Day 321 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - This Blissful Feeling...

Photo by Candice Picard on Unsplash

Lesson 321: This Blissful Feeling...

Every time you enter the heart of love, this is exactly what the Universe is. If we are all One with the Universe through the interconnected of all beings and energy, then we can always feel love and all the pure joy that comes with it. If you currently don’t feel enough love, what can you do to make a change in your life to allow for it to come into your heart? Think about what you can do to feel more love and see if you can practise that change.

Based on the previous lesson, it spoke of meditation and prayer that is a path to love. I think I will practise meditation every day as it is something that I do not currently do. I practise prayer and feel good when I do that, so meditation can give me a good effect also.

I think the biggest thing for me is developing more self-love. Whether that be through practises like relaxation or spending more time complimenting myself, not for the ego trip but just empowerment, it will really open channels of love to myself. I don’t need anything in my life as I am not materialistic, but it’s just continuing my spiritual practise so I can be my truest self. I think just continuing my creative projects will allow a blissful feeling to enter my heart. I think bringing joy through creativity is a big part of my 2019. I have found a room to hire in which to do art and it’s about putting that to good use. I think massive change is coming for me next year. This year is testing waters in creativity and next year is honing in on my creativity. This will help with my self-love also.

What do you need to change to have more love in your heart?

Day 321 - A Year to Clear - Mirror Meditation

Photo by Fares Hamouche on Unsplash

Lesson 321: Mirror Meditation

Today we are to stand in front a mirror and close our eyes, breathing in deeply. On each out breathe repeat “Let it all go.. just let it go… and show me your spirit” three times. Open your eyes and look at yourself. What are you noticing and do you feel you look the same as before you started the exercise? Once you have reflected, repeat the words “I exist. I matter. It is safe for me to show my true self”. How do you feel after you look at yourself once again?

When I looked at myself, I noticed that I looked young and innocent. I do think I am cute. I noticed a young girl in me even though I’m not so young. It’s nice to look at yourself with a different perspective. I think if this was a consistent practise, I would feel good every day and love myself more. I feel like the point of this lesson is to teach us that we can really be kind towards our self if we can consistently put into practise delivering kind words to ourselves.

What do you think the point of this lesson is and how did you notice yourself in the mirror after breathing out those words?