Day 145 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Even a Short Time Ago...

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Lesson 145: Even a Short Time Ago...

Even a short time ago, you were controlled by schedule, that “to do” list. But now, as you enter into heart of connection, you realize that time also, is one of One. There is no difference in all the layers and levels of the Universe: time, space, matter, you.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to check in and see what emotions and feelings pop up to your “to do” list. Is there anything that has changed in your perspective towards this and time?

I very much have an open ended set of goals. I don’t make a timeline of when to do my goals. I try and just vaguely set myself goals to do for the year, but really they can extend to the following years. My plans are things I want to achieve in my life with no set timeframe.

I guess the concept of time can be tricky because we are accustomed to a certain way of living based on our jobs and pretty much how society has set it. If we could all just do what we truly wanted and push work to certain parts of the day and do more things we loved, then really we wouldn’t base it around the constructs of time. I would love to spend most of my time reading, travelling, studying etc but then I have a 9-5 job. What the construct of my environment restricts me from, is flexibility with time.

It’s a nice thought to have time as a constraint. I try and go with the flow of things and don’t rush myself in anything I do. I am living for experience, so in that sense I am savouring time in moments and memories. As for a “to do” list, I am not strict on that either – it’s just a list of things to achieve before I die mostly.

What are your thoughts on this?

Day 144 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - As Consciousness Increases...

Photo by Rachael Crowe on Unsplash

Photo by Rachael Crowe on Unsplash

Lesson 144: As Consciousness Increases...

As our hearts begin to open, we’re increasing our consciousness. As we increase our consciousness, our concept of time changes. We are more aware, we have less low vibrational activities, we choose experiences that bring up our vibration and we don’t panic about the past like we used to. There is a relaxed knowing  that hurrying things won’t make a difference in the grand scheme of things and pacing ourselves becomes common practise. Things will be given to us through Divine timing.

Today we are to write down how we feel about schedules, time, hurrying and pacing. Where are you on this continuum?

To be honest, from a work perspective I like a schedule to adhere to. It makes my time at work meaningful and I actually have a duty or targets to fulfil. I think any workplace with structure allows me to thrive because I have to fulfil their requirements of me.

If I think about time in my everyday life, I try not to rush myself. I like to take it easy because then I feel calm and relaxed in my life. There is no point overwhelming myself in my own time as I should be doing things I enjoy or spending time with people I actually care about. I don’t necessarily make a schedule but tell myself to do an activity after the current one. My only daily goals are to write my blog, practise something in relation to my spirituality and make sure I’m flossing my teeth LOL! It took me some time to get the flossing routine into my everyday life. I am trying to slowly implement more routines like this which I read most routines take 30 consecutive days of implementation before it actually sticks. The next one is my dancing/exercise routines and from there, healthier eating habits. I don’t set timeframes on them because I don’t want the pressure. It’s all progress but in my own time.

How do you feel about schedules and time? What is something you need to relax yourself on?

Day 6 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Linear Time is a Fallacy


Lesson 6: Understand that linear time is fallacy...

Again, Time makes an appearance. The difference with today's lesson is that there is a focus on being present. It's something I try to achieve on a daily basis. It's something a lot of people become more mindful of when our lives are heavily saturated with social media. Lesson 6 is about taking a moment to think about our current present moment - the past is the past and we don't know our exact future. We need to be living in the now because it's the only time we know. Could we be living differently? If we aren't doing what we enjoy, then can you change it? We need to "Understand that linear time is fallacy."

The exercise reads as " If you had only one day left in this lifetime, how would you spend it. One year? Write these thoughts down, and let them inform you."

If I only had one day left, I'd spend it with my family. I'd want to savour the moment.  I'd also want to make sure everyone is doing okay, and being looked after, before I left. And I wouldn't want it to be too complicated - it'd just be a simple outing or family lunch where we're all laughing and having a good time. I do really enjoy the simple things.

If I had one year left in this lifetime, I would like to clock all my bucket list items before I left. Right now, I am currently trying to live through experience. I go to more gigs and concerts so I can feel the music, I am blogging to execute more skill in writing, I study all aspects of witchcraft and light work so I can one day help people, I read more to expand my imagination, I am learning a language to become multilingual, I draw because I've always wanted to have that skill and there is so much more I want to achieve this year! I even wrote out all I want to achieve for 2018 on a sheet of paper and pin it up (which is in the my journal section of my blog). I don't see why I can't achieve all of this. Last year I had set backs, but I overcame the challenges, and believe I can do anything this year. I blog daily in order to maintain some form of discipline, which also flows onto everything else I currently do. I know I missed out on so much during my 20s, and I'm not going to live with regret, so I want to experience everything I dreamed of, or always wanted to do. The only person who holds you back is yourself!

Day 5 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Time is not Linear


Lesson 5: Time is not linear...

I am running behind on this lesson, 1 because I got busy and didn't have enough time (which is funny when you read what's to come) and 2 because it requires full attention.

Carrying on from the last lesson, the concept of time makes another appearance, except it's much heavier than the last post. It's one massive journey and a lot to take on if you don't believe in past lives and future self. I do however believe in this. I have done past life regression, seen past lives and also a future life. For anyone that hasn't done this before, it may be a massive leap to action the following:

Lesson Five: Time is not linear. It is energy, and energy does not work in linear progression. Because time is not linear, as you may have once believed, it is easy for you to jump levels in time: to visit this lifetime in the past, that event in the future. It is easy to jump levels in time, once you understand the connection of all time.

Exercise: Take a moment, and ask yourself who you still hold karma with, in this lifetime. Close your eyes, and ask for a glimpse of the last lifetime you held. Close your eyes, and ask for a glimpse of the next lifetime you will have.

In one of my past life regressions, I saw my very last life before this one. There is karma from that which has flowed into this life. I do not have a good relationship with my father. Growing up, I don't think he knew how to be a father, and I guess no one really does until you become a parent. My problem as I reflect back is that he didn't try. He used to put me down and I'm not sure of the extent of this on my older brother. My dad didn't make feel good enough, that everything I did was failure. I was a kid. Kids tend to make mistakes. Kids tend to do silly things but we seek guidance from our parents to become better people. I had no confidence, low self esteem and felt worthless a lot of the time. I felt ugly. At times, I didn't think I wanted to live or didn't see the point in living. That's tough when you're a teenager. I didn't really show this towards my friends because of course you want to fit in. I remember at one point, I didn't like my life that I wanted to move to Singapore and live with extended family, just because I thought I might feel better. I currently don't talk to my dad and once I figure out who I am as a person, I believe the day will come when this will be part of the past that I built myself from.

So in my previous life regression, I saw myself living in country America on a farm. I remember seeing the corn fields and white porch of the farmhouse. I was a young caucasian boy, with blond hair and was named Jack. I was very much a loner with one real friend - my dog named Sammy. I remember my mother. She was a beauty. She had bright red hair and a wonderful smile that made me happy and reassured. My father's face I couldn't see, as in, his face was deliberately faded out. He abused me in this lifetime- physically and mentally. What I did see was myself grow up to be a fine man, got out of rural America and made something of myself. I believed this was the 1950s, and the timeline seems short as I'm born in 1984, so either I had a really short previous life or I have the dates wrong completely. All I know is that this life was definitely the life before now.

So, I asked the Divine to connect with me on this meditation to see my future life. I always put on relaxing music and randomly selected "Learn to Forgive", which is a testament to my current life and what I need to work on. I thought it was hilarious. Anyway, I was getting a lot of images. I saw myself as a gay man with my lover. I seemed happy but it seemed like I had a heavy burden to wear. Then, I mostly saw myself as a man living in Japan but not as a Japanese person. I believe I was caucasian and working on some projects together with a Japanese firm. Couldn't see what job I had. Then I saw random images like a lady who I knew was my mum but not related to that man living in Japan. I saw an Englishman who was my father, also not related to the man living in Japan. I feel like it was very fragmented but nonetheless, I have future lives ahead of me. Whether I connect spiritually in those lifetimes, I'm not sure. What I take from this is that, maybe as a gay man, I may have another lifetime of daddy issue karma but I feel like it might transform into a non-acceptance of who I am. The man living in Japan looked like he was just happy living his life, so maybe that's something to look forward to?

I can definitely see things lingering from one life to another, though I also see the potential of overcoming karma in the next life. It all seems like a working progress towards self. It makes me wonder however we start off, does our lives end when we ultimately learn all our lessons in life? Such a massive question to ponder on and answer.

Day 4 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Time

The idea of time.png

Time is pure mirage

Lesson 4: The idea of time is pure mirage. Time exists in the same energy plane as all energy. Thus, it is created of particulate energy, infinitely expanding and contracting.

The exercise asked me how does time work for me. Do I have too little, do I have too much? What is your concept of time? If it didn't work in the way you believe it does, how would you feel if there was no concept of too little or too much time? If not measured in any way, would you do anything different?

So the concept of time.... Well, I am not a full scientist to conceptualise the spacetime argument, mostly because I haven't read about it also! Haha! My concept of time is really based on the human construct of a ticking clock and the Gregorian calendar. My whole concept of time is based on how I plan my days towards a calendar, and that my whole work/life balance is based on the times of day to this calendar, which consists of 24 hours in a day. The only other concept of time I've encountered when growing up is the Islamic Calendar because my mother is Muslim. 

I recently attended a book launch of Ly De Angele's book called The Skellig and she talked about what is time? That she didn't know if Apollo the God or Apollo the spaceship came first, as an example. This really opened my eyes to a different way of thinking. If we were to see time as just infinitely expanding, then where do we really fit into the grand scheme of things? Is time just constantly morphing and seeping into different periods of life and everything can exist at the same time? It really becomes a philosophical question at that point. Anyway, if I didn't have the concept of a calendar, I wouldn't know where my 9-5 job would fit in because I'd happily be enjoying everything else I wanted to do in life. If that was something that had to be part of my life, I'd spend a great amount of time to avoid it. Then I would go about changing my life and then doing more to heal the earth and its beings. From there, I would want to see how other people live during different periods and connect with them in order to understand how they lived. Imagine meeting an ancestor for the first time and seeing how they lived? If you could project yourself to the big bang or the end of the universe, would you do it? I would. I have a few sci-fi fantasies coming at play here. If "time" could be warped in such a way, I'd be out discovering the universe and the earth during different "time" periods. 

It's definitely a good thought provoking question. I find it difficult to answer. I would love to know where I came from through bloodlines and look at what the universe looks like beyond our observable edge. But if we're talking immediate life, I'd focus more on my creative goals.