Day 202 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Understand That Not Everyone...

Photo by Davide Cantelli on Unsplash

Lesson 202: Understand That Not Everyone...

Understand that not everyone in this lifetime seeks; not everyone will find. Understand, that most are still sleeping; this is always as it has been. At a given time, there are only a few who are illuminated.
— Sara Wiseman

Not everyone will be guided by the Divine light. In fact, you will know some people in your life that are not interested in discovering their spiritual side and do not want to be awakened. It’s one of those things that you need to accept and allow their path to be their own. I think over time, those people do get curious and want to expand on the topic, and there will be a moment to have a nice healthy discussion about spirituality. You may find you slowly light people’s paths and allow them to explore your beliefs as a starting point. Today, we are to shine our light to assist those around you to become illuminated for we are illuminated. Take the moment to help another seek from the Divine.

When I was at work, a girl came in wanting to find a tarot deck. She had been on the search and hadn’t found one she connected with. We started talking and I talked about different places I had been to learn spirituality in different ways. She was quite young so I thought by freely talking about my own path, she might feel comfortable in exploring some of the things I was talking about. I think that’s the hardest challenge I faced – not knowing where to go to really answer the questions I had. Anything I can do to illuminate someone else’s path is a win for me. If I can be open and honest about what I’ve done, it may spark something in someone else. I think not really knowing if you can find people like yourself can be difficult and at times it can be a solitary path. It’s good to find people that believe in the same things you do. Because this girl hadn’t learned tarot, I said we had tarot classes every fortnight for $20 and you get to learn with a good group of people. I could see the cogs turning in her head as she considered it. I just wanted to show her that there are safe environments where learning was possible with people just like her. She ended up buying oracle cards and a crystal and left after this.

Even though this girl didn’t take me up on my offer, I like to talk to others of my own experience. The other day I helped a lady by giving her my medium teacher’s number because her and her husband started seeing spirits. I offered assistance in this way because they were afraid but I wanted them to know that there was a reason spirits were presenting themselves and it’s a path they can explore. I think fear really took over but if you have the right guidance, it becomes less intense and scary. I think when we all help each other in this way, it opens possibilities for others. I try and do that every time I’m working in the witch shop to stop uncertainty in others. It’s a welcome environment and I’m proud of who I am and I want that in others too.

Is there something you can do to help illuminate someone else’s path?

Day 202 - A Year to Clear - Say Yes To Now

Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

Lesson 202: Say Yes To Now

Always say ‘yes’ to the present moment. What could be more futile, more insane, than to create inner resistance to what already is? What could be more insane than to oppose life itself, which is now and always now? Surrender to what is. Say ‘yes’ to life — and see how life suddenly starts working for you rather than against you.
— Eckhart Tolle

Today is all about being present and just saying yes. What is something that you can say yes to in this present moment without any hesitation? Just do it!

On my Saturday, I got asked to do tarot readings on a day that I don’t usually. I said “I’ll just go with it and go with the flow”. I just said yes more so for the opportunity and didn’t hesitate. I think it helps alleviate the other readers who would be busy that day so it’s a chance to increase my skill and extend my readings out on a busier day. I am trying to see the opportunity in situations when I say yes to things. There is always a chance to learn within reason.

This lesson definitely reminds me of that Jim Carrey movie “Yes Man” because when he said yes to doing everything, it opened him up to new experiences and possibilities. I think when we live in the now, we gain so much. It’s when our monkey mind steers us with doubt and fear, that causes us to question whether it’s a good idea to do the task or not. If we say yes without a moment to think, we are allowing ourselves to be open to many new opportunities. This is what I’m trying to live by. If I don’t like what I just attempted, then I won’t do it again – plain and simple. Got to give it a go before you dismiss it right?