Day 181 - A Year to Clear - What IS Working?

Photo by Cristian Escobar on Unsplash

Lesson 181: What IS Working?

Today we are to make a list of what is working in our lives. Then, from there we are to choose one and focus our attention on it even if uncomfortable feelings start to arise from it.

My list of what’s working in my life:

·         Spirituality

·         Meditation

·         Dance

·         Card reading

·         Witchcraft

·         Divination

·         Mediumship

·         Living through experience

I kind of focus on all of these and to just focus on one is a no can do in my eyes. I go to dance class on Mondays and that was my main focus as I had a performance to prepare for. In July there won’t be as much of a focus as I don’t have a performance, though it’s still important.

I live through experience because I think I really got so caught up in my past relationship in my twenties, that I didn’t really live my life. That’s a massive truth bomb if I ever let it drop. I didn’t travel. I didn’t do anything I wanted to do. I didn’t even dream. So, I decided last year that I wouldn’t take any moment for granted. That in every moment, I could experience something. This is something I hold with great value.

My spirituality is linked to everything else – meditation, witchcraft, all the types of psychic readings I do. I feel like this is just part of my life and although I don’t necessarily have one focus, they all interweave with one another. From this, I want to start my own business so I guess that would be my main focus in the upcoming months. I take my spirituality seriously and think I have skills that I opened myself up to, which I don’t want to turn back on. I am still expanding and developing and this is a natural part of my life.

So, I guess I will set up my business as my main focus but it really integrates everything that I am doing in my life. What is on your list and what do you want to focus on?

Day 181 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Physical Body Can...

Photo by Henri Pham on Unsplash

Photo by Henri Pham on Unsplash

Lesson 181: The Physical Body Can...

The physical body can change in an instant, but mostly, it changes slowly; you eat a meal, and feel one way. You sleep, and feel another. The emotional body can change in milliseconds, riding up one wave of emotion and down the other. The waves are not true: they are just the movement of energy, up or down.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to thinking about what we do when we have a rise or decline in emotion. What do we do to make ourselves balanced again when that emotion doesn’t serve you anymore?

I personally take deep breaths in and then breathing out. I actually do a lot of visualisation that the air I breathe in is some energising white light and what I breathe out is all the anxiety, pain, frustration etc that goes back out into the Universe. That’s what I try first.

Other times I just watch TV or listen to music to just take my mind away from things because then I don’t have to use brain power thinking about anything. Sometimes it’s just nice to have these outlets to get lost in for a moment.

Another thing I do to rebalance is meditation or just simply asking the Universe to take what doesn’t serve me away. I think simply by asking it to not be in my mind anymore and asking my guides to help me, makes a difference. Then I usually sleep on it and I don’t have so much emotions the next day.

These methods are all my methods of trying to rebalance – what are yours?