Day 233 - A Year to Clear - The Renewing Magic of Grace

Photo by Tim Foster on Unsplash

Photo by Tim Foster on Unsplash

Lesson 233: The Renewing Magic of Grace

Today’s lesson goes through those moments when we get sick and start to bombard our minds with worst case scenarios, or just thoughts about not wanting to be sick. We sometimes try so hard to resist the sickness and hating life when sick, when sometimes it’s telling us a wider message that is needed. Stephanie Bennett Vogt talks about how we could let those thoughts cycle around or we can detach from it. By surrendering in this way, you will find a stillness come about. Rather than fight, it’s a letting go and just being. By letting go in this way, you may feel “The enveloping, quieting, renewing magic. . . of grace." Today we are to think of a time when we experienced deep stillness and what did it feel like. Is it something you find yourself doing often?

I find deep stillness when I meditate. It’s something I do weekly and it’s something I do to close off from the world for a moment. I could do it more often for sure but sometimes I find I get my questions during my meditations than answers. It’s good for relaxing as I feel refreshed once doing it and I cultivate that stillness in this way. Another more recent example of stillness I had, was taking some time out of work just to be away from work. I had all these plans I wanted to do whilst on leave, especially for my business, but I got this strong feeling that I wasn’t supposed to do that. I was to surrender to rest. I just needed some sleep and to allow that rest in. I felt like I didn’t have enough time off actually. My mind and body had another plan for me, so I just surrendered to what it needed rather than what I thought I needed to do.

Embrace the art of letting go and detachment in order to bring in stillness. It’s all part of our self-care too.

Day 196 - A Year to Clear - Check In WEEK 28 - Living Imperfectly

Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash

Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash

Lesson 196: Check In WEEK 28 - Living Imperfectly

This week was all about not being in control of everything. If we made a mistake, we should still honour ourselves. It’s okay to make mistakes and know that no one is perfect. I think the biggest challenge for me was making a mistake and leaving it. I am the type of person to fix it if it’s my fault. I think this week is all a reminder that we all live imperfect lives and that no one has a perfect life. If we trust that the Universe has our backs, then it will always work out. The Universe is always leading us onto the right path, even when we feel like it’s failing in areas. I think that’s been my massive change this year – realising that some things are within my control but some things just aren’t. What I can do is use more awareness to realise that not everything is within my control and to allow it to run it’s course and teach me the lesson. It’s about appreciating all the parts of me, flaws and all that permits space to open up that allows my truth to flow through.

Day 169 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - When You First Begin...

Lesson 169: When You First Begin...

When we choose to raise our vibration and frequency there is an energy shift. This can come in both physical and mental. There may be times when you getting sick, your muscles are sore, your head hurts and you start to see your emotions change in new ways. You might not realise that your body responds in this way for the energy shift. Today we are to see how we are feeling today. Do you feel different? You should feel different because each new day equals a new set of energy.

Although I feel drained, I feel good. Life is good for me at the moment and although I stress over silly things, deep down I know everything will work out. I know there is a plan for me and I need to get hard at work on it. Overall my life is good. I am fortunate to be in the life that I have. I think everyone has a purpose and it’s about finding your true path in your own way. I think when I got awakened, it just set me onto the best path. There aren’t always the right words to describe what I’m feeling. I’m just happy to be where I am and just letting it all play out.

How do you feel today?

Day 165 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Energy Vibrates at...

Photo by on Unsplash

Lesson 165: Energy Vibrates at...

Energy vibrates at a frequency. This is the same thing, using different words, as saying that consciousness unfolds.
— Sara Wiseman

So, today I am to see take a moment of reflection and see what energy shifts have taken place since I started this course and what my vibration is like.

I have taken my life in a completely different direction to what I thought I would. I didn’t know what I wanted to ultimately do in life but since starting my spiritual path, I know what I need to do. I think the most part is truly accepting myself and knowing that there is a higher purpose for me and I have to work hard to achieve that. I think I am living my best life and I have this path I’m on to thank. What I have noticed is that I want to try and understand people better. I am more patient and tolerant that I have ever been before. I do have my angry outbursts at times but I become aware of my actions and try to dial it back. I think I am so much more self-aware than I ever have been and that’s a good thing! I think the major lesson so far is to have more compassion of self as I do for others. This is ultimately what I believe makes the world a better place and when we can forgive ourselves, it makes it easier to be kind to others. I know I want to help people in this world in my own way. I feel like I’m vibrating at a higher level than I was a year ago. It’s amazing how you can change in a year to the complete opposite of what you were. I was awakened and I never looked back. I know there are even more good things to come and I am going to make it happen.

Day 162 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Raising Vibration is Shifting...

Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

Lesson 162: Raising Vibration is Shifting...

Today we are to raise our vibration. In doing this, it allows a change in consciousness and has a flow on effect on the heart. When we do this, it allows joy and love to enter. True bliss is something we can all achieve. It is possible for each and every one of us!

Ask yourself if you’re ready to raise the vibration. If you don’t know how, ask the Divine to help. See what happens for you.

My Monday consisted of going to a Mind, Body and Spirit festival, catching up on sleep as I got run down with my busy weekend, going to belly dance class and then catching up on blog posts. I think what does raise my vibration is going to events or being around people that are spiritual. I feel my best when I am around people like me. I think that’s all I can ask for and I receive.

My belly dance class is a form of exercise for me to get some activity in and I do feel better for it after class. I also have a performance with my class in a few weeks so that’s going to lift me up and give me some more confidence by pushing comfort zones.

I think I am raising my own vibration in different ways and it’s to bring the joy I want in my life. They are small now though they serve a larger purpose in a bigger picture. My aim is to focus on my own vibration and then one day help others. I keep working hard to wards this goal and it will happen because I am determined.

How did you raise your vibration today?