Messenger Oracle - Seek the Lesson

Messenger Oracle Seek the Lesson
Messenger Oracle

Messenger Oracle - Seek the Lesson

My Interpretation of the Card
We all have ups and downs in life. Most importantly is that we don’t always have to have the answers to everything and that’s more than okay. When we fall, don’t look at it as a negative but look at it as an opportunity to learn a lesson. We can learn lessons in everything we do in life. We don’t have to see moments as failures but a chance to grow. Even in our good experiences, it’s good to appreciate the lesson. Look at those around you and look at the teachings that they offer. You don’t realise that there are lessons all around you if you just wake up to them.

Guidebook Meaning - Summary
Wisdom is born from seeking the lesson in all experiences, both good and bad. It is born from the awareness that everything is connected, and that all that happens for a reason… even when the reason remains a mystery. Embrace a new idea, new awareness, or the new knowledge that comes from listening to your internal voice, and to the human and non-human teachers and messengers who will comes in, and out of your life. Let them inspire you to explore unknown pathways.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook
I think I was on the right track with this card. Happy with my efforts today. Such a beautiful card.

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A recent 2021 edition has come out for this set of oracle cards. To purchase them, click on the picture below. Again, this is an affiliate link that will pay me a small commission at no extra cost to you