Day 302 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Like a Wave...

Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash

Lesson 302: Like a Wave...

Like a wave, life swells forward then recedes. It’s always in constant cycle of moving forward, receding backward. We like to think we’re making progress in the “forward” phase. And yet, it’s in the negative space the gathering phase—this is where we collect our strength.
— Sara Wiseman

Life is cycles. Cycles through both good and bad, new experiences and lessons. Today we are to think about if you have a need to always have something happening in your life. Do you feel like there is a need to be continually moving forward? What about if you did nothing? How do you feel about that? Just resting and doing nothing…

I like today’s little paragraph about being in a negative space allows us to collect our strength. I really needed that reminder. It allows me to be okay with my negativity for the moment so I can build myself up and let it go. The main thing is to not allow it to consume me and I know I have it within myself to let it go. I know it’s just a cycle I need to go through.

I don’t feel like life has to have something going on at the time. I would actually welcome some peace in my life. I feel like I’ve been bombarded with challenges towards the end of the year and all I can ask is whyyyyyy? I would love to rest and do nothing. I find that I can really recharge when I do this. Switch off from everyone and I do mean everyone, and just do some things for myself for my own self-care. I think we stretch ourselves too much and forget about ourselves. I would like if my life wasn’t so happening sometimes. My energy gets depleted so much sometimes. I say bring on the rest! I need some more and can’t wait for the Christmas holidays to just relax on my own.

How do you feel about doing nothing? Or do you find yourself restless in those moments?

Day 286 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - When Someone Dies...

Photo by Ravi Roshan on Unsplash

Photo by Ravi Roshan on Unsplash

Lesson 286: When Someone Dies...

When someone dies, we are reminded that this is also our journey. When someone is born, we are reminded of whence we came. Both passages are mysteries. The heart holds their only meaning.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to think about the cycles of birth and death. We are to notice it in our life and all the different ways it shows up.

I spent my Saturday cleaning the house for like 6 hours. From mopping, vacuuming, the bathroom and some serious dusting, I felt good achieving so much. My house is tidy and I feel good in my home. At night I went out to a gig and even though I was unwell, still had a good time.

In terms of a cycle of birth and death, I guess with my cleaning I would clearing away the dirt which would be death to give life to a clean, fresh state. Even though it’s not a direct birth and life situation, it still shows a cycle. As for the live music gig, I see it as both birth and death – birth of a new experience as well as death of the person I used to be because I didn’t have this experience beforehand. Because I am a medium also, a man in spirit came and stood next to me. He had medium dark brown hair, black jeans and a white tee. I don’t know why he came, but I think he just wanted to see Kygo in concert. It was kind of a funny experience because I could feel someone standing next to me. His presence was strong but when I turned to see him in the physical sense, there was no one there. I think him being there also shows both death and birth. Death because he was a spirit on the other side, but birth of me having a shared experience with a spirit that I didn’t know, and also didn’t realise I could have that experience with a spirit. I honestly think I was a beacon in that moment and he wanted to come and enjoy the show.

At night, I was just chilling into the night with my bestie and I had her father in death come along to pass on messages. It was quite emotional and he had so much he wanted to say. Again death and life in this moment. Not only was her father passed on, he needed to kill some beliefs my friend had that impacted her relationship with her father, but brought birth into her life on how she could move forward. It was very personal so I won’t go into detail though I’m glad that it showed I can help people and give new life to those that believe in what I have to say.

So those were my cycles for the day, what was yours?

Day 285 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Person Who Dies in Grief...

Photo by Chris B on Unsplash

Photo by Chris B on Unsplash

Lesson 285: The Person Who Dies in Grief...

The person who dies in grief will be welcomed again, in such joy! During reincarnation. Pain into bliss. The continual cycle.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to think about what happens to us when we die. It’s that unknown that we don’t really have the real answer to, isn’t it?

I was raised Catholic and was totally in the belief that there was a heaven and a hell. I used to think that heaven was above us and hell was below us. Good people went to heaven and bad people went to hell. How that differentiation was determined, I wasn’t sure. I was under the belief that I would go to heaven – you’d have to do something really bad to go to hell right? I believed in one God and the Devil. The Devil punished and God would allow you through the gates of heaven if you didn’t do anything too evil.

Then came a time when I didn’t believe in my religion at all. I relinquished my belief towards whatever I was taught in that religion. I don’t know when this started, but I developed a fear of what would happen to me when I died. I wasn’t afraid of dying itself, though I was afraid of the other side. Thoughts that cycled through my head included would I be alone when I died? Would I just go into an infinite black space? Do we cease to exist? Is the other side filled with ghosts and ghouls? I just didn’t know what to believe because I had lost the faith I used to have in my religion. There wasn’t a definite answer and therefore I didn’t know what to believe. Because no one really knows what happens to us, I just didn’t know what to think.

Now is a different story. I believe in the other side based on my own spiritual awakening. I communicate with loved ones crossed over, I have guides that talk to me when I want to connect and I’ve been shown that I’m not of this world. I know the Universe is vast and holds multiple dimensions and planes. These other realms are not separate from us – it’s all interconnected. It’s just that we are here on Earth and when we are ready, move onto the next life. What that next life is, I can’t say for sure because there are so many dimensions that exist, that our energy or essence will go forth into the next one. That’s what I believe. I have so much faith that there is more to us than just this life. It’s definitely a faith in the unknown and I embrace that more than ever. And if people welcome my beliefs on it, I’m willing to share. That’s the beauty of us humans, there is so much learning to gain from others and build your own outlook.

So that’s my journey through my belief of what happens to us when we die, what’s your belief?

Day 220 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Nature is Neutral...

Photo by Mark Basarab on Unsplash

Photo by Mark Basarab on Unsplash

Lesson 220: Nature is Neutral...

To me nature is calm, governing, a protector, creator, destructor, renewal and transformation. Nature goes through cycles just like how we do. The only thing is that we might not realise it’s a cycle in our life where something dies only to renew itself into something else. Today we are to notice cycles of death and rebirth in our lives.

I think my most stand out cycle of death and renewal is practising meditation. I never used to do it but I do it every week now. Whether it’s just to calm down from the days I’ve had, or to go on a journey, I always feel like I’m a different person after I meditate. I always feel a sense of hitting the refresh button and there are moments where I get clarity on what I need to work on. I actually feel like it’s the death of my old self to make way for my new self. That is the only way I can explain it. Meditation is a constant renewal for me and allows me to transform into the better person I want to be.

The other most noticeable destruction in my life is how I view the world. I think the destruction of my materialistic needs and taking the blinders off to how we slowly destroy nature, has really allowed me to gain new perspective. I think it’s a rebirth of my truest self, by letting go the materialistic side of me, for someone that actually cares about my impact on the environment. I feel like that was such a major shift in my life that was needed. It was an awakening for sure. No longer do I feed into the mass consciousness that there is a certain beauty standard or trend I need to follow. I only gain the answers I need from within or educating myself to build my own perspective.

One more noticeable shift I have in my life is the decluttering. It feeds into the non-materialistic I have now and also wanting to be more minimal. I haven’t really bought new clothes in a year and trying to give away or wear down what I currently have. I feel by decluttering, I am making way for a space that’s truly mine and then I can feel safe too. It’s all small pieces of progress for my own rebirth. Steps towards the right direction.

What’s going on in your life that are cycles of change?