Energy Oracle Cards - Broken Heart

Energy Oracle Cards Broken Heart

Broken Heart

My Interpretation of the Card


You have been wronged dearly by a friend, family member or partner. However they wronged you, has left you broken in your heart. By allowing this heart break to continue, your essence starts to seep out. You need to repair this situation in order to get your heart back on the mend. There is some healing that needs to occur, so look at the situation and see what can be resolved, so your heart can be whole again. You have the power to repair your heart and love again. There may not be a chance the relationship with that particular person can be repaired but with healing and asking the universe for guidance, will you triumph out of the heartbreak. You are not your true self if you continue to let this situation impact you. This card appearing today may also indicate some self love that needs to occur. Don't neglect yourself and the self care you need. We can only love others when we love ourselves first.


This card in reversed means you may have had a heart break but you are on the way from moving past it. You have had the time to heal, mend your heart from the wound and keep your essence. You are moving forward, dealing with the heart break, accepting it and dealing with the situation. You are able to recognise that what happened may not have made sense at the time but you're growing from it. You are making your heart whole again, with self love and you will love another again. You are able to forgive the situation or person that wronged you and want to start putting life back together. Look forward to the opportunities that come about when it comes to matters of the heart. Don't close yourself off to love when it comes about.

Energy Oracle Cards Broken Heart

Guidebook meaning - Summarised

Grief and Loss

This card shows a heart broken, from hurt long ago, or of more recent occurrences. This calls for some deep healing as you may be filled with deep grief, emptiness and a darkness startign to sink in. Wehterh you need to express your feelings with a close friend, release your feelings of this heart break. Make self care a priority and let go of old experiences and memories, open your heart tothe divine to get back to your true self.

The reversed card marks a time for renewal from leaving the pain behind you. Whatever hurt you in the past is now in the past and you're moving forward. You can open yourself to the universe and receive all the better things that lie ahead for you. Let go of all the grief and trauma you experience and start living with new intention. Once you can trust in what the universe has in store for you, then good things will follow.


**Please note, I did not want to copy Sandra Anne Taylor's meaning literally to my blog as that's copyrighted information so I supplied a summary instead.   

Energy Oracle Cards Broken Heart

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook
Thought this was one of the easier cards to interpret. I thought the picture on the card really displayed what the meaning was which in turn made it easy to read. Good effort today.


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