Day 286 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - When Someone Dies...

Photo by Ravi Roshan on Unsplash

Photo by Ravi Roshan on Unsplash

Lesson 286: When Someone Dies...

When someone dies, we are reminded that this is also our journey. When someone is born, we are reminded of whence we came. Both passages are mysteries. The heart holds their only meaning.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to think about the cycles of birth and death. We are to notice it in our life and all the different ways it shows up.

I spent my Saturday cleaning the house for like 6 hours. From mopping, vacuuming, the bathroom and some serious dusting, I felt good achieving so much. My house is tidy and I feel good in my home. At night I went out to a gig and even though I was unwell, still had a good time.

In terms of a cycle of birth and death, I guess with my cleaning I would clearing away the dirt which would be death to give life to a clean, fresh state. Even though it’s not a direct birth and life situation, it still shows a cycle. As for the live music gig, I see it as both birth and death – birth of a new experience as well as death of the person I used to be because I didn’t have this experience beforehand. Because I am a medium also, a man in spirit came and stood next to me. He had medium dark brown hair, black jeans and a white tee. I don’t know why he came, but I think he just wanted to see Kygo in concert. It was kind of a funny experience because I could feel someone standing next to me. His presence was strong but when I turned to see him in the physical sense, there was no one there. I think him being there also shows both death and birth. Death because he was a spirit on the other side, but birth of me having a shared experience with a spirit that I didn’t know, and also didn’t realise I could have that experience with a spirit. I honestly think I was a beacon in that moment and he wanted to come and enjoy the show.

At night, I was just chilling into the night with my bestie and I had her father in death come along to pass on messages. It was quite emotional and he had so much he wanted to say. Again death and life in this moment. Not only was her father passed on, he needed to kill some beliefs my friend had that impacted her relationship with her father, but brought birth into her life on how she could move forward. It was very personal so I won’t go into detail though I’m glad that it showed I can help people and give new life to those that believe in what I have to say.

So those were my cycles for the day, what was yours?

Day 276 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - It Is Not Important...

Photo by Sam Manns on Unsplash

Photo by Sam Manns on Unsplash

Lesson 276: It Is Not Important...

…to live the high life or even a not so high life. All of what you do in life cannot be measured in the form of societal standard and it is about experience. Today we are to go about our day and notice something we enjoy and then “enjoy the heck out of it!”.

Today I had work but then I helped a lady wanting to connect with her grandma who has passed over. For those that don’t know, I am a medium as well as other spiritual things. I didn’t really have to open myself up before imagery started popping in my head of her grandma and the messages she wanted to convey. It was nice to help someone get that reassurance that her grandma was okay in her final moments and the messages I had to offer from the other side. I was quite specific in my detailing of particular situations and they seemed to be spot on. Sometimes it still freaks me out how accurate I can be for people that are overseas and I am not physically connected to them and I’m just typing the messages via Facebook.

The other wonderful thing that I got to do today was catch up with one of my friends that relates to me through spirituality and witchcraft. I like catching up with her because I can talk my spiritual talk and it not seem like a weird topic of discussion. It is freeing. I managed to assist her in some challenges she was facing and because I was again channelling messages from my guides to her, it may have been a step in the right direction for finding resolution in her life.

My day was quite spiritual. I mean I did have my normal office job, but I felt it concluded on such a nice note – that I can help anyone any time in any form. It’s through these experiences that I grow stronger in skill and get reassurance that I am on the right path.

What was your most enjoyable experience of today?

Day 255 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - In the State of Oneness...

Photo by Sara Dubler on Unsplash

Photo by Sara Dubler on Unsplash

Lesson 255: In the State of Oneness...

In the state of Oneness, the idea of security, safety, protection, stability also drops away. Everything changes. Happiness is an internal state, not based on externals. It is hard to see this, until you are there.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to think about what makes us feel secure in life… is it money? Family? Material things? What is the one thing that you think cements your future? If that all dissolved, the question is posed of would you still exist?

I think I’ve learned that materialism gets you nowhere. All the shoes, handbags, make-up.. would have never really made me feel secure in life. All those objects are really temporary happiness fixes. They are not really long term. I guess like anyone else, I was taught that building a future with a high paying job is what makes you feel secure. I think money definitely helps in placing a roof over your head and allowing you to have enough to eat. I get that the lesson is teaching us that we are so much more than these things, and we will in fact exist if we didn’t have all these things, but the truth is, we are products of our environment. If I could live my life without money and still function in this city, I would do it but it’s really not realistic. The idea of Oneness is great, but it doesn’t place a roof over my head. I need to be logical and practical. If I one day I quit this lifestyle and moved to a remote village to live off the land, then accepting Oneness would be easier.  You would not live with the constraints of modern society. That’d be nice but possibly not achievable unless society changed.

I’m probably taking this lesson further than it needs to go. If I could be free to live a life without security in certain things such as money, it would be really nice. I think I could only enjoy it if I moved to a place where money doesn’t exist and just be. That’d be the life. If everyone could be without these constraints that we live in, then Oneness could be embraced.

Day 229 - A Year to Clear - Just Imagine

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

Lesson 229: Just Imagine

What if the path you are experiencing now will take you forward into a life so magical and fulfilling that you cannot even imagine it.
— Lena Stevens, "The Power Path

Today we are to absorb the quote.

I think in life sometimes it’s hard to believe and even imagine that the path we are on is magical. I know during times of trauma, you may question why everything is coming down around you. I think it’s okay to go through the cycles of emotion and feelings whenever we experience any event in our lives. I know I’ve experiences those moments when I really question the point of anything. I have since learned that what we live through is building us for a better life moving forward. We may go through hardship, but it’s in those moments that we learn a lesson and know how to handle those situations if we’re ever faced with it again. I think we are stronger for it. I really like the quote because we can’t really fathom a magical path as we can’t predict the future as a clear set path. I think we can’t imagine our lives for sure and the random occurrences that present themselves are the magical parts of life.

Day 181 - A Year to Clear - What IS Working?

Photo by Cristian Escobar on Unsplash

Lesson 181: What IS Working?

Today we are to make a list of what is working in our lives. Then, from there we are to choose one and focus our attention on it even if uncomfortable feelings start to arise from it.

My list of what’s working in my life:

·         Spirituality

·         Meditation

·         Dance

·         Card reading

·         Witchcraft

·         Divination

·         Mediumship

·         Living through experience

I kind of focus on all of these and to just focus on one is a no can do in my eyes. I go to dance class on Mondays and that was my main focus as I had a performance to prepare for. In July there won’t be as much of a focus as I don’t have a performance, though it’s still important.

I live through experience because I think I really got so caught up in my past relationship in my twenties, that I didn’t really live my life. That’s a massive truth bomb if I ever let it drop. I didn’t travel. I didn’t do anything I wanted to do. I didn’t even dream. So, I decided last year that I wouldn’t take any moment for granted. That in every moment, I could experience something. This is something I hold with great value.

My spirituality is linked to everything else – meditation, witchcraft, all the types of psychic readings I do. I feel like this is just part of my life and although I don’t necessarily have one focus, they all interweave with one another. From this, I want to start my own business so I guess that would be my main focus in the upcoming months. I take my spirituality seriously and think I have skills that I opened myself up to, which I don’t want to turn back on. I am still expanding and developing and this is a natural part of my life.

So, I guess I will set up my business as my main focus but it really integrates everything that I am doing in my life. What is on your list and what do you want to focus on?