Day 223 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - It Is All Experience...

Photo by Alexis Huertas on Unsplash

Lesson 223: It Is All Experience...

If the human existence is all about experience for the soul, we have learned through this course that our opening is through the heart. So far, we have been taken through the passage of pain and compassion, with two more passages to still learn and explore. I am looking forward to this. Today we are to look at the chaos that surrounds our lives and to look at our response actions. Do you find that fear is your first go to response? Can you think of another way and is that through our heart?

I think a lot of the chaos in my life is how much I exasperate it in my brain. I think easily solvable issues are met with worry, frustration, anger, fear and anxiety. I actually have to keep reminding myself that everything will be okay and it will work out. I think when I calm my mind, the “chaos” does not seem so bad.

I guess the reason the response is the same is because it’s that fight or flight mode that’s part of our natural response to things that seem like a threat to our mind and bodies. I think it’s easy to fall into fear because it’s that natural reaction. What needs to be practised when things do seem chaotic is to take a step back and try thinking it through. Sometimes just pausing to take some deep breaths, allows for more clarity to sink in. From there it can allow logical and precise steps to be taken.

I’m thinking of how our heart’s opening can assist with chaos. Can the passage of pain and compassion apply to our chaotic life? I know we can definitely identify those fear responses in pain and it allows us to overcome them and be stronger. I also feel that compassion may allow us to try and keep a level head and be more accommodating of the circumstance. So maybe that’s the lesson here – how can we use our passage of pain and compassion to think of a better way to overcome chaos. I think it comes from experience to better manage things that get thrown your way. The more you experience, the better equipped you are. I also believe asking for help never goes astray – sometimes you gain help from the unlikeliest of people that you never would have thought to ask. It’s about being open to possibility and that is opening the heart.

Day 222 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Your Soul Wants This Lifetime...

Lesson 222: Your Soul Wants This Lifetime...

Our soul is here on earth to experience. No matter where we are in life, the soul is expanding to feel every moment. We are exactly where we need to be. Today we are to take a deep breath in and breathe out of the mouth to understand that where we are today is perfect.

I definitely think it’s difficult to see we are exactly where we need to be in life if we’ve experienced so many challenges. Sometimes we’re hit some hard curve balls in one year and then the next year is quiet and calm. I know what it’s like to be depressed. I know what it’s like to feel overwhelmingly joy also. I can say that I am living my best life. I think it’s the best point in my life so far. Even though I have my ups and downs in the past year, I know it will work out if I work hard towards my goals. I think I need to focus on that as most of my problems are just normal human problems that will easily solve themselves or work themselves out.

I feel that my spiritual journey came into my life when it was the right time. There were previous opportunities for it to arise, though I felt like if I had discovered what I know now earlier in my life, I don’t think I would have had the life experience to take it on. I think as my mind expands, I’m better equipped to bring about more knowledge from my inner self and that I learn from others. I feel that I just got to keep continuing on my path and I’ll always be exactly where I need to be. It’s really an acceptance of whatever comes is meant for me.

Can you accept that where you are right now, is perfect just the way it is?

Day 210 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Health of the Body...

Photo by Farsai C. on Unsplash

Photo by Farsai C. on Unsplash

Lesson 210: The Health of the Body...

… may reflect someone’s emotional health, though it might not at the same time. Today we are to think about how the Universe has communicated to us in our bodies.

I think the Universe communicates to me in my body all the time. When I’m running on fumes, my exhaustion is delivered to me in different ways as a warning to slow down. I usually have nausea arise or my tiredness is on another level. I can’t exactly describe my tiredness – it’s like my eyeballs hurt. That’s the closest thing that I can describe when my body is of need of some rest.

Right now, I have all these aches and pains in my body. Things I have not paid attention to and now the pain has become prominent that I need to address it. So, I go to the osteo now. I think I will fix myself over time.

Other ways I think the Universe has communicated to me through my body, is through meditation and establishing a link to spirit. As I go on my spiritual path, I’ve really opened my mind to psychic enhancement. I never knew I could do this for myself, and I’m feeling positive with the path I’m taking. When I was awakened, it allowed me to channel messages that I can use in my every day life. What I learn by channelling, allows me to grow and then hopefully one day teach others.

Apart from this, I cannot think of anything else. How has the Universe communicated to you through your body?

Day 207 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - It is Not Your Job to...

Photo by Peter Hershey on Unsplash

Photo by Peter Hershey on Unsplash

Lesson 207: It is Not Your Job to...

….fix everyone. Each person has their own journey. Each person has their set of goals and dreams. Everyone has to become conscious in their own time and in their own way. Today we are to let go of worry, concern and fear we have for others that we have tried to assist or give advice to. They might not adhere to what you are saying and it’s about trusting that everyone grows in their lifetime based on divine timing.

For me personally, I do give advice out and assist where needed. What I do realise now, is not to over extend myself. Not only do I have my own needs but you can only do so much for others, and it hits a point where they need to take control for themselves. It is not up to you to lead other people’s lives for them. You can definitely be a guiding light but you don’t want to steer their ship. If anything, it’s about empowering others to want to be the masters of their lives. We can go about our own lives and when other people see how you are living, then it can be a waking up point for them in their own lives.

I do believe in divine timing. I used to think I needed to help change people’s lives in getting them to see something bigger than themselves, though I learned that it’s definitely not up to me. Some people choose to remain unconscious their whole lives and I thought I needed to change that in people. It’s really their choice and I have no right to meddle in their lives. I guess I was telling people how they should be but in reality, everyone needs to make a decision themselves to want to awaken to the world around them. I now go about my life and focus on my own path. I don’t need to make people walk a similar path because the Divine will take care of it.

Day 114 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Always, We Are Presented With

Photo by Tim Foster on Unsplash

Photo by Tim Foster on Unsplash

Lesson 114: Always, We Are Presented With...

Each person has their own path and stage in life. Sometimes we are presented with people that lead us where we need to go, other times you may find people aren’t awake, like you may be. We are presented with signs that we might not recognise and synchronicities and we may not notice. Today’s exercise is about thinking about the passage of pain and compassion, in particular, anyone who may have helped you move through these passages but came at a time of synchronicity.

In my experience, I was so alone in my spiritual path. I didn’t know how to get started. I didn’t really have friends that were into psychics, mediums etc or witchcraft so I had to think outside the box. I went to an app called “meetup” which I used when I first moved to Melbourne to see if witches formed groups in any way. That’s where I found Muses of Mystery (an occult store located in Melbourne) in which I was able to work at and start to connect with people. I still don’t know what I’m doing most of the time but I find that an all knowing force comes into play. I have mentors and speak to customers in which I learn from. I have made friends that are like me so it just all fell into place for me. I was very much in some pain and suffering through this time and needed the guidance and uplift of these people’s energy to give me drive and hope.

Besides this, I wanted to learn how to connect with the spirit world and this is how I came to know my medium teacher. I was on the hunt for crystals one day and there was a store on my list in which I didn’t get to called Qi Crystals (also in Melbourne). I noticed they had workshops on their website and I found this one that involved Angel trance channelling. I didn’t think I had any skills but I met with my teacher and the rest is history. I have opened up in ways that I couldn’t have imagined and get messages from the other side. It amazing how doors open if I just take a chance and walk through them. I have this notion that I should try everything at least once and if I don’t like it, then I just won’t do it again. It’s worked for me so far! I found that I was still in a place of suffering and pain when I met my medium teacher and she got me through some of my toughest shit I’ve ever had to deal with.

And lastly, I had asked from the Divine for some sense of community. I maybe even did a spell asking for it – I don’t remember. There were signs and synchronicities that I didn’t notice and I had to stop and say to myself “maybe this person is whom I’m supposed to connect with and learn from”. So, I just asked for their Facebook details or phone number and went from there. I have made some good friends this way which have taught me so much and I them. I think I am learning from my pain and compassion through meeting these people. Everyone holds pain and that if I hold compassion for them, it gives me a greater understanding of others.

Who have you noticed in your life that you might have recognised as a synchronicity?