Energy Oracle Cards - Cornucopia

Energy Oracle Cards Cornucopia


My Interpretation of the Card


Cornucopia or the “Horn of Plenty” indicates a time of nurturing and abundance. This card shows so much brightness and fullness of life. You are going to flourish! There are so many good things coming your way or you will start seeing good things popping up in your life. Take time to appreciate all the positive things coming into your life. Thank the light as it guides you as well as fills your world with wonderful elements. Enjoy the riches of positivity and help spread it to others. If you have been working hard on a project, whether personal or career, see the fruits of your labour pay off. There is so much to be happy about right now.


What blocker do you have that’s stopping the natural flow of good events to occur? There is so much goodness waiting for you to receive. If you aren’t being open to the abundance, what do you need to work through in order to accomplish this? With the fruits of the Cornucopia upside down, that indicates a possible missed opportunity or you may see the fruits of your labour disrupted. Clear blockages and ask for guidance if needed. You may also have a current problem or issue that needs your particular attention. Don’t let an overthinking mind disrupt the natural flow of goodness to occur in your life.

Energy Oracle Cards Cornucopia

Guidebook meaning - Summarised

Wishes Fulfilled


The cornucopia is a gift from the univserse that can come in various ways of fulfilment. Whether it’s a new romance, financial gain, job satisfaction etc. You will have great blessings, some from your own hard work and this is your pay off. You have harvested your time and energy in various ways and the universe recognises that. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed.


The cornucopia reversed marks a time of much personal frustration. You are disheartened that you wishes are not granted and like the world is falling around you. It may take some patience and consistent action on your part to overcome the obstacles that are blocking your path. There may be a lesson that you need to learn in order to progress so be more open and mindful. This card may also indicate a time of bad cycles continually processing or a period of loss. It may require to search deeper within your feelings to move forward. 

**Please note, I did not want to copy Sandra Anne Taylor's meaning literally to my blog as that's copyrighted information so I supplied a summary instead.  

Energy Oracle Cards Cornucopia

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

Felt like my upright reading was quite bang on. Reverse was fairly close though I didn't really get messages of loss and possible grief. I just felt a natural flow of events might be disrupted and could see those fruits falling down if blockages aren't clear. Good effort.


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