Day 187 - A Year to Clear - Live Wholeheartedly

Photo by Rémi Walle on Unsplash

Photo by Rémi Walle on Unsplash

Lesson 187: Live Wholeheartedly

Today’s lesson goes through a researcher named Dr Brene Brown shares a story about living wholeheartedly and how it separates us. There are those who live with the sense of worthiness and love and those who struggle. To have true connection with another person, we have to allow ourselves to be really seen. We are to think about what ways do we allow ourselves to be really seen by others? Do you tend to hide and why? Or do you find that you can truly be yourself around people?

I personally feel like I don’t reveal my whole truth with some people whilst others it’s easy to. And, it’s not because I don’t trust or care about that person to show my whole truth, it’s that when I show the dark parts, not everyone can handle it. I can only reveal my darkest truths to certain people and that’s okay. I realise that not everyone is best equipped to deal with the dark sides of life and in my mind, I’ve separated those really dark times from them, because I guess I’ve tested the waters with everyone and know who I can go to for certain support.

In terms of being showing my truth, I try to live as honestly as I can. I think I was scared and hid the fact that I do spiritual work and witchcraft but I’m kind of done doing that now. I don’t think I’m hurting anyone in what I do and if people don’t want to try to understand what I do, then I don’t want to hear the negativity. I am the best I have ever been and that is based on my spiritual journey. I don’t really hide what I am anymore and I shouldn’t be made to feel bad for what I do. I’m living purest to my heart and I feel that sometimes, it’s the words and actions of others that puts me down. If I feel my best in this path, then I should be allowed to show how proud I am in it. This is what I’m doing to show more of myself so people know who I really am. I don’t want to feel hidden but I want to be real for myself but also show that to the world.

Day 187 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - In This World of Electronica...

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

Lesson 187: In This World of Electronica...

In a world of social media, it’s easy to hide our true selves. We can wear a mask if we so choose because it’s easy. Even though the internet has provided a way of connecting, do you feel that the connections are true and are useful for you?

I personally feel that it’s easy for some to hide behind a computer screen when it comes to social media. I think it’s caused an avenue for more bullying and people to just be mean in general. I do find that social media also distracts people from truly doing useful activities. I am a culprit of wasting time on social media because it doesn’t take brain power, and sometimes I feel I need something mind numbing when it’s been a tough day.

I do find social media has helped me connect with more people like me though. Without it, I wouldn’t have found the people I needed to on my spiritual path. I like social media for that aspect. The connections I can find locally and internationally have really benefited my life and I do feel like those connections are true and solid. I actually wouldn’t have met my mentors if I didn’t have social media. I truly believe without it, I would be lost as to where to get the guidance I truly needed.

So overall, I value social media for opening the avenues to the people I needed on my path. Without it, I may have been just as lost like when I was a teenager and didn’t know what to do with my life. I see the friendships I’ve discovered as utmost importance and value. How about you?