Day 199 - A Year to Clear - Get On With Your Growing

Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

Lesson 199: Get On With Your Growing

It just ain’t possible to explain some things. It’s interesting to wonder on them and do some speculation, but the main thing is you have to accept it — take it for what it is and get on with your growing.
— Jim Dodge

Today we are to accept one thing that allows us to get on with our growing. It doesn’t have to be the biggest change because even the smallest changes can make a huge difference in our lives.

One thing I accept that allows me to grow, is that I don’t have all the answers to everything and that’s okay. I sometimes feel like I should be more knowledgeable or that I’m not adequate around people who are having intellectual conversation. But that’s not to say that I can’t learn through my own study and reading. I think if I’m willing to learn then that’s a good step towards growth, rather than shutting down/closing off to new ideas. I think when I listen to others speak, they can sometimes just blow my mind because they know about the source material of the discussion than what I can contribute. I think in those moments I just need to remind myself to take a step back and listen because these people can teach me. I really need to stop discounting myself and my input. I just admit I might not know everything about a subject but doesn’t mean I’m not willing to learn. This is part of my growth and I can only expand from here. How about you?

Day 190 - A Year to Clear - Mess Up

Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash

Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash

Lesson 190: Mess Up

The most powerful teaching moments are the ones where you screw up.
— Brene Brown

New week equals a new theme and we have “Living Imperfectly.”

It seems that we will be looking at our mistakes and how we live with them but also admit to them. If someone makes a mistake, do you let it be or do you let it be known? If you make a mistake, do you punish yourself for it or do you grow? I like to think mistakes are a good way of learning and growing. I don’t think that life is all about having a smooth path. There are always going to be bumps in the road and when applied in a clearing path, it’s detaching from that feeling that weighs you down from a mistake. We all have the ability to clear those feelings if we choose.

Day 173 - A Year to Clear - What Clearing Can Look and Feel Like

Photo by Thanh Tran on Unsplash

Photo by Thanh Tran on Unsplash

Lesson 173: What Clearing Can Look and Feel Like

Don’t turn away. Keep your gaze on the bandaged place. That is where the light enters you.
— Rumi

Today’s lesson is Stephanie Bennett Vogt recounting a tale of how a Thanksgiving holiday didn’t go to plan. I don’t want to recall the story because I want to state the overall message. As I’m doing this clearing course, it’s changed the way I approach things in my life. Basically, when something usually upsets you, it’s about how you can take another approach in your reaction. You can let the anger brew, the sadness or the frustration take over. The alternative is to look at the situation as an observer. How can you let that “storm” inside dissipate? It’s about being aware of those feelings that make you feel bad and help to clear them. Face the feelings and help clear out that negative energy. We can all take a step back with any reaction we have. It’s analysing your feelings and turning them around. I like to just imagine white light cleansing the space where my feelings are. I think by letting it go, it opens me up for more positive vibes.

I think this clearing course has really allowed me to take another approach in my feelings but also give me more understanding for others. I think when I don’t let my emotions take over and can be more aware, I don’t feel all that shit energy hang around. The more I clear the negative, the more I can attract good things. We all have the power to do this and bring in that mindset into our lives. We just need to be more aware and move forward when we have to.

Day 111 - A Year to Clear - Throw Your Dreams Into Space

Photo by Valentin Polo on Unsplash

Photo by Valentin Polo on Unsplash

Lesson 111: Throw Your Dreams Into Space

Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country.
— Anaïs Nin

Today is about thinking of your hopes and dreams and releasing them into the Universe, the wind, to God (if you believe) or Gods & Goddesses, to the Earth… What we are doing is planting the seeds for growth. Whatever we desire, do it with intention, in hopes that it will manifest. We need to let go with fluidity as we do this. We need to ask for new signs as we grow and in ways we can recognise.

I want to have the focus to learn my light path and grow. I want to do this to help others. I think there was a sign where I was doing a workshop. We were discussing spell work in this workshop and that the Gods don’t know the difference in what coloured candle you use, and in the next room a copper vase flew off the shelf onto the floor. It was random, but it was a sign to me to keep at it… Well I took it as a sign. Weird stuff happens in that shop all the time, but never when I’m around, until now! I think my message was to keep on the path that I am on and the work I’m doing will expand in time. My growth comes in the light work I want to do and the witchcraft that will connect me with others. My growth comes in my faith that I’ve got a job to do and I have to keep working on it, in order to help others.

Day 108 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Self Loathing is the Root

Lesson 108: Self Loathing is the Root..

In society we are often falsified with images or a mentality, that we need to be perfect – we need the perfect body, we need the perfect skin, our decisions need to be perfect, our work needs to be perfect… What does this create within us when we do not achieve this perfectionism?  – self-loathing. When we are less than perfect, we start to self-sabotage ourselves with downward thoughts that we aren’t good enough and not perfect. But that isn’t true at all. The ways we’ve been conditioned grows into this belief of perfectionism but it’s really not achievable if you think about it. It’s like setting a standard so high that you are bound to fail. We need to do away with the notion that we need to be perfect. What we should understand is that we all are ever growing, ever expanding, ever learning. When we can accept this, our possibilities are boundless.

Today we are to think about what we were like 1 year ago, 5 years ago, 10 years ago…. What were you like and what did you learn? If we let go of the self-loathing, you can see you were growing during those moments.

I know I felt lost a lot of my life, especially during my twenties. I know I felt like I wasn’t good enough and wasn’t capable of achieving anything in my life. I feel like this was a common theme even from when I was a teenager though I believe it stems from being bullied and not having the confidence to do anything. I didn’t have the drive I could have but maybe I wasn’t supposed to. I think whatever I went through happened the way it was supposed to lead me to the individual I am today. I still have some negative thoughts towards myself but I’m good in correcting them or doing away with them. I think because I am self-aware in what I want, I am good at striving towards them at the pace I need to go. I have done away with any thoughts around trying to be perfect and just work hard at being the best version of myself.

so, in what ways have you grown?