Day 248 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - A Spiritual Awakening is Not...

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Lesson 248: A Spiritual Awakening is Not...

A spiritual awakening is not fire and brimstone, angelic heralds. It is simply an opening into the understanding of our true nature, our true purpose in this lifetime. It is an understanding that everyone else has signed up for the same job duty, too.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to understand that everyone expands their soul at different times and stages in their life. Think about your own heart and how that is opening. Where are you along in your journey?

I think my heart has the potential to grow further. I have silly thoughts pop in my head, which I can only put down to my subconscious holding onto self-deprecating notions that don’t serve me. I did deal with this shadow part of myself last weekend, and feel like I’ve rid most of it, but there is a bit of a feeling that something is still lingering, so I will revisit it.

It’s true that everyone’s understanding of why they are here will come in their own time. I believe we are all to experience and just be in a state of being. I feel like that is what life is about. I think there is major shifts coming to the world, and we more or less all have different missions, duties, tasks to do in order to help the move the world along. Everyone’s truth comes when it needs to. It’s not forced but rather a self-discovery and journey that presents itself at a certain point in your life. Some people get awakened at a young age and some much later in life.

I think I have a bit of work to be more accepting of people and their circumstances. I need to rid myself of judgement both at self and that of others. I think those that actively go out to hurt others probably need more work than those that actively try to be kind in their lives. All I can do is be a leader in my own life and hope that others can see the example I set, to want to change in their own lives – even those people that hurt others. I want to be as open as I can be to all walks of life and I want to help people – that’s the ultimate goal. I have got a long way to go but I am determined to fulfil this in my life. I hope to have my heart opening so big that I can really take on anything and it won’t phase me.

Where do you think you are at? And, where do you want to go in your own soul’s journey?

Day 248 - A Year to Clear - Do What You Love, Love What You Do

Photo by Simon Maage on Unsplash

Photo by Simon Maage on Unsplash

Lesson 248: Do What You Love, Love What You Do

Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love
— Rumi

Today we are to make a list of things of experiences, people and places that you love. Include on the list anywhere or anything that you’ve been wanting to do or experience. Realise that by creating this list how much love is around you.

I love dancing. I sometimes just dance at home with no real professional movement. I find I am so happy when I am just moving about.

I also love going to live music. I especially love the atmosphere of the crowd whenever I see an artist just belting out tunes. I like that in the crowd there is no judgement. I like the feeling that we are all free to enjoy a common love.

I like the connection I establish as I go further into my own spiritual development. There are so many stories to share and learn from.

I love the rapper Machine Gun Kelly as an inspirational figure to me. How he can overcome homelessness with a baby on the way and just overcome his circumstances to pursue his dream.

I love my family and friends. I think I’ve got to a point where I know when to recognise toxic people, so I steer clear of them.

I love travelling and experiencing someone else’s culture. I like to see how others live and just experience being in another place.

I also like simple things like watching movies, eating out at restaurants on occasion and having a drink with friends.

If anything, this lesson has reminded me to have gratitude. We forget how fortunate we are in what we have and it’s a reminder to see all the good things we have in our lives.