Day 273 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - There Are Not Only Two States...

Photo by Ihor Malytskyi on Unsplash

Lesson 273: There Are Not Only Two States...

…of the sacred and the mundane. It is said that it is all one state that is infinite within the fabric of time, space, dimensions, layers and Universe. Today we are to just open ourselves to this even if it’s just for 10 seconds – the concept of one state. Know that where ever you are in this moment is just perfect.

As I mentioned in the previous post, I definitely mix the mundane with the sacred. I just go about my day as if that is normal. I never thought about it all being one state, though I guess that makes sense now. I think about it as labels and why am I labelling something as sacred versus the other that is mundane. Maybe everything I do is just in it’s normal state. It’s like saying that the sacred is at a higher state than a mundane task but what if they are just as equally as important as the other?

I started practising writing down my achievements in a book every day. I write washing dishes as an achievement. I think it’s acknowledging those small wins but for sometimes, it’s a big task for another. I decided to do this to help with my depression because washing dishes was such a hard task for me during that time. I was so happy when I broke the cycle and told myself I could wash the dishes. Even though this seems like a mundane task, it was a HUGE achievement for me. I think everything that I do, whether it’s sacred or mundane, is a success. So maybe this practise was to show me that it’s all interconnected. Like literally everything we do is in these interweaved states that combine them as one. I feel like this can take a whole other philosophical approach and my brain does not want to go there tonight. I totally get what the lesson is but you could talk hours on it.

Day 273 - A Year to Clear - Check In WEEK 39 - Knowing

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Lesson 273: Check In WEEK 39 - Knowing

I felt like this week was teaching me what to do when I didn’t know how to answer my question. It didn’t focus on intuition like I thought it would – trusting your own answers from within. I think initially it was good in telling me that if it feels right go with it and if it feels bad, then don’t, but I didn’t really think about what to do when I just didn’t have a feeling or an answer. If anything, the week clarified for me that you can definitely put questions on hold in order to get the right answer. Sometimes just putting it out in the Universe is all you need. I think it was good in learning that you don’t need to have the answer straight away and stepping aside might just be the trick to figuring it out.