Day 220 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Nature is Neutral...

Photo by Mark Basarab on Unsplash

Photo by Mark Basarab on Unsplash

Lesson 220: Nature is Neutral...

To me nature is calm, governing, a protector, creator, destructor, renewal and transformation. Nature goes through cycles just like how we do. The only thing is that we might not realise it’s a cycle in our life where something dies only to renew itself into something else. Today we are to notice cycles of death and rebirth in our lives.

I think my most stand out cycle of death and renewal is practising meditation. I never used to do it but I do it every week now. Whether it’s just to calm down from the days I’ve had, or to go on a journey, I always feel like I’m a different person after I meditate. I always feel a sense of hitting the refresh button and there are moments where I get clarity on what I need to work on. I actually feel like it’s the death of my old self to make way for my new self. That is the only way I can explain it. Meditation is a constant renewal for me and allows me to transform into the better person I want to be.

The other most noticeable destruction in my life is how I view the world. I think the destruction of my materialistic needs and taking the blinders off to how we slowly destroy nature, has really allowed me to gain new perspective. I think it’s a rebirth of my truest self, by letting go the materialistic side of me, for someone that actually cares about my impact on the environment. I feel like that was such a major shift in my life that was needed. It was an awakening for sure. No longer do I feed into the mass consciousness that there is a certain beauty standard or trend I need to follow. I only gain the answers I need from within or educating myself to build my own perspective.

One more noticeable shift I have in my life is the decluttering. It feeds into the non-materialistic I have now and also wanting to be more minimal. I haven’t really bought new clothes in a year and trying to give away or wear down what I currently have. I feel by decluttering, I am making way for a space that’s truly mine and then I can feel safe too. It’s all small pieces of progress for my own rebirth. Steps towards the right direction.

What’s going on in your life that are cycles of change?

Day 218 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - When Things Are Destroyed...

Photo by Hermes Rivera on Unsplash

Photo by Hermes Rivera on Unsplash

Lesson 218: When Things Are Destroyed...

When nature destroys, it’s a shock to the world when a disaster takes so much. It’s in these moments where people practise from their heart of compassion to help in the widespread devastation that it can cause. Nature essentially can force change for us and this can be widespread or start with you to help radiate out. Today we are to think about a time nature caused a shift in our lives, because sometimes nature just chooses the right time for an event to occur in your life.

I think my volunteer trip to Thailand was brought on by nature. After some traumatic times last year, I needed some time for myself to really do something that would enrich my life. Nature had sparked on a spiritual change for me through my tragedy and then I saw a Facebook ad to volunteer overseas. I had never intended to volunteer overseas before, but then with me wanting to find something that would really give some more meaning to my life, I thought how perfect it was to go see elephants and help in a Thai village Surin.

What I was really shocked by was the amount of rubbish especially plastic that lined the canals that we travelled in when we went to a temple. It was a wakeup call to what we were doing to our planet but also showed me to live in a better way. Not only was I confronted by that, but it also made me realise how disconnected we are in the world. I tend to find in the Western world that we are educated about the harmful things plastic does to our planet but those living in non-first world countries wouldn’t have the same awareness. There were children swimming in these dirty canals but it was normal for them to not have clean water. It just really reminded me that even though we share this one planet, we are from completely different worlds. I really wanted to live differently at that point because if I don’t care for nature and start being an example, then others wouldn’t think to do the same. I need to be the change.

So, even though I could see clear destruction of nature in another country, it made me think how I could be better towards the planet. I’m honestly still working on it but the difference is, I’m not ignorant to what’s happening anymore.

Day 107 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Sit Amongst the Trees

Photo by Jez Timms on Unsplash

Photo by Jez Timms on Unsplash

Lesson 107: Sit Amongst the Trees...

The lesson is to just “sit amongst the trees” and if you can’t do that, see if you can be near the water, the sky or ocean – just anything within nature. Allow yourself to take a moment and really absorb and notice the feelings or clarity you receive. Do you notice your vibration change? Be open to this gift.

For me I live in a concrete jungle but there is a small grassed area across the way. Sometimes I lay out there with a friend and just look up at the sky. Whenever I do this, I feel so elevated. It’s peaceful, it’s calming and makes me feel good about myself. It’s nice to breathe in the air and really just soak it all in. I think when we do take these moments for ourselves, it’s nice to slow it down and not be part of our frantic routine. It’s very still. I always know that it’s going to be okay whenever I stop to take a moment. I feel really good in nature and feel like it really boosts me with energy.

What feelings or thoughts do you get when you have tried this?

Day 106 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - One Way to Find Compassion

Photo by Jason Ortego on Unsplash

Photo by Jason Ortego on Unsplash

Lesson 106: One Way to Find Compassion For Yourself...

This is probably one of the lessons that I really feel connected to. Today is about finding compassion for yourself when you haven’t been able to before. The one way you can achieve this is to go into nature because regardless of your faults and woes, nature is non-judgemental and accepts you as you are. Nature loves you and can heal you and you don’t have to view yourself as worthy or not, it will do it for you. Today we are to write about nature and if it willing to hold energy for us, what does it say about yourself.

To me, I always feel refreshed in nature, like something is stripping away every problem off your shoulders and creating a lighter version of yourself. No worries exist in nature – it’s just you and nature connecting and reaching a calm, peaceful state. If nature is there to heal, regardless of your past, it tells me that being open towards everyone and anything is possible. That if you hold no judgement for yourself and others, then compassion can occur. Nature exerts a state we all wish to be – free, serene, tranquil, composed, comforting. But why can’t we just apply this to ourselves always? There is nothing to suggest why we can’t get to this state, and that means we can hold compassion for ourselves. Think of nature and just be…