Day 259 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - In the Heart of Connection...

Lesson 259: In the Heart of Connection...

….we begin to awake. Our minds expand, our hearts expand, our transformation begins and our consciousness changes. We work in between planes from the physical to the spiritual. Today we are to ask ourselves if we can be spiritual whilst living a life on earth. Do you need to go to nature, a mountain top or go to a small village to find your spiritual self? Or can you be a spiritual being exactly where you are?

I think a spiritual life can be practised anywhere and anytime. I don’t think you need to be awakened by travelling to a particular place such as a remote tribal village, a Stonehenge tour, see the pyramids. I believe when you’re ready, you will see your spirituality when you need it. Some people don’t find it in this lifetime and that’s okay. There is no point trying to convince them because it’s not necessary. It may come in a lifetime years from now.

Being spiritual is about self and understanding your connection in everything. It’s about faith in the unknown, as well as faith in truth… your truth! I feel that spiritual awakenings are about uncovering your new life – what you will transform into. It is your path alone to discover. You don’t need someone to tell you what you should believe. It’s a discovery of self. When your consciousness changes, it definitely paints a new view on the world. I believe what’s important is that you don’t need to do something special like a spiritual retreat, or climb the highest cliff face to find it - it’s within you and it will come when you’re ready to receive. When you want to make connection, see the synchronicity grow. Allow your consciousness to take your heart and mind to the next level of connection.

Day 259 - A Year to Clear - Check In WEEK 37 - Re-Membering

Lesson 259: Check In WEEK 37 - Re-Membering

The focus this week was to use an altar to gather and mend the scattered parts of ourselves with intention, action, non-identification, and compassion; to “remember” in the best sense of the word. Altars offer an excellent way to integrate and combine these four pathways of clearing.
— Stephanie Bennett Vogt

The idea of this week was to have a space or focal point in which we could gather something to let go. I found it beneficial to have one place as a reminder of what I needed to let go. It also helps to have this one point to gather your things to serve as a reminder. It allows you to reflect on a thing, person, habit that does not serve you. You may not have the will to let it go just yet, but every day just spending time with your altar every day will allow you to grow to a point that it can be let go. The altar isn’t there to make you feel bad but serves to allow you to allow compassion on self. We all have these things we need to let go and that’s more than okay. It’s about acknowledging the need for change that is important. We don’t have to hold on forever. There will come a time when you can let go on your terms.