Day 233 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Opening Into the Heart of Connection...

Photo by Trevin Rudy on Unsplash

Photo by Trevin Rudy on Unsplash

Lesson 233: Opening Into the Heart of Connection...

When we open ourselves to the passage of connection, it allows an awakening for us. We expand spiritually. This comes from the understanding of “One”. We are all One. Today we are to think about our own spiritual awakening and if you haven’t reached that stage yet, do you want to be awakened?

I feel like this is a repeated question that I’ve answered in the previous passages of the heart. I think anyone reading this right now, knows that I have had a spiritual awakening. It was during a time of tragedy but I was shown in such a beautiful way that there was something much larger than myself. I think I needed to be awakened at the right time. I felt like I had inklings as a child that I was spiritually inclined away from Catholicism, though I don’t think I would have been ready to accept what I do as an adult. I believe in the other side but not what I was traditionally taught. I believe in a collective of Gods and Goddesses and not of just one God. I believe a great power in the Universe. I believe in spirits that can teach you from the other side. I believe in the energy and power of magick that I perform through witchcraft and ritual.

You’re probably wondering how I know if anything I believe in is true? It’s weird, but it’s just a knowing and having faith in what I believe in. I don’t necessarily believe in everything that people teach me and what I’ve learned on my own, but there is like this instinct within me based on my own experience that makes whatever I believe is real. I can see people on the other side, I can connect with various deities, I can access my higher self and have had the Universe answer me directly. Some people call it God, God is One (and everything), we are children of God and that God is touching my life. I don’t believe in one encompassing ruling power – I’ve always had this thought in my head that there is a collective power. What that collective power is how we are all One connecting energy, that also transcends time and space, which allows me to see beyond our immediate plane that connects with other beings. With this combined power of One from all these planes and beings, as well as the Universe, to me I see it as a collective. If I can see into another world, so to speak, how would one explain it? Some people may think it’s an explosive imagination or that I’m crazy, though what if it’s not? If I have undeniable faith in what I believe, does it make it less real than someone else’s beliefs?

I believe that we are all awakened in our own way. We find our path and the journey is ours alone. I would not discount someone else’s experience because it isn’t the same as my own. What I do have a problem is people imposing their views on me when I am happy with my spirituality. I don’t need someone to tell me what they think I should do. That’s why we need to be open.

I kind of went off topic and to answer the question simply, yes, I have been spiritually awakened and it was the greatest thing to ever happen to me. How was yours?

Day 233 - A Year to Clear - The Renewing Magic of Grace

Photo by Tim Foster on Unsplash

Photo by Tim Foster on Unsplash

Lesson 233: The Renewing Magic of Grace

Today’s lesson goes through those moments when we get sick and start to bombard our minds with worst case scenarios, or just thoughts about not wanting to be sick. We sometimes try so hard to resist the sickness and hating life when sick, when sometimes it’s telling us a wider message that is needed. Stephanie Bennett Vogt talks about how we could let those thoughts cycle around or we can detach from it. By surrendering in this way, you will find a stillness come about. Rather than fight, it’s a letting go and just being. By letting go in this way, you may feel “The enveloping, quieting, renewing magic. . . of grace." Today we are to think of a time when we experienced deep stillness and what did it feel like. Is it something you find yourself doing often?

I find deep stillness when I meditate. It’s something I do weekly and it’s something I do to close off from the world for a moment. I could do it more often for sure but sometimes I find I get my questions during my meditations than answers. It’s good for relaxing as I feel refreshed once doing it and I cultivate that stillness in this way. Another more recent example of stillness I had, was taking some time out of work just to be away from work. I had all these plans I wanted to do whilst on leave, especially for my business, but I got this strong feeling that I wasn’t supposed to do that. I was to surrender to rest. I just needed some sleep and to allow that rest in. I felt like I didn’t have enough time off actually. My mind and body had another plan for me, so I just surrendered to what it needed rather than what I thought I needed to do.

Embrace the art of letting go and detachment in order to bring in stillness. It’s all part of our self-care too.