Day 296 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - We best understand...

Lesson 296: We Best Understand...

…when we humanise everything. If a guide or angel appears to us, it would be something we can comprehend – for example, wings, a long dress, flowing hair. In actual fact, they aren’t really in this shape or form but appear in this way so we can accept them because that’s what we’ve been taught. Today we are to think about if a guide or angel appeared to us, what do you think they would look like? What kind of clothing would they be wearing? Close your eyes and connect and see what happens.

I have all my guides appear in a humanised way. My angels have wings and look like what I’ve been taught they look like from religious texts. My animal guides are exactly that, animals. my grand parents appear exactly how they looked like in their human life. I have guides that take on human form even though they are not human – they are higher beings. Even gods and goddesses that appear are in human form though they could be balls of energy in true form for all I know. Each entity has their own personality. I think the guides that lived on Earth are more relatable as they know what it’s like to be human. All the other guides are just trying to connect so that my mind can comprehend what they are. I am not sure if they will ever show true form. They may show me when I am ready. Some of my guides are serious. Some are playful. Some are here to support me. Some are here to guide me through my path. I think each has their own jobs to do and assume the roles that they were given.

What did you find with your guides?

Day 169 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - When You First Begin...

Lesson 169: When You First Begin...

When we choose to raise our vibration and frequency there is an energy shift. This can come in both physical and mental. There may be times when you getting sick, your muscles are sore, your head hurts and you start to see your emotions change in new ways. You might not realise that your body responds in this way for the energy shift. Today we are to see how we are feeling today. Do you feel different? You should feel different because each new day equals a new set of energy.

Although I feel drained, I feel good. Life is good for me at the moment and although I stress over silly things, deep down I know everything will work out. I know there is a plan for me and I need to get hard at work on it. Overall my life is good. I am fortunate to be in the life that I have. I think everyone has a purpose and it’s about finding your true path in your own way. I think when I got awakened, it just set me onto the best path. There aren’t always the right words to describe what I’m feeling. I’m just happy to be where I am and just letting it all play out.

How do you feel today?

Day 123 - A Year to Clear - Strings Attached

Photo by Alex Satriani on Unsplash

Lesson 123: Strings Attached

Imagine this: one object that you don’t use or love equals one invisible string. A negative thought equals another. Same negative thoughts, addictions, unmitigated fear, painful memories cycled over and over again equals a stringy mess.

A stringy mess that we spin out of our energy field like a spider’s web.
— Stephanie Bennett Vogt

Going through the exercise, I thought “what a mess!” and then I thought “everyone’s head must be a mess too”. If all our thoughts and clutter were attached to string, there would be string everywhere! I guess the only comfort I gain from that exercise is that web’s can be destroyed and don’t last forever right? We can destroy our web if we work through all the clutter. We can slowly make the strings go away. In my mess of an apartment, I know this to be true. I think my problem is getting side-tracked all the time. I’ve been busy lately so I can get inconsistent in physical clearing but I make it a point to be more mindful, which is an attempt to clear the silly thoughts in my head. We can really just let it go but only with consistent efforts. I need to get my consistency going again for sure. Like anything, we all have our ups and downs.


If that exercise made you stressed, remember to stop and breathe through it. That web doesn’t define us. Everything will slowly clear as we continue on this journey.

Day 101 - A Year to Clear - Like Attracts Like

Photo by Aaron Kato on Unsplash

Photo by Aaron Kato on Unsplash

Lesson 101: Like Attracts Like

Today is all about your vibration and what you can attract. All of this is within our power. Such thoughts like “I’m worried about my future” “I don’t have enough” “why are bad things always happening to me?” etc are going to do what exactly? Attract that of the same frequency. It’s very much put out a good thought and let good things happen and fall into place. Have thoughts such as “I have enough” “I trust in the Universe and it’s plan” “I have faith that good things come when I need it” etc and see the vibration change. We attract what we put out. So empower yourself and then see how your life changes. This is your choice and no one else’s. Always remember that you are in control. Send out some good vibrations today and notice your feelings inside.