Energy Oracle Cards - Storm Warning

Energy Oracle Cards Storm Warning

Storm Warning

Apologies on the lateness. I had a very busy weekend and catching up on posts from Saturday. Sometimes friends need you more than blog posts do.

My Interpretation of the Card


This card has appeared today as there is a storm coming. Brace yourself, as this may be a tumultuous time with your friend, family or partner. Disagreements and arguments will ensue. Whether it’s something that has been brewing inside you for some time and you need to let it out, or someone is coming to bring some bad news or potentially an argument towards you, there is something coming. Try and keep calm during this time and seek guidance if required. Sometimes it’s just a matter of keeping a level head to get through this rocky time.


This card has come today to show you are grounded after a rocky time. The storm has come and passed. Take the time to relax and reflect from the storm passing. You will find the stillness will follow. Don’t hold onto any residual feelings from that passing. If anything, it was a lesson that you can learn from. It may have been something heavy you had to deal with, but feel the weight lifted off your shoulders. Know that you can triumph over anything.

Energy Oracle Cards Storm Warning

Guidebook meaning - Summarised

Clouds on the Horizon


This card indicates some difficulty about to arise. This may be both internal and external. The difficulty is coming but you need to be aware of it but don’t be scared of it. Try to approach the issue with calm and clarity, stand up and take action. Even though the storm will pass, you always have the power to handle whatever comes to you.


This card in reversed indicates that the hard times are now behind you or you are starting to see it slowly fall away. This is a time for reflecting and setting new intentions for you. Do you recognise the lesson from that difficulty? There is light ahead and it is up to you to direct yourself onto this new path.

**Please note, I did not want to copy Sandra Anne Taylor's meaning literally to my blog as that's copyrighted information so I supplied a summary instead.  

Energy Oracle Cards Storm Warning

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

Didn't think about internal conflict for the upright position. Spot on with the reversed meaning. Thought I did well in general on this card.


To purchase the Energy Oracle cards, you can click on the pic below and be redirected to Amazon. Please note that it is an affiliate link that will pay me a small commission if you purchase and will be no extra cost to you.