Day 253 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Shamanic Drugs, the Ecstatic Drugs...

Lesson 253: The Shamanic Drugs, the Ecstatic Drugs...

The shamanic drugs, the ecstatic drugs, the recreational drugs, the physician-prescribed drugs, the mood-altering drugs, alcohol, supplements—all of substances are used in hopes that the body will experience Oneness. These are real experiences! Expansion can be possible! But it is easier on the physical container, to experience this without drugs, but only in the mind.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are posed with the question of if we do drugs and can you feel that same way when you’re on your own (without them). If you can’t feel the same feeling you get from drugs in your normal life, what do you think is the reason?

I will say that myself and my friends do various drugs. I will say for certain that alcohol is the easiest out of the list that you can get – just because it’s legal, doesn’t mean it’s not a drug. I want to make it clear that when I refer to drugs throughout this post, it includes alcohol. I will not mention anything else I do as that’s personal. I find that what I do take does take me through various elevated emotions and feelings. I feel happy and joy on various levels depending on what I take. Do I feel these same feelings of elevation when I’m sober? For sure! Especially when I am around the right people and doing something I really love. I think any activity or experience that raises the mood can get you to states of joy that doesn’t need a mood raiser to ignite it.

I should probably share my own experiences that shows ways in which I expand and feel joy. Like a broken record, I will say that my spirituality has given me more joy than I could have imagined. Finding witches within Melbourne has allowed me to not only make friends but join in circles that enriches my growth. I love going to live music and really experience it. I get joy from putting music on and dancing in my living room. I love coming home and being with my cats and knowing they are safe. I love going out in nature and smelling the air. I like burning incense and soaking it in. I get excited when a favourite show releases a new season. I love eating various food and feel so happy when it hits that craving. I love talking shit but also spending with friends where I can be deep and personal. I love doing simple things like going to the movies. I don’t necessarily need drugs to experience any of these activities and feel good.

I have encountered people who can’t feel good without one form of drug or another. I really don’t judge. People have their reasons. If they feel more connection whilst being on drugs, who am I to stop someone else’s experience? If their dependency ruins their life, that’s where I may step in, but I haven’t experienced that yet with those close to me. I think there is definitely a level of care that needs to be applied. Have fun and experience but don’t go too crazy with drugs. I just want everyone to be happy and some people can achieve it sober whilst others can’t. I think being open extends much further than the rules we place on ourselves.

Day 253 - A Year to Clear - Re-Member

Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash

Lesson 253: Re-Member

The word “remember” has a great deal of meaning for me. At its essence, remember means to call back all our “members” — those aspects in ourselves that we have neglected, have gotten scattered or gone missing — and return to the truth of who we are.

And there is no better way to “pull yourself together,” I believe, than to adopt a simple daily practice in mindfulness and letting go. What are you ready to call out of hiding and let go of today?
— Stephanie Bennett Vogt

New week equals a new theme and this week is “Re-Membering”.

I do tend to reflect from time to time and remember things or aspects of myself that I haven’t paid attention to. There are many things that I didn’t have confidence to do as a child or teenager, and it’s what I try to remember – all those missed opportunities. I try and do these activities now as an adult. I feel that I neglected these activities, parts of myself and I believe there isn’t any reason why I can’t fulfil those interests now. It’s really just being true to myself.

My Monday actually consisted of getting help from my witch boss to cut cords. Cutting cords is part of a visualisations to cut cords with people that hold you back or no longer serve you, but somehow they have disrupted your subconscious. These people hurt me, crushed my confidence, were disloyal beyond measure and I needed to let it all go. I was actually depressed this past month and I couldn’t figure out why. I started having thoughts that I wasn’t good enough and didn’t deserve good things. Then these people started coming into my mind and I thought there must be buried feelings in my subconscious and these people have some hold on me, and this is why I did the cord cutting. Recommend it to anyone that has stuck feelings that need to be let go of. I feel so refreshed but there is still a few people that have come up that I will need to cut. I look forward to the day it’s all done with!

In terms of mindfulness, I was thinking the other day how I need to remember to be grateful for each day. I don’t know why I stopped praying in this way and used to burn incense. I will remember to start doing this again.