Day 137 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Once You Have Gone Through...

Photo by Michael Fenton on Unsplash

Lesson 137: Once You Have Gone Through These Two Particular Doors...

Once you have gone through these two particular doors: pain and compassion, you will never go back there again. It is a one-way process, from darkness to light.
— Sara Wiseman

I have to disagree with today’s lesson, especially in reference to the passage of pain. I do think people will go back to that part of the heart, though they may be better able to manage it. For instance, if my mother died tomorrow, I’d feel pain. To suggest that you will never go back there, as in never experience it again, is incorrect in my opinion. I know I will hurt, I know I will grieve, I know I will then move forward from it… in my own time. I understand the concept of going from darkness to light, but to suggest that all darkness is eradicated, to me, is ridiculous. I think we all need to embrace our dark side in order to learn how to move forward. To me, we will be forever going through cycles of dark and light, though to suggest that we should always remain in the light does not suggest growth to me. In fact, to me it suggests ignorance to the fact that darkness is always within us and is integral to our own make up.

I actually do not like when lessons teach the light, the light, the light. We need to acknowledge the dark side. We all have it. Sometimes it takes over for sure, but it’s in those situations that we need to feed it light, in order to maintain balance. Sure, you can just live in the light and be ignorant to the darkness, but that suggests to me that you won’t be well equipped to deal with difficult situations when they arise. It’s from the darkness we learn things about ourselves and then be able to face those challenging situations we didn’t think we could handle.

I actually like the thought of having compassion and not being any other way. I think from this lesson, that’s the part I agree with. I think if we all had more compassion, we could work better with one another. I think the world would operate in a much more peaceful state.

It’s evident here that this lesson has challenged me and I’m not about to conform to just the light side of things. I feel light and dark is a cycle – some cycles being more profound than others. I don’t think pain is something to ever get rid of. I think it’s important to feel it in order to grow. Like my example from the first paragraph, I know pain will come again one day whether I like it or not, though the way I handle it will be much better than before. This is just my opinion, and you can agree or disagree, as I know there would be a divide on a matter like this.

Day 110 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Everything That is Material

Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

Lesson 110: Everything That is Material...

There is one truth in this life – how far, wide, much we can open our hearts. We tend to distract ourselves with sometimes mindless things. This can range from social media, physical items, certain friends and addictions.  These are said to just be distractions from our true heart’s purpose. We’ve been through the first passage of pain and really built our compassion in the second passage. Do you find that you may still be dealing with pain and made good attempts to be more compassionate? The third passage is connection. Are you there yet? Doesn’t matter what your answer is because we are always at the right place when we’re meant to be.

For me, I don’t have pain to deal with, or rather I should say I have dealt with it. I am learning to be more compassionate because I want to be more understanding of others. We don’t know another’s struggles and therefore shouldn’t judge. We all definitely don’t have the same opinions, so we need to be more tolerant of each other. We also need to care more about others, once we’ve got to a good point ourselves. These are all the lessons I’ve learned so far in the compassion passage of the heart. I still think I got more compassion to learn, but I’m open to the next phase of connection.

I strive for more connection in the sense of having more substantial life progressing experiences. I want more people that I have a sense of community with. They may have the same causes and ideals as where I am at in life right now. So I have actively tried to find these people and asked the Universe for it. I stopped ignoring signs and took a chance at establishing friendships. They have not failed me so far. It’s hard to find people that are on my spiritual path and when I do find them, I have to savour that because I have a lot to learn from them also. You just never know how long the connection will be around for either, so don’t take for granted the time I have with these people. It’s from here that I want to expand to helping people once I think I’ve gained the knowledge to do that. I help people now in various ways but I one day want to make it on a grander scale. So in relation to this lesson, I think I am soooooo open to connection.

Where do you think you are currently?

Day 103 - A Year of Spirituality - Cracking Open

Photo by Faye Cornish on Unsplash

Photo by Faye Cornish on Unsplash

Lesson 103: This Cracking Open Into the Heart of Compassion...

Today is all about holding compassion for yourself for 5 minutes. I think everyone can do this. Think about a mistake you made or if you had a bad thought and just hold compassion. Doesn’t take long. Everyone has 5 minutes right? Don’t consider yourself unworthy but trust in the Divine. Let the healing come to you because you deserve it as much as the next person! Allow your heart to be open and let it in.

I decided to hold compassion for myself for some dumb weird thoughts I had. I think as humans we have some real messed up thoughts just based on our surroundings, conditioning and influences. Sometimes we need to challenge those thoughts really. Anyway, I imagine white light filling me. There is a hand on my shoulder indicating that it’s okay to mess up sometimes. And I just think about the light healing me so I can move forward.

How did you go with compassion for self?

Day 85 - A Year of Spirituality - In the Second Passage...

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Lesson 85: In the Second Passage...

Still focusing on the second passage of compassion, we need to not only have compassion for others but definitely need it for ourselves. There is no greater way to love others until you love yourself. Not easily done by some and it cane really take some time. I think when people focus on themselves, it’s really the right steps in getting some real self-love and care. Today’s lesson is all about writing about how you love yourself.

I must admit, I didn’t always love myself and I think we sometimes fall, even when we focus on ourselves. That’s totally okay in my opinion. As long as you can pick yourself back up again. Sometimes it’s just about paying yourself compliments like,” I really love my hair today” “I look really good in this outfit”. Whatever it is, just go with it.

I really love my life at the moment. I feel that everything is finally falling into place and synchronicities are taking place. The signs are there and it’s about recognising them and following them. I really love the tracks I’m making on different areas and goals. I like the efforts I’m making in building myself into a healthier and truer version of myself. I love that I’m achieving more than I ever have and comfortable in myself in seeking out what I want in life. I got a good head on my shoulders and feeling good in the direction I’m going. The only way is up and I’m going to get to the top!