Day 236 - A Year to Clear - The Magic In Repetition

Photo by Hello I'm Nik on Unsplash

Photo by Hello I'm Nik on Unsplash

Lesson 236: The Magic In Repetition

It’s been said repeatedly throughout the practise of clearing that repetition is key. Based on the lesson yesterday of coming up with practises to cultivate stillness, we are to choose one and practise it for 10 days. Each day, it’s about noting down how we feel.

I decided to choose my own practise of closing my eyes and just breathing in through my mouth and out through the nose. As I did this, my body started to feel fuzzy and lighter. I just focused on my breathing and nothing else. It’s easy to escape for a moment and let the worries just go away. It’s definitely a release and a way to switch off. I feel better for it. It’s like a meditation but not quite. I should be able to do this every day. I think the best time to do it would be after work, to actually separate the day from work to home life. I can be inconsistent in my clearing efforts but that’s to say I’m not practising when I can. I will try hard to complete this for 10 days.

Day 236 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Sex, as a Tantra...

Photo by Matheus Ferrero on Unsplash

Lesson 236: Sex, as a trantra...

Sex, as tantra, has been misunderstood by many of you. It is not technique or position, or even breathing. It is allowing yourself to experience Oneness, with another. This can happen in so many ways.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to think about sex being complete for us. Is there something you look for in sex that isn’t about Oneness? What is it?

As I said in yesterday’s post, I don’t know that I have experienced true connection in sex. I think it can be a beautiful experience given that it’s with the right person and it allows you to expand with that person.

I think my own experiences there have been times of passion and lust. I personally have felt used by others and felt physically ill after sex because I think I shouldn’t have given myself away so easily. I think as I’m on this spiritual path, I definitely want someone I can have true connection with. From here, sex allows to have that Oneness with that person.

FYI I am no knocking anyone who has sex for pure enjoyment, fun or passion. Based on these lessons, I’m seeing that it can be so much more – connection, Oneness, energy combined. We should all have the experience of One if we are open to it. I believe it would take connection to another level of understanding.