Day 234 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - For Some People...

Photo by Daniele Salutari on Unsplash

Lesson 234: For Some People...

Spiritual awakening is your unique journey. There are times when it can be overwhelming as you start to shift from a life that once was, to a life that is. We move from passage of pain to compassion and now we are currently moving into connection. We are opening our hearts in new ways. Today we are to think about how our heart has unfolded in the past year and in the past few weeks, how has your connection expanded?

I personally have learned a whole great deal in the past year. The most important lesson I have learned is that a world exists outside this little bubble we create around ourselves. Not saying that I was a selfish person, it’s more like I’m aware of me and those around me. Everyone has a story, everyone has a journey, everyone has their own internal struggles.

I have learned to be forgiving towards myself. I’m like the worst person at recognising that I am human and I make mistakes…. And that’s okay! I think I was so hard on myself because I liked everything being perfect but perfectionism is just an illusion. It’s okay for me to break down, it’s okay for me to have an off day, it’s okay to say the wrong thing sometimes (if I don’t know any better). I am just as human as anyone else and I have opened myself to learning the lesson rather than beat myself up over things.

Another thing that I am working on is to practise pure love. It’s so challenging. I think what I am learning is that I am practising more patience and tolerance of people. Understanding that each individual may have a back story to why they get angry over small things, or why they panic in straight forward situations or why everyone has their little quirks towards different situations. I come from a place of non-judgement and am always trying to take on a different perspective to accommodate others.

In the past few weeks, I’ve gone through and had a reconfirmation that we are all One and all energy combined. I always worry that I won’t find the right people that I truly connect with but they will come exactly when they are meant to. Establishing that people are closer than I think, has helped me in the past few weeks. I have established some great connections along the way and there are more to come.

Day 233 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Opening Into the Heart of Connection...

Photo by Trevin Rudy on Unsplash

Photo by Trevin Rudy on Unsplash

Lesson 233: Opening Into the Heart of Connection...

When we open ourselves to the passage of connection, it allows an awakening for us. We expand spiritually. This comes from the understanding of “One”. We are all One. Today we are to think about our own spiritual awakening and if you haven’t reached that stage yet, do you want to be awakened?

I feel like this is a repeated question that I’ve answered in the previous passages of the heart. I think anyone reading this right now, knows that I have had a spiritual awakening. It was during a time of tragedy but I was shown in such a beautiful way that there was something much larger than myself. I think I needed to be awakened at the right time. I felt like I had inklings as a child that I was spiritually inclined away from Catholicism, though I don’t think I would have been ready to accept what I do as an adult. I believe in the other side but not what I was traditionally taught. I believe in a collective of Gods and Goddesses and not of just one God. I believe a great power in the Universe. I believe in spirits that can teach you from the other side. I believe in the energy and power of magick that I perform through witchcraft and ritual.

You’re probably wondering how I know if anything I believe in is true? It’s weird, but it’s just a knowing and having faith in what I believe in. I don’t necessarily believe in everything that people teach me and what I’ve learned on my own, but there is like this instinct within me based on my own experience that makes whatever I believe is real. I can see people on the other side, I can connect with various deities, I can access my higher self and have had the Universe answer me directly. Some people call it God, God is One (and everything), we are children of God and that God is touching my life. I don’t believe in one encompassing ruling power – I’ve always had this thought in my head that there is a collective power. What that collective power is how we are all One connecting energy, that also transcends time and space, which allows me to see beyond our immediate plane that connects with other beings. With this combined power of One from all these planes and beings, as well as the Universe, to me I see it as a collective. If I can see into another world, so to speak, how would one explain it? Some people may think it’s an explosive imagination or that I’m crazy, though what if it’s not? If I have undeniable faith in what I believe, does it make it less real than someone else’s beliefs?

I believe that we are all awakened in our own way. We find our path and the journey is ours alone. I would not discount someone else’s experience because it isn’t the same as my own. What I do have a problem is people imposing their views on me when I am happy with my spirituality. I don’t need someone to tell me what they think I should do. That’s why we need to be open.

I kind of went off topic and to answer the question simply, yes, I have been spiritually awakened and it was the greatest thing to ever happen to me. How was yours?

Day 133 - A Year of Spirituality - Once You Are Living in Heart of Compassion

Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

Lesson 133: Once You Are Living in Heart of Compassion...

As we’re opening the passages of the heart, our lives begin to take a shift - worries fade away, synchronicities come up on our path, happiness flows through, we start to weave inner peace. Today we are to write down three ways in which our lives have changed since starting this course, from when we moved from the passage of pain to the passage of compassion of the heart.

I think one thing that has changed in my life is knowing that I can do anything I want to in my life. It’s this changing belief that I had of being too old to achieve anything. That’s a limiting belief I had on myself that didn’t serve me. I know with hard work, I can do anything I set my mind to.

A second thing I’ve seen change in my life is my perspective on life and myself. It’s like the blinders have been lifted off my eyes. I used to live in a material world – had to buy all the cute clothes, had to have all the makeup… whatever it was, I just lived a really consumerist life. Nowadays, I’m trying to live my life with more conscious awareness. I’m trying to think of the global issues that impact the world and my part in it and how I can minimise my impact. I’m trying to be more aware of issues that people face that aren’t my own.

A third thing that has changed my life is that even though I’m awakened and others aren’t, that’s okay. People will open to a greater consciousness when they are meant to and when they are ready. I don’t speak about my path unless someone asks about it. I don’t like being forceful or a preacher in anyway. I like to be open to all people and their beliefs. I don’t try and convince people to follow a path I follow. I just want people to think about something that’s larger than themselves, whether it’s the Universe, a deity, nature, God, Angels, the Earth... I feel like there is so much insight when you think about something beyond yourself and the power that can bring. It’s uplifting for yourself and then has the potential to spread to others. That’s quite magical when you think about it.

What do you see when you’ve opened your heart?

Day 129 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - When You Have Compassion

Photo by Yavor Punchev on Unsplash

Photo by Yavor Punchev on Unsplash

Lesson 129: When You Have Compassion...

Compassion…. It makes everything simple and easy when you hold it for yourself and others. That is the message of today. When you raise the vibration like this, there is no sadness, no anger, no frustration, no pain… All we have to do is close our eyes and ask the Divine for it. It’s as simple as that.

When I closed my eyes, I just asked the Universe to bless me. I spoke out loud that I’m only human and I make mistakes. I asked that I can always hold compassion for myself like I hold for others. I need to know to forgive myself. Yes, sometimes I make silly decisions but I always learn. It’s okay to make silly decisions as long as I learn from them. I am not perfect. No one is. I can be there for myself and I can be there for others.

As I was doing this, it really felt like everything was going to be okay. Like an unspoken reassurance. If I’m open, I can do anything.

Day 126 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - It is Not About Gaining Control

Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

Lesson 126: It is Not About Gaining Control...

Today is about looking into of our emotions - recognising that they are in different states of vibration, but all in the path to opening our hearts. We are to close our eyes and feel our emotions now. We are to note where we feel stuck or where we have expanded. We might realise we’re in a different place to what we think.

Firstly, I felt love - the love I have more myself is far greater than it ever has been, and in turn, I have a lot more love for others. I think all the work I have been doing to accept myself, and really discovering the answers I seek on my own, have opened me up to things I never thought possible. That definitely has come down to some self-love and working through situations of the past.

There’s still some anger within me but that’s more frustration at myself. I have trouble setting routine for things that I actually want to learn or set aside time for. Though this seems to stem from frustrations at work draining me and I just want to move into my new role that was announced in December 2017. With that draining me, I am exhausted for any sort of activity on most days. This is something I am still working on.

Sadness seems to loom but not from past trauma. Or maybe I confuse this with worry. There seems to be some thoughts around loneliness and not being able to find someone to share my life with. This isn’t something that parades in my mind often. I know I have a lot of work to do in my life and this part of my life gets pushed to the back. So maybe, it’s about finding that balance to let someone in. I know I don’t make time for this so maybe that’s on me. Still got figuring out to do in the love department.

Envy is something I hold but not in the way people think. I look upon others who don’t realise that they have really great lives and aren’t grateful for what they have. A lot of people take for granted who and what is in their lives, and I think that bugs me. People don’t realise how lucky they are.

There is no pain, so I’m grateful for that. What I have learned is that I can deal with pain and overcome anything by facing the pain.

I don’t hold the fears I used to by entering my spiritual path. I think the only thing that holds me back is my self-doubt though I am working on this.

Apart from this, nothing else comes to mind. I thought this was a good exercise to really understand the inner workings of me and come to some realisations of what needs work?

How did you go?