Messenger Oracle - You Were Born to Create


Messenger Oracle - You Were Born to Create

My Interpretation of the Card
Work your magic into your world and that around you. You have interests and a passion that needs to go into your creativity. We are all born to create. Maybe you haven’t placed the time into your hobbies and interests because you haven’t dedicated yourself. This card has appeared today to serve as a reminder to delve into your imaginative self. It doesn’t need to be a grand masterpiece but it’s about getting your creative juices flowing. Whether you draw, you build, maybe even write… get into a routine of creation. The inspiration is all around you and within you – you just need to ignite that spark.

Guidebook Meaning - Summary
You were blessed with the ability to create with thought, intention, action and emotion. Be conscious of your power and aware of what your actions and reactions create within and around you. Cherish this gift and use it in both a wise and productive manner. Create beauty and inspire a desire within others to do the same. Create a future that both fulfils and delights. Do what you were born to do.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook
I took a different path to the guidebook meaning. I feel like the guidebook meaning is more about any action or thought is a creation and to use that self power in a good way. I went down a more creativity path. Not saying I'm wrong but just took a different path. 

This is the final card of this deck before I move onto a new deck. Will take some time to decide what I want to learn next.

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A recent 2021 edition has come out for this set of oracle cards. To purchase them, click on the picture below. Again, this is an affiliate link that will pay me a small commission at no extra cost to you