Day 221 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - You Have Transitioned From...

Photo by Fares Hamouche on Unsplash

Lesson 221: You Have Transitioned From...

Today’s lesson might be far stretched for some based on your own beliefs about your soul and consciousness. It revolves around the fact that our bodies are just containers and we are continually dying, being reborn and then living another new life. Though our consciousness remains and it is a continuous stream from one life to the next, we may not remember our past lives unless we tap into that consciousness to remember and realise we are the same soul. Today we are to remember a past life by going into a meditative state and ask to be shown this. Allow whatever to come and learn from what had happened.

I have journeyed to past lives before. I will share with you my most recent past life. I was shown that I was a boy growing up on a farm. I had a best friend who was my dog who was a small terrier. I remember wheat fields and a house that had a porch. I believe this to be my life before this life. I really adored my mum and I feel like this relationship has transcended into this life. my mother in my previous life has nice rich, red hair and was loving throughout everything. We were both abused by my father though she kept a brave face. I was beaten up by a man who didn’t know any better. I did see myself grow into a successful business man. I moved away from the farm because that life was not for me. I felt like I regretted leaving my mum behind on the farm after my father died but I needed to live my own life and find myself.

What I learned from this past life is that the karma carried over into this life. my father in this life was mentally abusive rather than physically abusive and I did cut him out of my life because I felt his toxicity was just such a cloud over my life, I needed it to stop. I am currently trying to repair that relationship because I realised that he has no power over me anymore. I live my life so separately from his that his words and actions towards me don’t hold a load like it used to. If he makes off cut comments, I realise that it’s due to how he grew up, his environment and sometimes, his close mindedness to his world. I can forgive that and move forward. It was actually such a weight lifted off my shoulders when I could learn this for myself and through past life karma. It’s letting go so that I can grow. I realised that only I can make the change in my life and not allow others to hold me back. I know I did not learn this in my past life and that’s okay! I’m doing the work now to realise the power of self.

I hope that people have the benefit of learning from their past lives. I feel it’s more informative than people like to give credit to. Try it and see what you learn.

Day 220 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Nature is Neutral...

Photo by Mark Basarab on Unsplash

Photo by Mark Basarab on Unsplash

Lesson 220: Nature is Neutral...

To me nature is calm, governing, a protector, creator, destructor, renewal and transformation. Nature goes through cycles just like how we do. The only thing is that we might not realise it’s a cycle in our life where something dies only to renew itself into something else. Today we are to notice cycles of death and rebirth in our lives.

I think my most stand out cycle of death and renewal is practising meditation. I never used to do it but I do it every week now. Whether it’s just to calm down from the days I’ve had, or to go on a journey, I always feel like I’m a different person after I meditate. I always feel a sense of hitting the refresh button and there are moments where I get clarity on what I need to work on. I actually feel like it’s the death of my old self to make way for my new self. That is the only way I can explain it. Meditation is a constant renewal for me and allows me to transform into the better person I want to be.

The other most noticeable destruction in my life is how I view the world. I think the destruction of my materialistic needs and taking the blinders off to how we slowly destroy nature, has really allowed me to gain new perspective. I think it’s a rebirth of my truest self, by letting go the materialistic side of me, for someone that actually cares about my impact on the environment. I feel like that was such a major shift in my life that was needed. It was an awakening for sure. No longer do I feed into the mass consciousness that there is a certain beauty standard or trend I need to follow. I only gain the answers I need from within or educating myself to build my own perspective.

One more noticeable shift I have in my life is the decluttering. It feeds into the non-materialistic I have now and also wanting to be more minimal. I haven’t really bought new clothes in a year and trying to give away or wear down what I currently have. I feel by decluttering, I am making way for a space that’s truly mine and then I can feel safe too. It’s all small pieces of progress for my own rebirth. Steps towards the right direction.

What’s going on in your life that are cycles of change?