Day 193 - A Year to Clear - Honoring Yourself No Matter What

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Lesson 193: Honoring Yourself No Matter What

We had to allow a mistake a happen without doing anything. To continue on with that exercise we are asked to complete the following two sentences:

  • One thing I can do right now to feel better about my mistake that honors me and my process is______
  • Some emotional weather that comes up when I consider "honoring myself" (after royally screwing up) is______


My answers:

  • One thing I can do right now to feel better about my mistake that honors me and my process is to understand and know that mistakes do happen
  • Some emotional weather that comes up when I consider "honoring myself" (after royally screwing up) is to just let it go and honour the fact that no one is perfect.

I think it’s important that in this clearing course, that we kind of start out from the get go with mistakes. We build up this clutter of physical excess which can be some regretful purchases that has overstayed it’s welcome, or we have all this mental clutter, many of which are thoughts that also are regretful in nature – we don’t mean to have those thoughts but they continually cycle through.

I’m starting to see it’s all about acceptance. The awareness I’ve learned has really opened my eyes to how I can manage my life better. It’s okay that I’ve had this lifetime of clutter as long as I’m willing to let it go.

Day 192 - A Year to Clear - Observing and Allowing Mistakes

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Lesson 192: Observing and Allowing Mistakes

Today is about making a mistake and doing nothing. That’s right… Nothing. So don’t try to fix it or manage it. Just make the mistake, allow whatever feelings to brew and let that weather pass through. It’s all about observation today.

First of all, it’s a tough act to do nothing when you make a mistake. My gut reaction is to fix it straight away. I don’t usually make mistakes because I have this sort of perfectionist mentality - that I need to try and get it right the first time so there is no points of failure.

As I trace back on my Wednesday, the only thing I forgot to do was check on a report. I had a pretty blasé attitude towards it but I wouldn’t say it’s a mistake I actually care for. Another thing I did was misinterpret a friend’s message that he was cooking dinner for himself, so I had dinner on my own and he actually wanted us to have dinner together. I mean, it didn’t really bother me either because it was a misinterpretation of a text.

I think this exercise would be more useful if I made some major mistake that wronged someone or wronged myself. I know how guilty and bad I would feel in those situations. Plus if I wasn’t allowed to fix it, those feelings would just brew until I could do something about it.

I get that the exercise is to allow awareness to come into play. I get that it’s a lesson that mistakes happen and it’s about acceptance. To do nothing would actually make me feel so uncomfortable. I am always the type to fix my stuff ups.

How did you go with this exercise?

Day 190 - A Year to Clear - Mess Up

Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash

Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash

Lesson 190: Mess Up

The most powerful teaching moments are the ones where you screw up.
— Brene Brown

New week equals a new theme and we have “Living Imperfectly.”

It seems that we will be looking at our mistakes and how we live with them but also admit to them. If someone makes a mistake, do you let it be or do you let it be known? If you make a mistake, do you punish yourself for it or do you grow? I like to think mistakes are a good way of learning and growing. I don’t think that life is all about having a smooth path. There are always going to be bumps in the road and when applied in a clearing path, it’s detaching from that feeling that weighs you down from a mistake. We all have the ability to clear those feelings if we choose.