Day 302 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Like a Wave...

Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash

Lesson 302: Like a Wave...

Like a wave, life swells forward then recedes. It’s always in constant cycle of moving forward, receding backward. We like to think we’re making progress in the “forward” phase. And yet, it’s in the negative space the gathering phase—this is where we collect our strength.
— Sara Wiseman

Life is cycles. Cycles through both good and bad, new experiences and lessons. Today we are to think about if you have a need to always have something happening in your life. Do you feel like there is a need to be continually moving forward? What about if you did nothing? How do you feel about that? Just resting and doing nothing…

I like today’s little paragraph about being in a negative space allows us to collect our strength. I really needed that reminder. It allows me to be okay with my negativity for the moment so I can build myself up and let it go. The main thing is to not allow it to consume me and I know I have it within myself to let it go. I know it’s just a cycle I need to go through.

I don’t feel like life has to have something going on at the time. I would actually welcome some peace in my life. I feel like I’ve been bombarded with challenges towards the end of the year and all I can ask is whyyyyyy? I would love to rest and do nothing. I find that I can really recharge when I do this. Switch off from everyone and I do mean everyone, and just do some things for myself for my own self-care. I think we stretch ourselves too much and forget about ourselves. I would like if my life wasn’t so happening sometimes. My energy gets depleted so much sometimes. I say bring on the rest! I need some more and can’t wait for the Christmas holidays to just relax on my own.

How do you feel about doing nothing? Or do you find yourself restless in those moments?

Day 229 - A Year to Clear - Just Imagine

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

Lesson 229: Just Imagine

What if the path you are experiencing now will take you forward into a life so magical and fulfilling that you cannot even imagine it.
— Lena Stevens, "The Power Path

Today we are to absorb the quote.

I think in life sometimes it’s hard to believe and even imagine that the path we are on is magical. I know during times of trauma, you may question why everything is coming down around you. I think it’s okay to go through the cycles of emotion and feelings whenever we experience any event in our lives. I know I’ve experiences those moments when I really question the point of anything. I have since learned that what we live through is building us for a better life moving forward. We may go through hardship, but it’s in those moments that we learn a lesson and know how to handle those situations if we’re ever faced with it again. I think we are stronger for it. I really like the quote because we can’t really fathom a magical path as we can’t predict the future as a clear set path. I think we can’t imagine our lives for sure and the random occurrences that present themselves are the magical parts of life.

Day 182 - A Year to Clear - Check In WEEK 26 - Moving Forward

Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash

Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash

Lesson 182: Check In WEEK 26 - Moving Forward

This week has very much been about how the clearing journey has been so far. I think I am definitely a changed person as it’s opened my eyes to the world I create around myself and what physical and mental clutter we keep around and why. I feel like it’s a lifelong journey – that the lessons taught are building me up to be able to take on any challenges. The most crucial step is bringing self-awareness into everything. Change doesn’t happen overnight and that it can be a gradual progress as long as you’re making an effort to change the things in your life that do not serve you. I think as I open myself more to what I need to pay attention to, the more I can let go of things that I hold onto that don’t serve me well. I like the transformation of the person I’m becoming.

Day 179 - A Year to Clear - Keep Moving

Photo by Caleb Jones on Unsplash

Photo by Caleb Jones on Unsplash

Lesson 179: Keep Moving

If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.
— Martin Luther King

Today we are to contemplate the Martin Luther King quote. What will we do that keeps us moving forward?

I think what’s important with this quote that small tracks are better than no tracks. Change doesn’t have to be drastic. In fact, based on the quote, even the smallest of changes makes all the difference. I think that’s what I’ve really learned this year. As long as you go at your own pace and want to improve to be the best version of yourself, then that’s all that matters. Don’t live on other people’s terms but live by what you need. The best person that knows your needs is YOU.

I actually think it’s okay to go to the darkest depths of your emotions as long as you have the want to get back out. I think that times are challenging and you lose all hope. There are also times when you think you make progress, you’re moved three steps back. What I believe is that we are more resilient than we think we are. Some people become aware of that but others aren’t. I also believe sometimes you need to show others that maybe don’t have the guidance. I think showing someone small steps to move forward will help them more than we realise. I know that I can overcome and achieve anything – from facing my own self-doubt and proving myself wrong to pushing comfort zones. When I say I live for experience, it really does push boundaries and expands the way I live.

When in doubt I repeat “I can do anything!” which has been proven to me time and time again. This is how I move forward.

How do you move forward?

Day 176 - A Year to Clear - Take Stock

Photo by Anna Utochkina on Unsplash

Lesson 176: Take Stock

New week equals a new theme and this weeks is “Moving Forward”. I have made it halfway. Hit some road bumps in trying to post daily but it doesn’t bother me at the same time. I just trust that I will make it work.

It really is a time to reflect how I’ve grown since the start of the year. I find that I definitely have changed and try to create a positive world around me. Don’t get me wrong, I know negative shit happens all the time, but I think the way I approach what comes my way better. If I can go to the deepest depths of the dark parts of me, face them and come out to see the light, to me, that’s an achievement in itself. I feel like I can face anything and accomplish anything I set my mind to. Sometimes I do lack in physical clearing, though my focus has actually been to clear the looming thoughts in my mind or turn them around to be more useful for me. I think bringing self-awareness into any activity has been my saving grace. For example, if I’m angry, why am I angry? Is there something I can do to change my thought process? Can I change the outcome? Can I dissolve these feelings and really think about what I’m going to say to prevent hurt? I think I’ve grown in this way. And the amazing thing is, it helps with my beliefs, perception and understanding. Everything I learn, I hope to impact even just one person with the wisdom I gain. I think that’s what I’m here to do and as I keep learning and growing, I know that I will do this.

My experience so far has been eye opening, not only to my inner world but how I view everyone and everything. I feel more spiritually awakened and I feel like I’m becoming my truest self. I like sharing my journey and hope that others can learn from me too.