Day 265 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - When You Are in the Heart of...

Lesson 265: When You Are in the Heart of...

When you are in the heart of connection, consciousness shifts. You find you can lock into the hum of the Universe at any time, at any place. There is no time you can’t do this.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to tune into the hum of the Universe. We will experience it all differently – you may see images in your mind’s eye, you may feel your heart expanding or even feel sensations in your physical body. Lock into the Universe with your conscious thought and see where it takes you.

I personally put on some tribal Viking music, closed my eyes and breathed into it. I was taken to the imagery of the Universe through the stars as if I floated to the Universe. Planets were around and the sun. Then I dove back into the Earth and became a fish. I was swimming but also jumping out of the water. I was swimming so fast and I watch the sun rise above the horizon. When I turned to face the other direction, I saw an island with luscious greenery. I was just floating on the water. Then I saw my eagle guide come through like he always does with his wings span.

Apart from this, I can’t remember the rest. I probably should have written it down straight away rather than get distracted by my phone. I think what I learned through my own consciousness and Oneness is that I am the stars, I am the sun, I am Earth, I am the fish, I am water, I am the mountain and I am the Eagle. I think Oneness doesn’t necessarily mean humans as a collective, but everything that exists in the Universe. We have connection to all beings and forms within the Universe. We are all in a state of being.

Day 253 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Shamanic Drugs, the Ecstatic Drugs...

Lesson 253: The Shamanic Drugs, the Ecstatic Drugs...

The shamanic drugs, the ecstatic drugs, the recreational drugs, the physician-prescribed drugs, the mood-altering drugs, alcohol, supplements—all of substances are used in hopes that the body will experience Oneness. These are real experiences! Expansion can be possible! But it is easier on the physical container, to experience this without drugs, but only in the mind.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are posed with the question of if we do drugs and can you feel that same way when you’re on your own (without them). If you can’t feel the same feeling you get from drugs in your normal life, what do you think is the reason?

I will say that myself and my friends do various drugs. I will say for certain that alcohol is the easiest out of the list that you can get – just because it’s legal, doesn’t mean it’s not a drug. I want to make it clear that when I refer to drugs throughout this post, it includes alcohol. I will not mention anything else I do as that’s personal. I find that what I do take does take me through various elevated emotions and feelings. I feel happy and joy on various levels depending on what I take. Do I feel these same feelings of elevation when I’m sober? For sure! Especially when I am around the right people and doing something I really love. I think any activity or experience that raises the mood can get you to states of joy that doesn’t need a mood raiser to ignite it.

I should probably share my own experiences that shows ways in which I expand and feel joy. Like a broken record, I will say that my spirituality has given me more joy than I could have imagined. Finding witches within Melbourne has allowed me to not only make friends but join in circles that enriches my growth. I love going to live music and really experience it. I get joy from putting music on and dancing in my living room. I love coming home and being with my cats and knowing they are safe. I love going out in nature and smelling the air. I like burning incense and soaking it in. I get excited when a favourite show releases a new season. I love eating various food and feel so happy when it hits that craving. I love talking shit but also spending with friends where I can be deep and personal. I love doing simple things like going to the movies. I don’t necessarily need drugs to experience any of these activities and feel good.

I have encountered people who can’t feel good without one form of drug or another. I really don’t judge. People have their reasons. If they feel more connection whilst being on drugs, who am I to stop someone else’s experience? If their dependency ruins their life, that’s where I may step in, but I haven’t experienced that yet with those close to me. I think there is definitely a level of care that needs to be applied. Have fun and experience but don’t go too crazy with drugs. I just want everyone to be happy and some people can achieve it sober whilst others can’t. I think being open extends much further than the rules we place on ourselves.

Day 250 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - If You Crack Your Heart Open...

Photo by Isaac Benhesed on Unsplash

Lesson 250: If You Crack Your Heart Open...

As we crack our hearts open, our outlook and life changes. You may start to make a new path for yourself and this path may not involve those around you. We grow into Oneness and others may not have their awakening until much later. You will start to let go of the old but realise you are ready to at the same time. Today we are to think about the things we are ready to leave behind… people, beliefs, values, thoughts…. Can you really shed it all off?

I have let go of so much and am still learning to fully let go. I have mentioned what I have let go of in previous posts and I’m not sure I want to entirely repeat it. What I will say is that being brought up in Western society is different if I was to be brought up in my family’s culture in Eastern society. I think I had a mix of the both which didn’t really sit well with me at the same time. I think what Western society did offer me was the freedom to truly think for myself. I know with my Asian family, there are limiting beliefs because they don’t choose to expose themselves to the wider world. I am in no way dissing their way of life, it’s more that their way of life does not resonate with me. It’s fine for them because they live it and are happy in it.

I am thankful that my parents decided to move us to Australia. Sure, it wasn’t always great being Asian in a predominant white community, and those times were tough, but I have seen the world evolve to be more inclusive and that’s amazing! I have actually done away with most of what I was taught as a child, just because I feel like it’s what my parents had offered in some form of guidance. As I’ve grown, I have learned and established my own rules in how I live my life. I feel lucky that I have this privilege. Not everyone has the freedom to speak their minds or mentioning a better way. It’s one of those things I wish for – that through our Oneness, we can all be at peace and no one has to suffer. If we can bring that energy about, it would be mind blowing! Maybe, one day!

Day 249 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - All the Meditation...

Photo by Samuel Austin on Unsplash

Lesson 249: All the Meditation...

All the meditation, all the yoga, all the renunciation in the world will not allow you to reach spiritual awakening. It happens in the heart. It’s the only way to get there; nothing else can do this for you.
— Sara Wiseman

Our spiritual awakening happens in our heart. I think that’s very powerful. It’s not in the mind or thought. It’s an opening of the heart. With being in the current passage of the heart of connection, we are urged to open it more. By going through the passage of pain and compassion, we can definitely learn and now it’s about allowing connection to happen.

I believe connection has to start with self. It’s about how you understand yourself and what your truth is. Once you go on this self journey of discovery, it allows for connection to other beings as well as the Universe (or God, deity etc that you believe in). To me, a spiritual awakening is like that piece of the puzzle that was lost and it just fits you. It allows you to understand how you are part of a collective One and how you can contribute your energy to that One. There is so much potential and possibility by opening your heart. There is also a knowing that everything will be okay. No matter how bad it gets, I just know that I’m going to be okay. I don’t know how and why, it’s just this knowing that I can’t explain. It’s essentially faith.

Can you open your heart today? if you can’t, why not? What could go wrong by being open?

Day 248 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - A Spiritual Awakening is Not...

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Lesson 248: A Spiritual Awakening is Not...

A spiritual awakening is not fire and brimstone, angelic heralds. It is simply an opening into the understanding of our true nature, our true purpose in this lifetime. It is an understanding that everyone else has signed up for the same job duty, too.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to understand that everyone expands their soul at different times and stages in their life. Think about your own heart and how that is opening. Where are you along in your journey?

I think my heart has the potential to grow further. I have silly thoughts pop in my head, which I can only put down to my subconscious holding onto self-deprecating notions that don’t serve me. I did deal with this shadow part of myself last weekend, and feel like I’ve rid most of it, but there is a bit of a feeling that something is still lingering, so I will revisit it.

It’s true that everyone’s understanding of why they are here will come in their own time. I believe we are all to experience and just be in a state of being. I feel like that is what life is about. I think there is major shifts coming to the world, and we more or less all have different missions, duties, tasks to do in order to help the move the world along. Everyone’s truth comes when it needs to. It’s not forced but rather a self-discovery and journey that presents itself at a certain point in your life. Some people get awakened at a young age and some much later in life.

I think I have a bit of work to be more accepting of people and their circumstances. I need to rid myself of judgement both at self and that of others. I think those that actively go out to hurt others probably need more work than those that actively try to be kind in their lives. All I can do is be a leader in my own life and hope that others can see the example I set, to want to change in their own lives – even those people that hurt others. I want to be as open as I can be to all walks of life and I want to help people – that’s the ultimate goal. I have got a long way to go but I am determined to fulfil this in my life. I hope to have my heart opening so big that I can really take on anything and it won’t phase me.

Where do you think you are at? And, where do you want to go in your own soul’s journey?