. Week 1 is focused on "Departing". One item I should have is a journal to log down how each lessons makes me feel and the impact it's having on my life. I thought just keeping it online might be the best way to go but maybe I'll keep a paper journal also for those moments that really make a considerable difference.

The guidelines:
Be Open - I want to transform along this journey and it's about letting go and facing the unknown. Pretty big step in my opinion seeing as we tend to fear the unknown so this will be so foreign to me.

Stop and feel - It's about really absorbing about what's being taught. Really connect with the emotion I have and having the time to understand why.

Receive and nourish - Every day is a new message and teaching so it's good to take the time to receive each message.

Take your time and keep it moving - This shouldn't be something of a chore. I need to take my time really reflecting within myself in order to grow.

Don't identify - This exercise is really about releasing stuck energy that we absorb from others, space, situations etc. So I'll be learning how to not make them mine.

Allow Silence - This talks about not being afraid to embrace everything that comes and being in silence gives an opportunity to feel and create openings.

Have fun! - I hope I don't get caught up in getting it right and let down barriers to just let things be and expand my perspective.

Although this says this is lesson 1, it wasn't a direct lesson in something specific but to open myself to those guidelines. So tomorrow is where the real fun begins



Day 1 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - What's Your Soul's Purpose?

Lesson 1 - Being born is a passage of forgetting...

Today opened up with a meditation to find my souls purpose. I lied down and connected with the Divine to try to remember what I already knew. My answer during my meditation was fragmented with a lot of different images, and through this, I wasn't supposed to always take the literal meaning of what I saw.

Details of Lesson One: Being born is a passage of forgetting; everything you once knew disappears, must be relearned again. This is the soul's purpose: this continual movement toward consciousness, toward remembering. In this lifetime, in every lifetime, this is your soul's destiny. The exercise was to see what my destiny is, which can be daunting if you doubt yourself and are unsure of even receiving any messages.

What's my Soul's purpose_.png


Let me take you through what I saw. It started with a moth flying upward which can symbolise to trust in the journey. A wolf appeared as a guide within my journey and I was shown the destruction of the environment: trees obliterated and the earth burning and to see such images was a scary experience. I believe I saw these images as it was a sign that I am meant to help heal the Earth in some way. I also saw humans advancing to a point where they will move on from the Earth, so that was kind of reassuring in the sense that everything will work out the way it's supposed to.

I called upon Odin, Ezekiel and Shiva to help guide me. You might ask, why did I call upon these deities and angel to guide me? Well on previous meditations that I've done, Ezekiel was the first angel to appear to me. He represents Transformation. Although he's not a heavily focused Angel to the likes of Arch angel Michael, Gabriel etc, Ezekiel I hold dear because he helped me to see that I was on the right path to start my spiritual journey. The current problem I have is trusting and letting go. He showed me that I was "home" and that I was finally here. I know that Ezekiel is heavily featured with the Merkaba which is the light vehicle of transcendence - I still have much to learn on this.

The Hindu deity Shiva came to me when I asked a witch friend some time ago, "how do I find out who my spiritual guide is?". He gave me a symbol to meditate on and Shiva came to me clear as day: blue skin, long dark hair, feminine features. I have no affiliation to Hinduism, and honestly, had't learned anything prior about it to know what the deities mean. But, here I was being connected to a deity that I was supposed to. I have now since learned Shiva is the third god in the Hindu triumvirate to Vishnu and Brahma. Brahma being creator of the universe, Vishnu being the preserver and Shiva is the destroyer of the universe, only to recreate it. Again, I am humbly reminded that I am being protected in my spiritual journey as Shiva, like Ezekiel, are here to help transform me: destroy the old/conditioned parts of me in order to recreate my true self.

Finally, I called upon Norse god Odin because he came to me in my Oracle card reading I did for myself and symbolised Guidance. Referred to as the "All Father" to both gods and humans, teaches that through education and listening to wise voices will help us in our own development and growth. He is a protector and helped guided me in the next part of my meditation after the wolf had shown me their part. He was clear as day in my meditation but dressed in some simple garments but I just knew it was him. I travelled with Odin on a horse to be shown light. That seems so simple but yet very informative to me. I want to be a light worker and it was a reconfirmation that this is part of me.

I saw words flash up "Forgive" which I can only reflect back on myself to forgive myself more and to be forgiving to others. Something I'm working on and feel I will succeed. I didn't see all the words being flashed to me as some were sentences and I'm sure when it's needed, they will reappear in future. The other words I do remember is "conform yourself" which I originally thought said "confirm yourself" but I looked closer to see the letters. I took "conform yourself" to mean that I need to accept that I'm on the right path. I saw divination tools like a crystal ball to reconfirm that my skills will develop and to keep at it. I've got a lot of work to do in order to help others.

I saw devastation of people: people crying, running with fear. It was very confronting. I took the meaning to be is that with the Earth crying with all our current environmental issues, the impacts are going to eventually spread to all humans and they will care one day - possibly when it's too late or they will wake up. This being an accompaniment to the previous images of the trees being destroyed. If we don't heal the Earth, we're going to face some really serious consequences. Also saw the sun breaking light over a planet, from the point of view from space. Seemed like a new dawn is coming.

I don't remember everything from this meditation because you just want to be within it and appreciate all that is being given to you. It's not as easily stopping, writing down what you saw and resuming where you left off. If only we had mental notebooks that captured everything we saw. What I was finally left with was a hello from Ezekiel and he was like a friend wishing me farewell from this journey. Shiva did not appear but that's not to say they weren't present.

So, going back to finding out what my soul's purpose is? Well, I believe I need to help others through my light work and if I keep developing, I will eventually do this.