Day 18 - A Year to Clear - Throw Off

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Lesson 18: Throw Off

Today's lesson to me is about some visualisation. We are to imagine at the end of the day, taking off our clothes as if this is a skin that we're shedding. When we jump into our PJs or nightwear, that is to be us becoming a new person.

I can say that I already do this in different ways. When I shower, I visualise the water washing away negativity and filling me with light. The other method I use when meditating is visualising light coming from above and showering over me, as I inhale, I take a deep breath of that light and when I exhale, I breathe out black negative energy. It's like a new me every time as I feel lighter, happier and ready to go!

I guess the only difference is that I don't always do this every day. So if I were to shed away the skin of today and rest a bit lighter, it'll mean I wake up with that rejuvenated feeling. I'll try it out tonight and see how I go.

Day 18 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Forgiveness is a Cultural Idea

Photo by Evan Kirby on Unsplash

Photo by Evan Kirby on Unsplash

Lesson 18: Forgiveness is a cultural idea...

Lesson 18: Forgiveness is a cultural idea, and it is not of use to you. This may be confusing, to some of you. But consider: there is only energy, and energy is either light or dark, hot or cold, gathering or releasing, or in point of change—in process of moving between these two states.
— Sara Wiseman

OK, WTF. When I read this lesson, I honestly was confused by it. I did the exercise and that was to make a list of all the people you should have forgiven by now, take that list and rip it up, go about your day and see what happens. My day was like any other normal day. I didn't think about those people at all, I'm not sure that it really released any stuck energy - literally my day was the same.

So the only way I know how to try and tackle this lesson is to break it down. Forgiveness is a cultural idea - yes, I can see that's a construct we hold by morals and values and when those are broken by another, we may hold a grudge, a dislike, a bad memory of that person so we tend to let them vacate our lives. Forgiveness is of no use to me? Well, I don't think I've ever forgiven anyone to the magnitude of the people on my list. If it has no use to me, does that mean it shouldn't impact me? Does the mere act itself not really do anything? To me, I feel like to give forgiveness is to let go of a feeling you had stuck with a certain person. When they have wronged you and you finally get over it, or grow beyond that wrongdoing, it's a release of stuck energy. I can't be the only one who feels this?

So, we already know I believe in energy, light and dark etc etc. But in the space of forgiveness, is this lesson to teach, there are always good and bad energy roaming on this Earth, including the relationships we hold dear, so technically is forgiveness just another action flow of good and bad energy cycling around? We don't really need to do anything with it, if we let it go to the universe and let it unfold on it's own? I'm really stuck on this one but feel like I'll gain more insight as I grow along this course.