Day 273 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - There Are Not Only Two States...

Photo by Ihor Malytskyi on Unsplash

Lesson 273: There Are Not Only Two States...

…of the sacred and the mundane. It is said that it is all one state that is infinite within the fabric of time, space, dimensions, layers and Universe. Today we are to just open ourselves to this even if it’s just for 10 seconds – the concept of one state. Know that where ever you are in this moment is just perfect.

As I mentioned in the previous post, I definitely mix the mundane with the sacred. I just go about my day as if that is normal. I never thought about it all being one state, though I guess that makes sense now. I think about it as labels and why am I labelling something as sacred versus the other that is mundane. Maybe everything I do is just in it’s normal state. It’s like saying that the sacred is at a higher state than a mundane task but what if they are just as equally as important as the other?

I started practising writing down my achievements in a book every day. I write washing dishes as an achievement. I think it’s acknowledging those small wins but for sometimes, it’s a big task for another. I decided to do this to help with my depression because washing dishes was such a hard task for me during that time. I was so happy when I broke the cycle and told myself I could wash the dishes. Even though this seems like a mundane task, it was a HUGE achievement for me. I think everything that I do, whether it’s sacred or mundane, is a success. So maybe this practise was to show me that it’s all interconnected. Like literally everything we do is in these interweaved states that combine them as one. I feel like this can take a whole other philosophical approach and my brain does not want to go there tonight. I totally get what the lesson is but you could talk hours on it.

Day 188 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Electronica is the Newest Addiction...

Photo by Rodion Kutsaev on Unsplash

Lesson 188: Electronica is the Newest Addiction...

Today we are to think about how much we use our electronic devices, internet and social media. Does it make your life better? How do you feel when you spend days, weeks or months away from it?

I personally feel like being on my iPhone has sometimes taken over my life - like I couldn’t live without if I didn’t know what was happening on Facebook. It got so bad, that I wasn’t doing anything productive. I think that’s the trap with having easy access to such platforms – it is too convenient to be on your phone all the time. I even use it in bed when I should be going to sleep. It’s quite terrible.

I have been trying to make more a conscious effort to do something else but be on my phone all the time. I will try to do some other activity that doesn’t have me sitting on my phone all the time. I sometimes just throw my phone aside so I can do anything else.
I think I’d be okay to be away from social media if I had to go without it for a month but I find part of what I do, like blogging, requires me to be on my electronic devices. I find it necessary to be creative in some of the activities I do, but also establishes my connections as well. I do feel like I could go without it if I didn’t have these daily activities in my writing that I want to achieve.

To assess my personal situation, I think it can make my life both better and worse. Worse for when I spend time on it doing nothing and better for when I connect with people on my journey. If I went away on a holiday, I think I could place my phone aside and the whole time and just enjoy life. I think it’s okay to switch off.

Day 187 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - In This World of Electronica...

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

Lesson 187: In This World of Electronica...

In a world of social media, it’s easy to hide our true selves. We can wear a mask if we so choose because it’s easy. Even though the internet has provided a way of connecting, do you feel that the connections are true and are useful for you?

I personally feel that it’s easy for some to hide behind a computer screen when it comes to social media. I think it’s caused an avenue for more bullying and people to just be mean in general. I do find that social media also distracts people from truly doing useful activities. I am a culprit of wasting time on social media because it doesn’t take brain power, and sometimes I feel I need something mind numbing when it’s been a tough day.

I do find social media has helped me connect with more people like me though. Without it, I wouldn’t have found the people I needed to on my spiritual path. I like social media for that aspect. The connections I can find locally and internationally have really benefited my life and I do feel like those connections are true and solid. I actually wouldn’t have met my mentors if I didn’t have social media. I truly believe without it, I would be lost as to where to get the guidance I truly needed.

So overall, I value social media for opening the avenues to the people I needed on my path. Without it, I may have been just as lost like when I was a teenager and didn’t know what to do with my life. I see the friendships I’ve discovered as utmost importance and value. How about you?

Day 168 - A Year to Clear - Check In WEEK 24 - Breaking the Chain of Pain

Photo by Jilbert Ebrahimi on Unsplash

Lesson 168: Check In WEEK 24 - Breaking the Chain of Pain

The past 2 weeks has been about how we deal and identify with pain. It’s really about training yourself to be aware of the onset of emotions and confirming it’s yours or if you can change a pattern you normally go with. There was also a moment where we were opened to the concept of interconnectedness. That we as collective are bound together through our unconscious and conscious minds. Sometimes those emotions and feelings we think is ours might actually not be and be someone else’s.

I think the valuable lesson from these past 2 weeks is recognising that we have the power of influence. If we’re feeling a particular emotion, there is no need to bring others along with it. It’s about being more mindful how our actions can play out. Can we stop ourselves in the midst of our tracks so that we don’t recycle old patterns. We can always empower ourselves for change, so that we don’t bring about a negative vibe and decide to lift ourselves up, as well as those around us. There is always the power of change. We don’t have to get stuck in old patterns but it does take practise to become more aware to stop them from coming to surface.

Have a read over my past posts and see what is valuable to learn from. It can change your life just by facing pain and recognising how you can deal with it.

Day 167 - A Year to Clear - Greater Mind in Action

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Lesson 167: VIDEO - Greater Mind in Action

We all want to feel connected. That idea is more powerful than any magic I can do.
— David Blaine

Today we are to look at this video and understand connection; that we all are interconnected through our minds. The video touches on this concept and that what you feel might be what someone else feels, and that feeling might not actually be yours. Empaths would know this all too well, but this concept could be bigger than what people could fathom at the same time. What if we’re surrounded by negative people and suddenly we feel depressed – could it be that what we’ve experienced just might not be ours? That somehow you’ve taken on the emotions and feelings of another just by being in proximity, absorbing and hearing all they have to say. If our energy is linked, wouldn’t that make sense? The video that Stephanie Bennett Vogt provided in today’s lesson was simply to try and expand our mind to this notion through David Blaine’s magic. I personally think it’s closer to truth than most people realise. It’s why I place a protective shield up most days… because I don’t want to absorb everything everyone is feeling at that point in time.

Have a think about your own awareness to your emotions and feelings and really start to discover whether or not what you feel is actually yours.