Day 168 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Signs, Synchronicities Abound...

Photo by Mike Labrum on Unsplash

Photo by Mike Labrum on Unsplash

Lesson 168: Signs, Synchronicities Abound...

The Universe talks to us in various ways through synchronicities and signs whether we notice them or not. Today we are to notice them and be amazed at the messages we receive. We just need to be open!

My Sunday didn’t really consist of many synchronicities. All I did was catch up on sleep because I felt run down, went to a friends house to watch Australian Football and came home to eat, catch up on blog posts whilst watching Vampire Diaries and go to bed. It wasn’t filled with messages to notice. Just a simple day.

What I will say that when I opened myself to my spirituality, things have fallen into place when I never thought they could. Like I asked “how am I going to find witches in Melbourne?”, and then all of sudden I’m working at a witchcraft store and finding people like me. I also found my medium teacher by chance researching crystal stores in Melbourne. I think just getting a thought in my head has led me to connecting to other people. I thought I might be alone but I’m finding that there are so many people out there like me and that makes me happy. I am living my best life right now and I am so thankful. Some people see sacred numbers everywhere but I honestly do not notice these number synchronicities. I just get people sent to me in various ways that are meant to cross my path and help me grow as a person.

I know the simplest of things that happens is when I think of someone and suddenly they are messaging me or appear in person. Sometimes I find it’s almost like a premonition of what’s coming. What I notice a lot is animals in my path that I believe hold symbolism to what I need to do in my life.

I also try not to overthink things and think everything is a sign or message. I don’t want to go fishing for answers and believe they fall into place. I think if you go searching too hard, you might just drive yourself bonkers and seeing things that aren’t really there. I do not believe in coincidence and everything is meant to be.

What synchronicities did you find today?

Day 168 - A Year to Clear - Check In WEEK 24 - Breaking the Chain of Pain

Photo by Jilbert Ebrahimi on Unsplash

Lesson 168: Check In WEEK 24 - Breaking the Chain of Pain

The past 2 weeks has been about how we deal and identify with pain. It’s really about training yourself to be aware of the onset of emotions and confirming it’s yours or if you can change a pattern you normally go with. There was also a moment where we were opened to the concept of interconnectedness. That we as collective are bound together through our unconscious and conscious minds. Sometimes those emotions and feelings we think is ours might actually not be and be someone else’s.

I think the valuable lesson from these past 2 weeks is recognising that we have the power of influence. If we’re feeling a particular emotion, there is no need to bring others along with it. It’s about being more mindful how our actions can play out. Can we stop ourselves in the midst of our tracks so that we don’t recycle old patterns. We can always empower ourselves for change, so that we don’t bring about a negative vibe and decide to lift ourselves up, as well as those around us. There is always the power of change. We don’t have to get stuck in old patterns but it does take practise to become more aware to stop them from coming to surface.

Have a read over my past posts and see what is valuable to learn from. It can change your life just by facing pain and recognising how you can deal with it.