Day 176 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Person Who is Oversated...

Lesson 176: The Person Who is Oversated...

The person who is oversated stuffs him or herself in an attempt to feel more. The person who overindulges keeps trying to eat, drink, use drugs, smoke more—but after a certain point, it does not satisfy.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to think about when we eat, drink, use drugs or take meds, to take notice of how it feels. Does it bring relief? We are not to judge and to just notice how we feel.


I’ll admit that sometimes when I eat, it’s like a chore. Like I’m doing it out of necessity and not getting any satisfaction from it. It’s like sometimes I wish we didn’t need to eat because then I wouldn’t have to worry about it. Then there are other times when I just want to eat all nice things and feel good because I’m indulging into food that is nice. My Monday consisted of eating 2 cookies for breakfast, going to a café and eating a twist on a bruschetta that had just way too much pesto on it, a soy hot chocolate, then in the afternoon I ate popcorn, had a really nice cocktail and ate some 2 minute noodles for dinner. Out of everything I ate and drank, I enjoyed my hot chocolate and cocktail. They were just creamy and yummy. They made me feel good. The food didn’t really bring me any relief – like I was hoping that the café food would be overly exceptional but it did not bring me joy.

So, taking in what this lesson is about, I guess there are times when we over indulge and things don’t have the same satisfaction as it used to. I guess I do sometimes eat and drink thinks to feel something to suppress another feeling. Like I might eat chocolate to feel better because I was previously sad or anxious, but it could only ever satisfy for a certain amount of time before the effects wear off. Maybe this is a lesson to be more mindful of the food and drink, or even smoke or drugs we consume and why we consume them?

Day 176 - A Year to Clear - Take Stock

Photo by Anna Utochkina on Unsplash

Lesson 176: Take Stock

New week equals a new theme and this weeks is “Moving Forward”. I have made it halfway. Hit some road bumps in trying to post daily but it doesn’t bother me at the same time. I just trust that I will make it work.

It really is a time to reflect how I’ve grown since the start of the year. I find that I definitely have changed and try to create a positive world around me. Don’t get me wrong, I know negative shit happens all the time, but I think the way I approach what comes my way better. If I can go to the deepest depths of the dark parts of me, face them and come out to see the light, to me, that’s an achievement in itself. I feel like I can face anything and accomplish anything I set my mind to. Sometimes I do lack in physical clearing, though my focus has actually been to clear the looming thoughts in my mind or turn them around to be more useful for me. I think bringing self-awareness into any activity has been my saving grace. For example, if I’m angry, why am I angry? Is there something I can do to change my thought process? Can I change the outcome? Can I dissolve these feelings and really think about what I’m going to say to prevent hurt? I think I’ve grown in this way. And the amazing thing is, it helps with my beliefs, perception and understanding. Everything I learn, I hope to impact even just one person with the wisdom I gain. I think that’s what I’m here to do and as I keep learning and growing, I know that I will do this.

My experience so far has been eye opening, not only to my inner world but how I view everyone and everything. I feel more spiritually awakened and I feel like I’m becoming my truest self. I like sharing my journey and hope that others can learn from me too.