Day 259 - A Year to Clear - Check In WEEK 37 - Re-Membering

Lesson 259: Check In WEEK 37 - Re-Membering

The focus this week was to use an altar to gather and mend the scattered parts of ourselves with intention, action, non-identification, and compassion; to “remember” in the best sense of the word. Altars offer an excellent way to integrate and combine these four pathways of clearing.
— Stephanie Bennett Vogt

The idea of this week was to have a space or focal point in which we could gather something to let go. I found it beneficial to have one place as a reminder of what I needed to let go. It also helps to have this one point to gather your things to serve as a reminder. It allows you to reflect on a thing, person, habit that does not serve you. You may not have the will to let it go just yet, but every day just spending time with your altar every day will allow you to grow to a point that it can be let go. The altar isn’t there to make you feel bad but serves to allow you to allow compassion on self. We all have these things we need to let go and that’s more than okay. It’s about acknowledging the need for change that is important. We don’t have to hold on forever. There will come a time when you can let go on your terms.

Day 257 - A Year to Clear - Letting In, Letting Go

Photo by Jude Beck on Unsplash

Photo by Jude Beck on Unsplash

Lesson 257: Letting In, Letting Go

Today is to take a moment and reflect on the altar that we made previously for letting go. we are to fill int these sentences upon reflection:

  • It is safe for me now to let this­­­ go because______

  • One thing I can do to support and honor myself now is______



My altar is releasing some bad habits around laziness, procrastination and messiness.

  • It is safe for me now to let this­­­ go because they do not serve me well and don’t reflect my best nature

  • One thing I can do to support and honor myself now is to take small steps towards the release of these bad habits and to tell myself I’m doing well towards achieving my goals.

Day 256 - A Year to Clear - How to Create an Altar of Letting Go

Photo by Chris Lawton on Unsplash

Lesson 256: How to Create an Altar of Letting Go

Today we are to spend time with our altars of release. How does one make an altar of letting go? I will list out the method of Stephanie Bennett Vogt:

·         Find a quiet area in your home with a small table that you will be able to step away for a few minutes a day

·         Place a colourful cloth down and place your item or representation of what you want to release on this table

·         Light a candle and ask the Divine to hold space for you. you may call in God or angels if that’s what you believe in

·         Breathe in nice deep breaths and say “"May this_______________[thing, thought, aspect of myself, painful memory, relationship. . .] be fully released for the highest and best good of all concerned. And so it is. And so it shall be."

·         Notice your breathing and any emotions or feelings that come up. Nothing is right or wrong, just embrace what comes.

·         Keep visiting your altar daily. Keep practising the exercise and start to notice changes in your life for the better.

·         Once you feel that the release has happened, remove the altar. You may very well remove the item from your life or notice a bad habit be gone.


The words spoken in the steps for a release altar is essentially a spell with good intention. I think if you believe that you can live without that object, beliefs or bad habits, it allows for more openness. Release those things that don’t serve you so you can start living your best life. What have you got to lose really?

Day 255 - A Year to Clear - Altars Alter

Photo by Faith Enck on Unsplash

Photo by Faith Enck on Unsplash

Lesson 255: Altars Alter

We all use altars for moments of peace, to honour a memory, to serve a purpose, for spiritual purposes or even just simply to be a reflection of you. We tend to move them around, freshen them up or move them along. Today we are to find a space in our homes where we can spend a few minutes a day. We are to think of an item that can represent something that we are in need of release – whether it be an object, memory, piece of clothing, maybe some words written on paper.

I can’t think of anything physical that I want to release right now, so I am going to release some bad habits of mine. What I am going to do is write those bad habits on a piece of paper and set them by the window.  I feel like the window is a gateway to release. It’s open to receive but it’s open for release. My bad habits that I want to release is:

·         Procrastination towards my goals

·         Laziness

·         Messiness

I think that’s what I need to release at this point in time. Been letting go of negative thoughts and cutting cords with ex-people through visualisation, and now I feel like I need a bigger push towards my business goals and life dreams. The only way to do that is to release these bad habits I have and keep catapulting myself forward.

What is something you are in need of release of?

Day 254 - A Year to Clear - Altars Are Everywhere

Lesson 254: Altars Are Everywhere


Altars can be found everywhere and aren’t limited to religion. When you place your photo frames all in a certain way. When you arrange your flowers on a mantle. When you arrange your perfume bottles in a sequence. Or maybe you might even keep all your travel souvenirs on a shelf. These are all altars. Start to notice your altars today and see if any need to be cleared or rejuvenated. What is something you can move around today?

My don’t want to move any of my altars as I only recently placed them in my house the way they are for a reason. I have a crystal altar where I burn incense on and sometimes send well wishes from. I have my witches altar for practising my ritual and prayers. I have my book cases set up in a way that there are cushions for reading in between like a sanctuary in my hallway. My dressing table even has everything arranged by make-up type and perfume. I like how everything has been set up because I worked hard to get them this way. I do move things around when I need to because I don’t want stagnant energy lingering. For some reason my altars are more tidy than how I keep my house. Haha! Maybe because I appreciate them more because of the effort I put in.

What are your altars like?