Day 301 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Being Able to Move Into...

Photo by Omer Salom on Unsplash

Photo by Omer Salom on Unsplash

Lesson 301: Being Able to Move Into...

…..the heart of connection, doesn’t mean you won’t feel pain again. What it allows us is to be able to comprehend our pain, work through it and be able to move forward again. Today we are to think about if we only expect our lives to be “good”, do we really learn? Do you feel it’s in those moments that are not “ideal” in which we really learn?

I guess I really needed to see this lesson. At the moment, I feel like I am really being challenged. Like all these bad things have come at once and now I have to deal with it. I was telling a friend how I am a bit tired of having to be strong all the time and facing major challenges every year. I know that life is not perfect, nor is it always good. This lesson serves a reminder. I think I really needed this today because I felt like I was really done with the day. My brain melted from having to re-do my CV, it was hot, it was also windy and my skirt kept blowing up in front of other people and I just felt really unmotivated to do much of anything. Being made redundant and trying to work in the existing role is quite difficult. Putting on a brace face to fake it to maintain appearances is so exhausting also. I guess this is my current pain.

I know I won’t get stuck in this pain forever. I know I need to move through it. My mindset isn’t the best but I am getting up every day and telling myself I can do it, even though I don’t feel like it. I am grateful that I have the strength to keep moving on. It’s just another challenge I need to overcome. Even though the anxiety is coming, I feel like I am going to get through it. The sooner I can secure a new job, the sooner I will feel like there isn’t such a cloud over me. I just need it to go away so I can get back to being myself.. and I will!

I just need to remind myself, it’s a small blip in the cycle. I will overcome it because I can overcome anything!

Day 300 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Your Ability to Transmute...

Lesson 300: Your Ability to Transmute...

We have learned over the year the three passages of the heart of pain, compassion and connection. It’s about turning your pain into compassion and then connection. We can transmute our emotions in this way. We can always go from a low to higher vibration by allowing ourselves to go through the passages of the heart. Today we are to move quickly through pain, compassion and connection in a current situation. What do you notice when you do this?

What I decided to work on was my pain in motivation. Things are in a bit of disarray in my life and I am also unmotivated to try harder. I find it painful because I don’t want to get stuck in the cycle of not doing anything. It was hard to get up and just wake up enough to write these blog posts I have. I am to accept that it can drag me down if I let it. When I apply compassion to myself, it’s understandable that I would have whatever emotions I have come up because I was made redundant at work. I understand that whatever emotions rise, I have to let it, as long as it doesn’t weigh me down. I am compassionate on myself for having all this negative stuff come up. With connection, I realise that my coworkers are in the same boat. It’s not something I have to go through alone and there will be negativity for some time until I can get going and put my applications in when the company I work for advertises new roles. It’s about getting into a routine to focus on this.

What I feel by moving through these passages of the heart is that everything will be okay. whatever happens will happen and even though this is a fork in the road and I have to divert off the course I had, I just got to put out there my intentions in order to manifest a job into my life. It has placed me in a position to think smarter when it comes to money and I need to really pull everything tighter. I need to focus on my business also. I can’t up and leave a full time job just yet, but it has also served as a reminder that I need to focus on it in order to build a customer base. And, I need to write my books. There is a lot of focus I need right now. So I will go and read the books I need to in order to get my act together.

What is something you worked through today?

Day 213 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - You Feel the Energy of...

Photo by Jonathan Kho on Unsplash

Photo by Jonathan Kho on Unsplash

Lesson 213: You Feel the Energy of...

You feel the energy of scarcity even if you are in abundance. You feel this because you feel everything in the Universe, as vibration. What affects the one, affects the One.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to think about how we deal with the truth that there are so many beings on this planet that do not have enough like you and me. Is it something you ignore? Is it something you think about from time to time? Are there ways in which you make a difference?

I try to pray in my own way for always being grateful for my day and all the things I receive. I do think about those people suffering in various ways – whether it’s not having enough money, not having enough food, those that are unloved and abused. I do think from time to time how I can help or just be a better person.

Small things I personally do is not wasting food, take a vegetarian approach, be kind to others, donate money to charities and praying for those who are less fortunate than myself. I do want to volunteer but I have so much going on in my life towards my spiritualism, I feel like this is a future venture for me. I can stretch myself thin because I don’t think that would really help others, if I’m tired. I try to eat all the food I eat, because I shouldn’t waste food. I should only ever buy what I need. I want to eventually go vegan because I think eating meat, not only makes the animals suffer but isn’t a sustainable future. I try to be kind to all people because I shouldn’t judge them as I don’t know their story. I donate money to charities to do the work that I currently can’t volunteer to do myself. I pray because it’s a reminder to be grateful and look at the abundance in my life and take a moment to think about those that do suffer. There isn’t a day that goes by now where I’m not thinking about others in this way. I want my energy and positive thoughts to hopefully help someone else. I’d like to think when I pray for others, it actually feeds to someone in need.

There is that hard truth out there that we choose to ignore. Sometimes we get so caught up in life that we’re just blinded to the truth that other people out there are suffering. I think it comes back to self to be more aware of it and thinking about ways in which we can care.

Day 211 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Disease, is Dis-ease in...

Photo by Asdrubal luna on Unsplash

Photo by Asdrubal luna on Unsplash

Lesson 211: Disease, is Dis-ease in...

Disease, is dis-ease in physical body. This dis-ease may act as a pebble in the shoe of the soul, asking the soul to look further into heart of pain, move more gracefully into heart of compassion. Dis-ease invites exploration, expansion, until ease is felt.
— Sara Wiseman

I’ve been away for a week because I just felt so exhausted and I was placing a lot of pressure on myself to blog every day with these posts that it just wasn’t enjoyable. I was getting run down and I just didn’t want this on myself. I want my blog posts to be fun and a natural extension of me – not something forced because I have to do it. I was getting sick so I decided to take a break and resume this lessons when I felt good again.

Today we are to look into our bodies and figure out where our dis-ease is. This is about looking into our health and fitness levels but rather figuring out the other needs we have within. Once you’ve looked inside, understand what it is trying to inform you.

I’ve tried really hard to think about what causes me dis-ease in my body and if I’m looking in the passage of pain to apply the heart of compassion, I really feel like I’ve dealt with my past demons. I don’t really feel like anything is holding me back when I look at my pain. I have really moved on from it and learned from past decisions. I’m not feeling an unease towards anything in my past. The only thing I am trying to apply is more compassion on self. I think we are so quick to help others but we aren’t quick to apply the same level to ourselves. I want to be more kind to myself. It’s more about getting rid of negative speak, so that I can build myself up to be a better person.

I guess from the quote above, I’m in this expanding phase and I am comfortable in the avenues I am exploring. I used to have some serious looming issues which include a crappy relationship with my father and pretty much any guy I’ve been with, though they don’t hold me back anymore. I don’t look upon them with anger as I used to. I just want to move forward because those situations shouldn’t hold me back. There is so much living to do when I push myself forward. I can’t change what happened but I can change how I choose to live.

I really think I’m in the best place I can be.

Day 206 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Witnessing of Another Soul...

Photo by Joey Yu on Unsplash

Photo by Joey Yu on Unsplash

Lesson 206: The Witnessing of Another Soul...

Sometimes we bear witness to those having a real struggle in life. We may have helped to no prevail, or sometimes it’s an acceptance, that this person is on their own path and it needs to play it’s course. What we can do in these situations is open our passage of compassion. We can give our prayers, love and energy to those so that a blessing may come their way. We can all do this with little effort. Today we are to make a list of those we have tried to help or fix, though our efforts had little impact. We are to hold compassion for these people and wish them our best.

I would like to make a list of people I’ve tried to help with minimal impact, though I feel that’s private and shouldn’t be shared. I actually do some quick prayers at night, talking to my guides about protecting me and helping those family, friends or just anyone in general who needs help, to receive it. I always wish people well and hope that some of my energy is passed onto them, and can only hope that it makes a difference in their lives. I always feel that there are more people out there that can use my help rather than me needing help. I feel like my place in life right now is at its best, so I’m always thinking that others need some help more than I do. If they ask for it, then my guides might help them. I just want the best for people, like ow I am living my best life at the moment.

Who is someone you helped out today who may have been struggling?