Day 206 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Witnessing of Another Soul...

Photo by Joey Yu on Unsplash

Photo by Joey Yu on Unsplash

Lesson 206: The Witnessing of Another Soul...

Sometimes we bear witness to those having a real struggle in life. We may have helped to no prevail, or sometimes it’s an acceptance, that this person is on their own path and it needs to play it’s course. What we can do in these situations is open our passage of compassion. We can give our prayers, love and energy to those so that a blessing may come their way. We can all do this with little effort. Today we are to make a list of those we have tried to help or fix, though our efforts had little impact. We are to hold compassion for these people and wish them our best.

I would like to make a list of people I’ve tried to help with minimal impact, though I feel that’s private and shouldn’t be shared. I actually do some quick prayers at night, talking to my guides about protecting me and helping those family, friends or just anyone in general who needs help, to receive it. I always wish people well and hope that some of my energy is passed onto them, and can only hope that it makes a difference in their lives. I always feel that there are more people out there that can use my help rather than me needing help. I feel like my place in life right now is at its best, so I’m always thinking that others need some help more than I do. If they ask for it, then my guides might help them. I just want the best for people, like ow I am living my best life at the moment.

Who is someone you helped out today who may have been struggling?